
As long as equal opportunity remains definitionally equal, I guess. I don't think competent people should be passed up for professional positions based on race or gender. It's my opinion that token positions existing just draws out attitudes that lend to tokenism.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Conservatives wrote:

LiFe Is UnFaIr
But seriously, how many of those positions were filled through nepotism and decades long deck stacking? The city is less than 40% white but the leadership is totally white. It is imbalanced and that can't last forever.

The demographic change is like being on the "ground floor of something great"

me thinking of seeing the girl at work in the morning

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-09-12 14:15:41)


For more 'elite positions' to not be dominated by white people in areas with proportionally less white people, 'discrepancy-elimination' work should be placed on increasing access across the board to quality of life improvements, better education, and access to resources and networking. I have Strong Opinions against doing nothing but occasionally lifting a non-white, or a woman, into a position of token authority/prestige for that sake alone.

Keeping in mind of course that people have been historically preferred for some of these jobs because they were white, or men.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
First off, thank you for taking the time to give your opinion as a white person. Genuinely. +1

I am sure you are aware "raising quality of life for everyone" once the whites are outnumbered will fall on deaf ears? That ship sailed awhile ago.

I'm aware that you, newbie, isn't the problem. And I am aware that most white people are okay people. I am half white after all. I am also aware that my plan would victimize some innocent people. But I and many other ambitious minorities don't want to live in deference anymore.

The Trump years have hardened my heart on this subject. Truly.

To clarify, I think QoL improvement should have been more of a national focus years ago. But instead of the idyllic post cards of eating a sandwich on the hood of your flying car overlooking a future city in harmony with the environment, there are cities with water quality inferior to what you might scoop from the muddy sumps of a WW1 trench. Water-wise, squabbling states can't reach sustainable agreements, Nestlé's stealing all it can get its hands on, and the rich continue to consume in excess of what they should in terms of their dwellings and golf courses.

And I do mean across the board. I don't think we should reject consideration of specifically millions of children living below the poverty line based on the fact that their race is overall less impacted than those of millions of other children. I don't feel good about feathering in these exceptions to account for your Trump-hardened heart as billionaires take luxury space cruises and commute via private jet. As ruthless concerns undermine one of the last bastions of affordable housing, purchasing mobile home parks and increasing rents exponentially (and if you can't afford that, good luck paying to move your house). Massive loan forgiveness and corporate bailouts, but a struggling family who relies on free lunch, or a college student under surface-of-Venus financial pressure getting some minor debt relief? Pah!

Side note, I don't think I've uploaded selfie 1 to social medias. You'd only have my word for any description of myself.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I remember you took a picture with some car part or something and posted it here.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
flannel shirt, light beard

I have a picture of a car part (I think a rusty cam shaft) somewhere but I don't think I was in the shot. I don't remember uploading it though. If I did, you have the photographic memory of Forrest Gump.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I should get a sketch artist to recreate the image

SuperJail Warden wrote:

flannel shirt, light beard
this description surely matches 80% of the people in his state.

There are (indeed) a high number of flannel shirts in this state. The thing is though I don't have any flannel shirts. The Washington stereotype I fit into back in BF2S heyday was socks & sandals.

I've a fondness for tie-dye tops, though, possibly a relic from hippie day at junior high (which came much to the rubbing of hands together by my boomer parents).

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-12 17:12:53)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have to catch myself when dealing with black males. I know my patience is lower for them than is justified but it is hard to get past implicit bias. Every other race and gender combo doesn't irk me like they do. Also, colorism is a thing. I am unconsciously more patient to the lighter skinned than the chocolate.

At least I aware of the problem which is a start.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I really hate having to stand over their shoulder and re explain everything I went over with the class because they want to listen to rap music or watch basketball on their phone. I don't like either thing so I am doubled annoyed.

I'm of the opinion that if a kid doesn't want to apply themselves while class is on, that they can take a summer class to catch up.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A lot of people feel that way except we must now keep up the stats and keep paperwork to a minimum.

Also my kids come with paperwork from the federal government that makes it doubly hard to fail them without a long paper trail. The federal government needs to redo SpEd law but there are genuinely no good solutions to the problems.

"There are no solutions only choices"
I told the 25 year old that once and now I hear it in her voice because she really took it to heart. Said it a bunch of times to me.

Well yeah, my opinion obviously isn't very actionable. A lot of expectations are placed on teachers, and you seem to be given only a small bag of tools to follow through.

If I switched to that job I wouldn't really expect any different. Just one of the aggravations that comes with it, like a lot of other jobs. For all that, I bet you don't regret leaving your old job as an oil change.

It's hard to impress the importance of something like a quality high school diploma onto the average teenager who just doesn't have the frame of reference to think that far ahead. Speaking of (from a lay point of view as a non- professional educator), I've always felt we should drop the GED in favor of something like the GCSE. GED feels like it has too much stigma attached, like "why'd you drop out of high school?"
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't think GEDs are even that common anymore. Alternate schools for kids who can't do regular school are a common thing in any public district. Of course I know that a lot of people go to districts that don't have that resource. But if you are a middle class person who goes to well funded school district and you are still a fuck up, like many people I grew up with, I think that is mostly a "you problem."

