Well, during WWII we waged a pretty total war. There was a level of hatred that most westerners probably don't relate to very well. We were happily killing Japanese citizens and military members every night. We burnt the vast majority of their cities to ashes. This happened on a regular basis. Even so, we thought we were going to have to invade mainland Japan to force them to surrender. That was going to cost tens of thousands of American lives, and probably at least a million Japanese lives. Dropping the bomb was sensational enough to force Hirohito to surrender. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were terrible, but not really that different than the fate of other cities in the end.
Macbeth wrote:
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Maybe now all the people he killed from a distance will get to look him in the eyes.A former Navy Seal, expert sniper and best-selling author was reportedly gunned down at a Texas shooting range Saturday by a veteran who is recovering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Ex-Navy Seal Chris Kyle, 39, and another man were shot point-blank around 3:30 p.m. at a charity event on behalf of Kyle's security firm at the gun range at Rough Creek Lodge and Resort in Erath County.
He recorded more than 150 sniper kills - the most in U.S. military history - between 1999 and 2009.
I'm not just trolling here. I mean this because:So after he gets out of the military he tries to make some money off of his stories of killing people and by training others to kill like he did. He may be a "REAL AMERICAN HERO" like GI Joe but he is also a war profiteer making money off of the misery and death of others. I hated this guy ever since he was on Bill O'Rielly hawking his book. When asked by Bill if he ever thinks of the people he killed he basically said "No, they all deserved it". Well here, you deserved it. The same way weapons manufacturers deserved to get shot by their products, he deserved to get gunned down by a fellow trained murderer.After leaving the Navy, he started his own military contracting firm, Craft International, which provides military and law enforcement sniper training.
Kyle authored the New York Times best-seller 'American Sniper,' which chronicled his four tours in Iraq. The book hit shelves last month.

Oh the irony.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Broken clocks are right twice a day.
It is a common phrase by the way. Comes from the bible.
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-02-04 20:22:03)
Too soon, Dr. Paul.
Too soon, Macbeth.

Now I remember where I've seen that name before. This guy apparently floored Jesse Ventura in a bar, but there's no record of it, so Ventura was trying to sue him for defamation (the reason for the apparent flooring was that Ventura had said some unkind things about the SEALs, even though Ventura himself was one).
Too soon, MOAB
Soo Toon, Burnzz
http://www.haaretz.com/news/israel-s-ey … l-1.501777Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that while Iran is already a nuclear state, it has no intention of attacking Israel. Ahmadinejad was interviewed on the eve of his visit to Cairo, where he will attend the 12th Islamic Summit Conference, due to open there on Wednesday.
Before his trip, he gave a long interview to the editor-in-chief of Egypt's newspaper Al-Ahram. Although Al-Ahram ran the entire interview only in its print edition, excerpts appeared on Egyptian websites.
Ahmadinejad said the world must now treat Iran as a nuclear country. “They want Iran to go back to what it was in the past, but they won’t succeed. They assume we’ll give in to pressure; such thoughts are misguided. We’re already an industrial and nuclear country, a country that has conquered space. For years we have been thinking about sending a human being into space, and we will do that, with Allah’s help. We must ensure development and growth and bring them to pass, and the world must acknowledge our progress,” he said, adding that the best solution was cooperation with Iran.
Posted 20 minutes ago. Probably should wait for a more reliable source like CNN but whatever
He is visiting Cairo making him the first Iranian leader to do so in 34 years. As for that statements about Iran being a nuclear power, the source doesn't seem reliable. I googled the phrase and all the sites on the first page were pro-Israel/anti-Iranian or just very fallible. That's not to imply that I'm going to believe it when I see it on CNN. The US media has a way of twisting words when it comes to Ahmadinejad.
The one thing that makes this all very farfetched is Ahmadinejad making this huge announcement to an Egyptian reporter. Why wouldn't he just do it over Iranian state television?
Iran should back out of the NPT. North Korea backed out. Israel never signed. Neither did India or Pakistan.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
the american senior government/military officials and the scientists involved were all fully aware of the atrocities they were willing upon the japanese people. the research and tests had already been done. the weapon was developed in the first place to purposefully kill as many people as possible. you can't twist you guys having nukes into a 'good thing' and then make iran out to be some evil devils. you did an evil deed, get over it. why should america and its israeli bitches own nukes, and not the iranians? only one country has ever used a nuke offensively, to kill massive numbers of innocent civilians. wonder who that is. why is iran so evil again?War Man wrote:
Did we know how long radiation lasted?RTHKI wrote:
we knew the nukes were pretty destructive.