if i plant c4 on a tank,and some moron desided to do it at the same time,the prob is,that if he gets spotted,and in panic presses the button,and blows his c4+my c4,im getting a tk,thats not fair......sry, my writing
The Kid
I agree.  The TK system is definately still trashed in this game.
Attends Shock Paddlers Anonymous
I don't know...I get C4 kills when I'm dead because of this system...
How??????when A Enemy Trys To Blow Up His Own Tank.......????
yep that sucks
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7030|Malaga, España
I think they should take out the punishment for all kind of teamkills

Mines, C4, Claymore, Grenades, Bullets, plane bombartments , Roadkill, etc etc etc

Why u say?

Simple, i think Bf2 creators made this TK punishment to satify those Sad Noobos and teenagers who have a big mouth.
95 % of the teamkills a day are ACCIDENTAL. the 5 % are results of players getting pissed on the guy who punisht them and so the player kills them again. 

The -2 Point u get when u make a teamkill is FAIR enought , take out that crappy line that say YES or NO for having mercy with the guy who threw that darn nade.

my desicion of makin a TK punishment is this:

* -2 points per TK
* 10 TKs in a round results a kick for several hours

too many servers have auto-permabans because of 5 tks in one round, regardless of the reason.
that needs to change.

votekick someone out? okay, permaban.
someone going for their explosives badge happens to catch some idiots in his claymore (because apparently, the red skull & crossbones means happy-safe-place), autoban?! No thanks.

Definitely agree with *torro*ct. Ban for a few hours.
I would like to see the game get more logic when dealing with teamkills.  5 teamkills can be easy to get in a long game with heavy action.  I would prefer to see it as some sort of ratio to the rest of your score.  If your team kills pushes you to far negative you should be kicked.  So maybe it should be that a player gets kicked if the teamkills exceed the enemy kills by your enemy kills.

Something great would having another setting that says a teamkill can be offset by a certain number of enamy kills in a round like 5 or 10 or something like that.  So if you are playing well you would not need to worry about getting kicked as much.   That would take care of the idiots who show up and start teamkilling on purpose and ruin the game.
Get C4, here!

I've had similiar problems happen... I go plant c4 on an asset, vehicle, or somesuch that needs disintegration, only to have my teammate run up BESIDE IT well aware of the 30 lbs of explosive strapped to it, and starts hanging out.  This wouldn't really be a problem... if I wasnt being shot at.
How stupid can you be to run up beside what is essentially 60 sticks of dynamite and just sit there... idiots!
In all honesty I punished a guy for doing something similar the other night (and I don't punish very often, almost never)...The opposing commander had dropped a crate by his RADAR...this made it a cool place to snipe from...Spec Ops stands next to me, throws 4 or 5 c4 on it (overkill anyhoo) and blows the lot up and me with it.
Admitedly, if I'd noticed him before it was too late I'd have got out the way (heck, it's his JOB, and better for the team that the enemy has no RADAR than 1 sniper has a good spot) I would have ran....but he must have seen me WAY before it was too late. A warning would have saved him the punish

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-10 09:09:42)

Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7038|Cohog, RI
Torro nailed this one, submit that to skywalker, he's got dice and ea connections right?
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7030|Malaga, España
But just see the whole TK situation in the game :

mostly at start its getting messy , especialy in Karkland coz there is going a mass of usmc and mec rushing to eachother and beat the crap out of one and another.  just for that silly CP on the hotel spot. (must be 5 star hotel i suppose)  so what do the USMC do, yep u can guess it, a mass bombart of nades flying in the air and sometimes that little nade bastard bumps a wall and get a kick back , and just when u know it BLAM teammate dead. u say ''Sorry'' but that would help coz the teammate u killed could having a bad day, be a 14 year old wanker, or a guy that just doesnt give a shit about the team.  When i get teamkilled mostly i expect they say ''sorry'' if they do i wont be too hard on them - 2 is a good punishment i dont wanna make his night a starter of - 8 in his score list.

second point: Explosives, yep u got that right the heave shit is commin in!
let's start with the famous C4, u can use those buggers on a lot of things . mostly peepz use them for getting dat darn badge , the badge cozzes a lot of iritation for the player and his teammates , coz the player trying so hard to get that stupid badge, and teammates ar going to shit in their pants when they see that crazy Elite guy running down that hill and throwing those C4 packs away and then pressing the button and Blast 1 enemy but.....4 teammates to pieces.  so getting that badge cozes u a lot of Teamkills and a high chance of getting kicked/banned from the server
but also u got little problems with C4 , like Tank blasting u know what the Topic creator writes. and Base defending C4 elites. u know blasting the enemy away from ur FLAG. but if the elite dude dies. the C4 is still there! and just when u at least expect it ur teammates and enemies are fighting for it. and then the time runs out and the C4 says Bye Bye to all ur Organz and BOOM. 
so my final desicion about C4: Make a new rule to get the badge 5 kills , and 5 points for blasting the Enemy Commander Toys (arty, Radar, UAV)

Mines have been improved. u can blow them up just by shooting with ur tank at them or threw a nade on it
Claymores just look , God gave u EYES dammit coz when u see the grim it,s probally to late!

futher rest...sigh the punishment is unfair. so answer me these ones peeps
scribe an answer of beeing the Tker and a Victim in these Situations and if u knew a solution post it!

1) the Walkin in a Teammates Line Of Fire

2)Nade Throwing Freak

3)AA rocket Mishaps
AA gunner:

4)Explosive mistakes
Elite Corp:

5)GTA drivers
+0|7030|Vienna- Austria
YES. make it destroyin commander assets to get the badge.. thats what the Spec Ops are there for.  the point count is fair. 23 .. but dont make it 23 kills make it 23 destryoing points

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