I for one am sick of all the bitching so lets all post a big cry cry wa wa to all you ass clowns stressing and waiting for 1.4. Play or fuck you I dont care how long you waited. So fuck you and, go play with your sisters or something. Kill the 1.4 chatter thread its worthless.!!!! ............ Its all dumb bitching like this post worthless.....Get It?
What's going to happen when it finally comes out????????

People will bitch about it.
+127|6967|WPB, FL. USA
Back in the 80's they had an anti-drug commercial that went like this:  First scene - "This is your brain" {shows a hand holding an egg}.  Next scene - "This is your brain on drugs - get it - good" {shows an egg being fried in a skillet}. 

There was no third scene however, if there were it would go like this; Third scene - "Unfortunately it's too late for jrockyourdome, but maybe not for you" 
+122|6778|The Suburb at Karkand

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

Back in the 80's they had an anti-drug commercial that went like this:  First scene - "This is your brain" {shows a hand holding an egg}.  Next scene - "This is your brain on drugs - get it - good" {shows an egg being fried in a skillet}. 

There was no third scene however, if there were it would go like this; Third scene - "Unfortunately it's too late for jrockyourdome, but maybe not for you" 
lol arent you that one guy who posted something like "Is there a prize" cause u got all the bf2 awards?
+86|6851|Winterpeg, Canada
I'm not sure if someone posted this, but I found this on the ea site like everything else. Maybe people won't bitch about when it comes out, choppers get more armour, and a bunch of other shit.
1.4 Patch – Fix List

Front End:

· Front end - Fixed server browser issues with updating info
· Front End - Multiplayer & Co-op - Players on server list can include Bots instead of human players
· Multiplayer Server filter “maps size” will now work
· Fixed an issue in the front end where pressing tab twice in the IP window would cause the cursor to skip to wrong box

Game Server

· Increased server stability
· All levels - Co-op – Fixed a crash after reviving player without a kit- 1st attempt
· Server - Linux 32 Dedicated – Fixed the server crash when trying to rotate maps in Special Forces Co- op Mode (fixed on SUSE only. Still present in Red Hat and Fedora)
· Adjusted the minimum number of players to start the round. The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 6 and 8 respectively.
· Unlocks are once available on unranked servers.
· Ranked server have to have unlocks activated.
· Fixed Issue with the local coop server - If Server Host is kicked and banned although they do not actually get kicked, no other players may join the server after that point.
· Fixed a dedicated server crash which was occurring when the user held "CTRL" and "SHIFT" while selecting a map.
· Fixed a crash which would occur when c4 was placed on a flag pole and the server rotated maps.
· Fixed a Vehicle drop crash related bug (missing icon).
· Co-Op bot console commands do not function on local servers.

Client / Gameplay:

· Increased client stability
· Red/Blue nametag bug – Fix to the issue where players would show up with the wrong color name tag
· Introduced a delay from proning to standing to help reduce exploiting
· Adjusted C4 to make throwing more difficult
· Fixed the issue where a red distance marker appears on the ground
· Fixed the issue that caused players arms to become invisible after switching weapons when using throwable items
· Made adjustments to reduce the damage taken by vehicles when driving
· Commander options will no longer available whilst dead.
· Fixed the issue with a spawn point showing up as selected when a player has spawned in during preview round
· Fixed the issue that would cause infantry players to be revived with no kit.
· Fixed several rare graphics crashes.
· Fixed issue with players crashing while clicking "Join Game" in the front end
· Car-Drop: Made adjustments to the car drop feature to help prevent players from exploiting into buildings.
· Fixed an issue tied to projectiles which would sometimes allow tanks to fire two shells, support to fire multiple rounds, and other issues (all maps).
· Fixed bug where after 2 rounds on the same map, the top player stars are awarded to the wrong people in the menu
· Transport Helicopters – Increased the armor of all transport helicopters

- The DICE Battlefield Team
To Jbrar...

Yup posted...

jrockyourdome wrote:

I for one am sick of all the bitching so lets all post a big cry cry wa wa to all you ass clowns stressing and waiting for 1.4. Play or fuck you I dont care how long you waited. So fuck you and, go play with your sisters or something. Kill the 1.4 chatter thread its worthless.!!!! ............ Its all dumb bitching like this post worthless.....Get It?
Behold! The anatomy of a poorly constructed rant!
+24|6986|45° 30',North by 73° 35',West

PspRpg-7 wrote:

jrockyourdome wrote:

I for one am sick of all the bitching so lets all post a big cry cry wa wa to all you ass clowns stressing and waiting for 1.4. Play or fuck you I dont care how long you waited. So fuck you and, go play with your sisters or something. Kill the 1.4 chatter thread its worthless.!!!! ............ Its all dumb bitching like this post worthless.....Get It?
Behold! The anatomy of a poorly constructed rant!
Thanks for the laugh!
U.S. > Iran
Ok, I want this topic to go away
+0|6789|San Diego, CA
for somebody who lives in one of the most prosperous countries in history and with more things to do  and opportunities than ever before I cannot believe you're complaining like a small baby about some moronic software patch. Get a life.
I just want the crashing issue fixed, I can play play round other things(not very well, but I try).
If the crashing issue's fixed then fare play, if its not I wont buy 2142 but I still play BF2 because I like it.

