DBBrinson1 wrote:
jonsimon wrote:
DBBrinson1 wrote:
Yea. So dumb that FSU gave me a BS in Political Science. I work for the FL Senate. I've forgotten more about politics then you will ever learn. Nice try. How do the others put it here? Oh yea. FAIL.
Well, I'd be willing to support the statement "DBBrinson1 has forgotten more about theoretical politics than I will ever learn." But by your opinions it is obvious you do not grasp or understand the workings of the real world, or perhaps you just forget that people are all the same machine, and so those in other countries would act no less rationally than you would.
EDIT: Cleaned up the quotes.
People are all the same machine, but they are not programmed the same. Here in America we do not train our sons and daughters to strap bombs to themselves. We do not kill others simply for not sharing the same religious beliefs. We are a compassionate society. Look at the daily hangings in Iran. They kill their own citizens for protesting the government. By not nuking the middle east, we show patience, tolerance and compassion -something I haven't seen in any videos of extremists cutting the heads off of American (or any other) hostages. Before 9/11 America did nothing about religious fanatics in the Middle East. We were content to sit on the sideline thinking we were safe and all was well. History repeats itself. Isolationism doesn't work. Isolationism brought us into both World Wars. I fail to see why America needs to wait for more American citizens to die as a reason to do something about it. But since I am open minded please tell me how and where are my opinions flawed.
No do not train our sons and daughters to strap bombs to themselves, you just train them to drop bombs on hospitals, schools and other "strat targets", results are the same but it just requires more courage to sacrifice your life when you strap bombs to yourself.
No We do not kill others simply for not sharing the same religious beliefs, basically marines like this in the video goes on in a killing spree 200 he says just for him if my english is correct and because of what? because they are not mussulman so they are the enemy(man, woman and child).
Yes you are a compassionate society that cares about the black community and when a storm like katrina strikes at them you just leave some to die for a couple of days but i gess by what you are saying you're not black nor hit by the storm. Compassionate society's also take prisioners to cuba and violate human rights appens all the time.
You say by not nuking the middle east, we show patience, tolerance and compassion, when is not nuking someone i sigh of those things omfg do you know what a nuke does? Oh yes you've seen it on t.v.
You say something I haven't seen in any videos of extremists cutting the heads off of American (or any other) hostages, well what appens in guantanamo can't be seen because the americans don't show it but there are videos of america using napalm and quimicals on iraquis wonder what's worst getting your head cut off, burn alive or just get your skin eaten to your bone, hard to tell never tryed it.
So before 9/11 America did nothing about religious fanatics in the Middle East? Wrong again, you gave bilions of dollares to the taliban to fight russia in return they gave you drugs, america became a drug land taliban became harmed to the tooth everybody wins, oh maybe not...
Yes isolationism brought us into both World Wars, at least in 2nd world war you isolating japan from petrol resources made them attack you got that right but just a little diferent way it's called embargo you used it a lot in the past century.
Wake up my friend america is now an empire with only purpose of subverting the world to his will, everyone who doesn't see it is blind, funny thing is that when shit hits the fence it ricochets to the people.