
Do you believe in God?

Yes, I believe and go to Church19%19% - 83
No, I don't believe but get dragged to Church2%2% - 13
Yes, I believe and don't go to Church20%20% - 88
I'm an Athiest - booyah26%26% - 116
I know there's something out there..16%16% - 71
Nothing is out there14%14% - 65
Total: 436
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
I was born and brought up jewish, but after about 2005, I started rethinking things. I mean, come on, you're believing what a book tells you while science proves things. I mean, adam and eve? I'm sorry, but the story of adam and eve is a bunch of bullshit. And I've always believed that, even when I was a religious jew.

As for "How did the big bang happen then"? Uh, natural causes? Just like plants grow, flowers bloom and humans reproduce, it was a natural thing. The universe is just there. People can't explain why it's there, so they need to think "someone did it". That's why people believe in god (imo). Sorry if this offends, it's just my beliefs.

Last edited by Poseidon (2006-08-29 22:17:55)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I am a Buddhist, OK not completely but it is one of the religions with the best philosophies.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

cpt.fass1 wrote:

I am a Buddhist, OK not completely but it is one of the religions with the best philosophies.
Agreed, actually. Buddhism actually seems to make a bit of sense.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
It provided a pretty good backup for my reincarnation ideas.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
and it is one of the most passive "you are one with the world" religions. ATG I'm surprised
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6987|Canada Eh?
I voted Atheist, but like mentioned earlier Im more along the lines of agnostic, but personally Id prefer no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, just nothing. It might sound odd to some, but alright by me.
+14|6986|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
Personally I believe in a God, Although I Do Not Believe in Religion. I think that religion was formed as sort of a governing rule over the people and at the time it was necessary. But then corruption set in and it was no longer about God but how guilty the Church or whatever you want to call it can make you feel. I was raised Catholic although I was brought up in many Christian churches. Did Jesus Christ exist...yes its historical fact. Was he the son of God perhaps. Even the Koran quotes a prophet born of a virgin. I have read the Koran and the Bible along with several other religious teachings and I believe that they are great books to read, along with good teachings to follow. I find it hard to believe thought at these books written by man translated by man over the years and heck even some of the books were not even allowed in the Bible. Yet other versions of the Bible were written in retaliation to the first Christian Church. Historically the first Christian Church was Catholic. All other Christian sects stemmed from it. So who is right and who is wrong. Who knows.
I also believe in evolution to a point. who says that evolution had to start at a single celled organism in the old primordial soup. and who says that God didn't create a human like life form and we all evolved from it. nobody can say for sure so I guess this is where the entire "Faith" thing comes along. Faith doesn't necessarily mean you believe in God. Faith means alot to different people. Some people put Faith in the statistics that there must be alien life out there even though so far there is no proof. Blind faith is also a misconstrued term as well. what one person sees in this world is totally different that the way others see it. one persons proof might not be seen as another's.
You Were My Promotion

CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

Spark wrote:

That would come under 'Animism', yes? Not trying to insult you or anything, but on a 'trident' or major world religions, animism goes at the very bottom (meaning its the oldest)
I just don't understand the people that think human alone have spirituality.
I agree in principle. Although I don't believe in 'the soul' or 'the spirit' I have to say that if you do believe in such concepts then why would all other animate sentient beings be precluded from having same? It doesn't make logical sense.
Because maybe God didn't want it that way?
You Were My Promotion

-Solv3r- wrote:

No, I do not. Why? Because I HAVE an IQ over 50...

BTW, note my sig.
Thinking people who believe in God are dumb, even makes you dumber.
I believe that god is mans way of trying to invoke a conscience in others about how people treat each other, think about it, the past including the middle ages and its crusades, for one example, go back in time an humans are more cruel and ruthless move forward and the masses cry equal rights and humans rights. They seen a way to "put the fear of GOD" into people as a way to change what was happening. The message is not without value though, and in theory if we all followed it our lives would be better.

The other problem is the bible itself which is so old that the original Laitan it was written in we could not transluate 100% so thihgs where changed based on what they tought it meant from the words they did know. Add to that how many times it was rewritten or transluated, if a class or kids can't keep the story strait just going around a circle how can a book that old still be as it was from the 1st one  to the latest one. If I'm wrong oh well, I should get first in line for trying to be the best I can for my own self instead of so as not to end up in hell. Just incase I'm gonna bring some marshmellows to be safe lmao
Oh yea the other possiblity if you take the bible literally, it says we were created in Gods image, if this is true then we are all gods and you need only to die to become part of the club. ......  8)

seriously though there is only 2 possible answers, you die, your dead, game over. Or, this life is like a worm and then it transforms into a butterfly and a big bird eats you. j/k about the bird, but I guess it is possible that our mind or being or whatever leaves the body shell and transforms into a state that is more like a focused energy because it is necessary to survive past the limitations our physical bodies could not. Pick any one of mine or anybody elses and you got just as much chance of which is right.

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

{A.K.A}LordBeefman wrote:

EricTViking wrote:

I voted atheist because:

3. God whether he exists or not has had more misery and bloodshed caused in his name than anyone else.

Richard Dawkins for Prime Minister!