I would rather commit suicide than have to work on cars again.

Newbie wrote:

I've always felt we should drop the GED in favor of something like the GCSE. GED feels like it has too much stigma attached, like "why'd you drop out of high school?"
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Did you ever look into becoming a teacher? I know a 50+ year old guy who started teaching. Never too late. I could help explain to you what you need to do if you want to make the switch. I felt I was wasting my brain power working on cars and I was right. You are wasting your brain power and good heart ordering pig people to install drywall or whatever it is you do.

I thought I ran a tranny shop, not boss around drywall installers.

Will keep in mind. It's something I come back to every now and then when considering job change, although I'm still undecided on what my subject preference would be. Neither the company (which is doing well enough) nor my interest in it are guaranteed to never expire, and I should probably come up with some sort of plan before either of those things happen.

The alternative high schools in my state at least weren't just for fuckups. Kids who (sadly) had to work jobs, or even who were doing the running start program into some college, benefitted. Having flexibility lets you avoid parts of the orphan grinding machine, I guess.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Do you have a BA? In what subject? What was your minor? You are locked to teaching certain things depending on your degree and credits.

You could get a substitute teachers license fairly easily and then give that a try in your spare time to see if you like it. Subs don't work every day. College students often take that job. Definitely try that.
Good comment half a page down a NR article complaining about liberal arts majors.
I'm always amused by articles like these. Presumably, all the people who write these NatRev pieces are themselves college educated. What did Charles study in college? English, PoliSci, Government? Clearly not STEM subjects.

Missing from most of these commentaries is that college graduates have the lowest unemployment rate of any group and, eventually their income will rise over time. Additionally, a degree gives you options: employers don't really care about GPA, grades, or what you studied (unless it is leading to professional degrees in medicine, accountancy, law etc.). That has been the experience of my friends.
Their "useless" degrees in History, English, etc. have allowed them access to jobs often far from their intended field, with a concomitant rise in salary.

He did get one thing right: employers do use a college education as a proxy for persistence. It is an indication of how goal oriented you are and whether you have desirable work habits.
Writing articles to gas up blue collar workers and older people unhappy people. What a hustle.
remember when jay expressed his wishes to transition later in life to being a history professor? his main qualification being that he was quite interested in history.

that’s was a good few posts. highly enjoyable. meanwhile like 8% of history PhD’s ever find a comfortable job in academia. i sincerely hope jay is taking evening classes now to polish up his application to princeton’s doctoral programme.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
He was planning to do it after he "retired" from his main job. He never showed a particular interest in investing and kids, a mortgage, and wife are huge money sinks. I think it is more likely be shoots himself someday than retire on passive income.

But yeah. I probably could get a part time job teaching history at a community college. But I have a MAT in teaching, and two BAs in History and Political Science.

I'm probably most qualified from college experience to refresh on and teach media design at this point, or component level electronics. I've more or less kept current on a lot of computer stuff, but my certifications are even more obsolete than my Adobe suite. I don't know if it's what I'd be into from the position of a teacher. Like, I've one-on-oned people through PC stuff alongside math, but never done lessons in a full classroom.

Conscious of course that I've tended to enjoy hobbies less when they became jobs or job-like.

A lot of this depends really on what my war chest can bear. I don't dislike my job, but I don't feel any reservations about spending money if it opens up a job I might enjoy more than remaining in the one I have now, or just matriculating into consultancy (every consultant I've ever met seemed miserable). I just don't want to do it on pure whimsy.

On another note, it would be immensely amusing to see Jay pursue 4+ years history and have to power through the splashes of cold water on his hot takes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm probably most qualified from college experience to refresh on and teach media design at this point, or component level electronics. I've more or less kept current on a lot of computer stuff, but my certifications are even more obsolete than my Adobe suite. I don't know if it's what I'd be into from the position of a teacher. Like, I've one-on-oned people through PC stuff alongside math, but never done lessons in a full classroom.

Conscious of course that I've tended to enjoy hobbies less when they became jobs or job-like.

A lot of this depends really on what my war chest can bear. I don't dislike my job, but I don't feel any reservations about spending money if it opens up a job I might enjoy more than remaining in the one I have now, or just matriculating into consultancy (every consultant I've ever met seemed miserable). I just don't want to do it on pure whimsy.

On another note, it would be immensely amusing to see Jay pursue 4+ years history and have to power through the splashes of cold water on his hot takes.
Do what I said about trying to be a substitute teacher. After you get your sub license, take a day off from work or schedule a vacation to do some days in classroom to see if it is for you. If you like it, then we can talk about what you are qualified to do. But that is the first step. Get your sub cert and try out a few classes.

The first step is always the hardest. This is the race thread? I have a white guy friend I went to elementary and high school with. He works some crappy job at a pharmacy, lives at home, and doesn't get laid. I offered to help him get into my district and on the road to bettering himself. He is too afraid of taking those first steps though. I tried once and he doesn't want to better himself. I don't get it.

Somebody working a crappy job and living at home probably has a lot of confidence issues to work through on top of money issues. I can empathize, a lot of self-worth in this country is based on success. I saw an article before stating like a third of Americans 18-34 still live with their parents. A not small amount. You made it out though, congratulations.

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