GotMex? wrote:
De_Jappe wrote:
Isn't it a fact that at country's/places where people carry guns, there are more murders. How much more proof do you need. I'm tired of reading dumbasses with a gun opinion on how they are finally safe now that they have gun.
Most of the guys who have a gun are not responsible enough to have them and abuse it.
There are other things to make you feel more safe. Don't walk alone at night for example. Don't underestimate the power of screaming.
Imho people with guns are just trying to be 'cool', or can't think logic. Yes, that's the kind of people that carry guns.
1. No, it's not a fact. There are more murders where people commit more murders. Not where there are guns. The correlation is that a gun is an excellent way to perpetrate a murder and so it's the weapon of choice for murderers. Take away the guns and you end up with wives who kill their cheating husbands with a knife, or with a good blow to the head. You don't get rid of that murderous instinct.
2. Ok, I can't say I disagree with that. But then again most people who drive a car aren't responsible enough to do it. My point... well they don't correlate really but I still think there's a lot of dumbasses behind the wheel and I just wanted to point that out.
3. Here is where I completelly disagree and decided I wanted to reply to your post. Why should I not be able to walk alone at night? And screw that, here in Mex you can't walk alone in the middle of the day some places. I don't want to have to scream and hope that it scares the guy away. I want to be able to point my gun into a the guys face, that screams volumes louder than anyones voice. I don't want to accept that my country is unsafe and I just have to deal with it, I'd rather be allowed to take action. And for those of you that would reply "it's the polices job to protect you". Well yes it is, and I trust the police when I was living in Texas, but here the police can be crap so no, I don't trust them to do their job. But still, that doesn't mean that I'll go prancing around at night because I know it is inherently more unsafe than walking with a group or in the day. I just want to have that option.
4. I can think logically, and I have a gun. I don't carry it on me because I don't feel the need to where I used to live (Dallas, TX), but now that I am in Mexico I wish that I was allowed to carry it but I can't (Fucking gun laws). And I find gun shooting fun and cool, but I didn't buy one to act cool or to feel cool, I just enjoy recreational shooting and there is nothing wrong with that.
1. I agree that people will find other ways to kill but it happens faster with a gun than searching for a decent knife and kill then. With a gun it's only pulling the finger, it can even happen by accident. With a knife you have to stab hard to kill someone with it. Why should you raise the risk? And then again, if I was a burglar and suddenly the guy appears next to me. I would shoot faster if he had a gun than when he has no gun, then you can point the gun and run out. If he his pointing the gun at you, you shoot...
2. That's also true, sadly.
3. So would you walk on those places if you had a gun? So yes, what if the guy also has a gun? What if it's not one guy, but suddenly there are 4 guys with a gun pointing at you. Happy funeral day. They are more likely to shoot you if you have a gun, than if you have no gun.
4. I have nothing against shooting on shooting tracks as sport or fun, but I have something against wearing it on the street or in your house. You have it, so you are more likely to use it. The risk of innocent people to get hurt is more likely. Have you ever seen bowling for columbine? (think it was that movie, not really sure).
5. I ask again, How many times have you really NEEDED your gun to protect yourself? I kindly ask that you reread my whole previous post again, as you left out some of my most valuable arguments there when you quoted me.