People wont stand together over something as minor as a game mate, you have a point we paid for it and over time it slowly been mullered, but I've had over 320hrs out of it for £20!!, thats 2 weeks!!, what else could I do for £20 that would last 2 weeks!.

ghoward79 wrote:

for somebody who lives in one of the most prosperous countries in history and with more things to do  and opportunities than ever before I cannot believe you're complaining like a small baby about some moronic software patch. Get a life.
maybe the point is somewhere else... like "it's 4 months i can't play with my beloved bf2 paid 35 + 25 + 10 + 10 = 75 euros..." you know i get a little pissed off when i can't end a round in a whole night because of that damn connection problems... especially when i think how much i've spent for this game.
The point is: EA doesn't care anything about the frustration of some ppls, and even less if they continue buying and playing its product even if being frustrated. Anyway you won't leave BF2, you like it too much, so it is better to relax and when crashed, take a valium during the time the rejoin will take!
Anybody have Tea??  I have stale cream cakes ..
Real Horrorshow

Bigphillyed wrote:

Well for the ten millionth time, I'll post this.

EA blows..... (and you can take 2142 and stick it up your ass)

We have been waiting how god dam long for 1.4 just to fix CTD and connection problems. At least they should have released a hot patch for those problems until the final patch. Again, the CTD's and Lost Connection (server crash problem) is getting out of control. Fix the God Dam problem, we paid for this product and we can't use it, how wonderful is that. By the way EA you owe me 78 USD for all the keyboards I have smashed because of the unecessary stress from producing a shity product with no support.

Maybe someday, some ducsh bag will get his head out of his ass and make everything right, yah wishful thinking! EA do us all a dam favor and stick to sports games. I am done with your bullshit products. Going back to Americas Army........BUG FREE !!!!!!!!!

And all the rest of you idiots just keep buying and playing the game and they'll never fix anything. Right now we have them by the balls, and you people just continue to play BF2 and 2142. If we all stop for a day or two they'll get the picture. BOYCOTT EA ONE DAY.............

I hope EA loses 10 points in the stock market you retarded jackass's.

Thanks for the 1.5 years of being pissed off...............................
Nothing that hasn't been posted a million times on dozens of forums.  Stop being a whiny noob.

Bigphillyed wrote:

Well for the ten millionth time, I'll post this.

EA blows..... (and you can take 2142 and stick it up your ass)

By the way EA you owe me 78 USD for all the keyboards I have smashed because of the unecessary stress from producing a shity product with no support.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL, not gonna give you 78 Dollar, BUT, I'll give you one of my fine fine karma points! How does that sound? Feel a little better m8?

+1 for you! GL & HF


jrockyourdome wrote:

I for one am sick of all the bitching so lets all post a big cry cry wa wa to all you ass clowns stressing and waiting for 1.4. Play or fuck you I dont care how long you waited. So fuck you and, go play with your sisters or something. Kill the 1.4 chatter thread its worthless.!!!! ............ Its all dumb bitching like this post worthless.....Get It?
hmm, get a grip.

Your act like your a child...
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
If they close the stat servers im gonna blow stuff up..
Member since 2005
+44|7085|Kansas, USA

Bigphillyed wrote:

Thanks for the 1.5 years of being pissed off...............................
If you have been pissed off playing this game for 1-1/2 years, then you are a moron.

Last edited by Psycho (2006-08-31 09:51:27)

I started playing WoW
To all you little children bitching about my bitching...... go pound sand. Last time I checked, this is America, and correct me if I am wrong, but aren't forums for support, game chat and complaining. So if you don't like the tread about us bitching then don't read it. You all say I am an idiot complaining about the game, well you guys are more of an idiot complaining about my complaining....

All I said is, " I am so pissed about the way, EA has handled or should I said hasen't handled the whole BF2 situation. We all pay for this product, which by the way the game is excellent its there delivery of the product which is bad. Yes, the game is addictive, it sucks when your playing a really good round and you get disconnected. And now with them rolling out 2142 I bet you there going to drop BF2 soon after the release of 2142. It just sucks the game is good, the story line the action, are all good. Its EA thats bad."

Well I wonder how many more retards are going to complain about me bitching about the game. It can't be any easier, if you don't like people complaing about it, then DON'T READ THIS THREAD !!!!!!!!

To all those who feel the same way, Karma, Karma, Karma.......
+151|6844|Forest Lake, Australia

beyondbeyond wrote:

dude... please... get a life and stop talking. If you didn't like the game, then why are you playing it for 1,5 years?

EA by the balls? Right..... you are the stupid one.

Now, go to bed, you mommy is calling.
You're a fucking idiot.  He's been playing that long because there were NO CTD OR CONNECTION PROBLEMS!  1.4 should have come out within weeks of the weak arsed 1.3 patch.  I've already uninstalled my game. 

Everybody's bunny hopping
Servers are always down
And if neither of them are happening, the game will crash to the desktop.

EA can honestly jam their PC games up their arse.  Even the sports games are shit.
+151|6844|Forest Lake, Australia

manitobapaintballa wrote:

don't like EA fine just shut the fuck up and don't play their games you ungratfull whiny bitch they haven't changed for i think 20 years now......
20 years?  So EA was releasing fucked up games and retarded patches in 1986?
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6800|Menlo Park, CA

savking wrote:

SFCCDailey wrote:

Want a Xanax ??????
wtf is that?
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Very true been too damm long waiting for 1.4, BF2 is a good game it could be most probably one of the best if they fixed all the bugs. However employing people to fix the bugs costs EA money, and by fixing the game the company has not exactly made itself more profit. The only benefit they gain is the goodwill of their customers the thing is though they keep pumping out shite and you keep buying it. People usually buy games from impressive trailers and heavy advertising only once they've played it do they realize they've wasted their hard earned cash.

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