Most memes will reach a point where they are played out and the only people still laughing/referencing them are aussiereaper and roc, but some are funny at the start. I haven't seen any of harlem shake that have elicited more than a slight chuckle, whereas foul bachelor frog and good guy greg still get some laughs from me from time to time.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
for fuck sake, worst OP ever
worst ee chats since the Bernadictus/Sl4yer days
You stay out of this old man!13urnzz wrote:
for fuck sake, worst OP ever

you find advice animals to be funny but hate dance videos. wow. Spend less time on reddit.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Most memes will reach a point where they are played out and the only people still laughing/referencing them are aussiereaper and roc, but some are funny at the start. I haven't seen any of harlem shake that have elicited more than a slight chuckle, whereas foul bachelor frog and good guy greg still get some laughs from me from time to time.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
13urnzz wrote:
for fuck sake, worst OP ever
I remember a time when memes were confined to the internet and on 4chan. Now my school is having a harlem shake meet and i hear about this dance on my local news every day.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
Jaekus wrote:
13urnzz wrote:
for fuck sake, worst OP ever
Dance videos? Hahahaha.Macbeth wrote:
you find advice animals to be funny but hate dance videos. wow. Spend less time on reddit.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Most memes will reach a point where they are played out and the only people still laughing/referencing them are aussiereaper and roc, but some are funny at the start. I haven't seen any of harlem shake that have elicited more than a slight chuckle, whereas foul bachelor frog and good guy greg still get some laughs from me from time to time.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
I already told you where I go on reddit. I stay away from that type of nonsense. Doesn't mean it doesn't trickle down to me through other sites/friends.
you sound a lot like a hipster broRoc18 wrote:
I remember a time when memes were confined to the internet and on 4chan. Now my school is having a harlem shake meet and i hear about this dance on my local news every day.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
According to roc 4chan exists independently of the internet. Explains a lot.
Dance videos? Hahahaha.Macbeth wrote:
you find advice animals to be funny but hate dance videos. wow. Spend less time on reddit.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Most memes will reach a point where they are played out and the only people still laughing/referencing them are aussiereaper and roc, but some are funny at the start. I haven't seen any of harlem shake that have elicited more than a slight chuckle, whereas foul bachelor frog and good guy greg still get some laughs from me from time to time.
I already told you where I go on reddit. I stay away from that type of nonsense. Doesn't mean it doesn't trickle down to me through other sites/friends.

That's not what I was implying lol.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
According to roc 4chan exists independently of the internet. Explains a lot.
Nope, just stating a fact.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
you sound a lot like a hipster broRoc18 wrote:
I remember a time when memes were confined to the internet and on 4chan. Now my school is having a harlem shake meet and i hear about this dance on my local news every day.pirana6 wrote:
Its not as though it's supposed to be some limit-pushing new wave "thing" that changes everybodys thoughts on society.
It's just a dumb dance-meme that will get old in a few days. Everyone who hates it needs to get off their high-horse and realize ALL FUCKING MEMES ARE DUMB AND ARE LIKE THIS
Masterstyle, what is your opinion on abortion?

Tu Stultus Es
Don't want to cook. What should I pick up? Place has to be open at 10:30 so options are limited.
Chipotle is open until 11 I think.
I love chipotle
i've never eaten chipotle or jack in the box
is the food good in jack in the box?
is the food good in jack in the box?

Animal advice memes are great.
@Mac, just buy a box of pop tarts
@Mac, just buy a box of pop tarts
i just bought some mama celeste crap pizzas
Tu Stultus Es
youve never had chipotle sauce? Im having some right now on my sandwichDauntless wrote:
i've never eaten chipotle or jack in the box
is the food good in jack in the box?
nah not even the sauce
don't think so anyway
don't think so anyway
Last edited by Dauntless (2013-03-06 17:41:22)