...or David Icke, I'm not fussed ;-)
as to point 3 this so called bloodshed is done by man not understanding the bible so you can not hold God to ransom or blame of mans shear stupidity of killing each other they are lead by other men who are war mongers
Then god should have made the bible clearer or us less stupid.
It was Written by man not God

jollyrodger wrote:

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

{A.K.A}LordBeefman wrote:

as to point 3 this so called bloodshed is done by man not understanding the bible so you can not hold God to ransom or blame of mans shear stupidity of killing each other they are lead by other men who are war mongers
Then god should have made the bible clearer or us less stupid.
It was Written by man not God
Apparently God is working on another book on the back of the success of his last bestseller. It's gonna be called 'The Bible II: This time IT'S PERSONAL!'. It's a collaborative effort with Dan Brown.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-30 05:40:28)


-Solv3r- wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

-Solv3r- wrote:

No, I do not. Why? Because I got an IQ over 50...

BTW, note my sig.
Couldn't tell by your grammar.

I have an IQ over 50.
Can't understand, please explain in Norwegian...
Don't have to, I don't go to Norwegian websites and flap my gums.

Poseidon wrote:

As for "How did the big bang happen then"? Uh, natural causes? Just like plants grow, flowers bloom and humans reproduce, it was a natural thing.
Do you mind explaining a little more? Universes appearing from nothing and flowers growing arent quite the same thing. What natural cause makes a universe appear?

JaMDuDe wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

As for "How did the big bang happen then"? Uh, natural causes? Just like plants grow, flowers bloom and humans reproduce, it was a natural thing.
Do you mind explaining a little more? Universes appearing from nothing and flowers growing arent quite the same thing. What natural cause makes a universe appear?
Newsflash: how about the possibility that the universe ALWAYS existed, a concept  that we mere cranially challenged humans find difficult to comprehend.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-30 09:17:12)

+98|6778|Life in a vacuum sucks

CameronPoe wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

As for "How did the big bang happen then"? Uh, natural causes? Just like plants grow, flowers bloom and humans reproduce, it was a natural thing.
Do you mind explaining a little more? Universes appearing from nothing and flowers growing arent quite the same thing. What natural cause makes a universe appear?
Newsflash: how about the possibility that the universe ALWAYS existed, a concept  that we mere cranially challenged humans find difficult to comprehend.
Thats why i asked him to explain more. He just said natural causes caused the big bang, just like flowers growing. There is equally the possibility that the universe had a beginning.

JaMDuDe wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

Do you mind explaining a little more? Universes appearing from nothing and flowers growing arent quite the same thing. What natural cause makes a universe appear?
Newsflash: how about the possibility that the universe ALWAYS existed, a concept  that we mere cranially challenged humans find difficult to comprehend.
Thats why i asked him to explain more. He just said natural causes caused the big bang, just like flowers growing. There is equally the possibility that the universe had a beginning.
Perhaps the universe as we know it, but considering the word 'universe' is all encompassing, whatever started the universe as we know it would be included in the term 'universe'.

So, literally speaking, the universe must have always existed and always will.
Yeah NOW there's an interesting question:

If god created the universe then .... who created god???????
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Just so all you people know the universe goes around me. Yes I'm that fat. I go off the theory that every atom is a little universe with other life forms and the such..
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

Mike_J wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I was born and brought up jewish, but after about 2005, I started rethinking things. I mean, come on, you're believing what a book tells you while science proves things. I mean, adam and eve? I'm sorry, but the story of adam and eve is a bunch of bullshit. And I've always believed that, even when I was a religious jew.

As for "How did the big bang happen then"? Uh, natural causes? Just like plants grow, flowers bloom and humans reproduce, it was a natural thing. The universe is just there. People can't explain why it's there, so they need to think "someone did it". That's why people believe in god (imo). Sorry if this offends, it's just my beliefs.
Science is constantly changing too.  Sometimes what was fact yesterday isn't today.  Alot of science is theory.  Society has become too reliant on science.  We don't bash science for having completely different answers to questions from one day to the next, so how come this is the case with religion?  Just because you may not agree with a belief that's hundreds or even thousands of years old, doesn't mean your alternative way of thinking has to be purely scientific.  People need to learn how to find a balance between the two.  It's only either or because for some strange reason we tell ourselves that.  Religious beliefs can progress too is what I'm trying to get at.  If God is so awesome in power (which I believe is true) like many religions preach, then do you honestly think our mere human minds can comprehend spiritual truth so easily?
It's called free will. If he exists, I really doubt he wanted to give us the ability to 1) nuke each other into oblivion or 2) just kill each other. It's all free will. Bad example, but don't you remember in Bruce Almighty god saying he can't affect free will? Same applies here about "god" if he does exist.

And I'm sorry, but science just makes more sense. They've proven evolution is possible (reversed the process), the earth being created in a scientifical way (big bang), along with multiple other things. These make much more sense, and even if they change a bit will STILL make much more sense than "Earth being made from clay" and whatnot.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah NOW there's an interesting question:

If god created the universe then .... who created god???????
God created himself...... duh

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah NOW there's an interesting question:

If god created the universe then .... who created god???????
God doesnt need a creator. Hes not physically in this universe so the rules dont apply to him. This is a concept that you cranially challenged atheists find difficult to comprehend.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

JaMDuDe wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah NOW there's an interesting question:

If god created the universe then .... who created god???????
God doesnt need a creator. Hes not physically in this universe so the rules dont apply to him. This is a concept that you cranially challenged atheists find difficult to comprehend.
It's easy as hell to understand, you think that it's some kind of divine intelligence that all Christians have.  Sorry man, you're just deluding yourself. 

Labeling atheists now..... it's ironic because JamDuDe hasn't even tried to comprehend that there ISN'T anything.  Hypocrite.

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