All this racism is killin' me inside!

Last edited by Trel (2006-08-24 05:10:53)

Good to be back.
+102|6992|New York

topthrill05 wrote:

ilyandor wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Because the whites have been the agressors so far in human history.  It's exactly like the Israel/Hezbollah conflict, if you are ignorant in your reasoning, then you're not going to be convinced, because the very way you reason is racist in itself

white aggressions = 100000000

other aggressions = 1000000
Bull Shit.
AGREED!  They also dismissed MY facts and carry on with there twisted logic without backing up this statement.
I don't like racism but to be honest we 'snowflakes' should understand why some might be racist towards us given how deplorably racist we have been since time began.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-24 06:02:29)

Horseman 77
lets just ignore it and it will fade away. Till then move 90 miles from the nearest city like I just did.

I wanted my kids to come home from school with their baseball caps on correctly.
There isn't WET because lowing has made it yet. Save us with your amazing friends re-runs and blue collar comedy!
+102|6992|New York

GotMex? wrote:

lowing wrote:

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "Whiteboy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK. But when I call you, nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.
Nigger just has a huge history and a lot of negative connotation to it. It is several orders of magnitude above "Whiteboy" or "Whitey". I mean if you called someone "Blackboy" or "Blacky" I'm sure they wouldn't be as offended as if you called them "Nigger". But still, you are right, if minorities use racist terms against whites they wouldn't be classified as racists necessarily. But I gotta ask you, what streets are you walking down that you get sneered at??

lowing wrote:

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
I don't think that has anything to do with racism... just that ghettos are more violent.

lowing wrote:

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day.
Well MLK was a pretty important man, nothing wrong with that. And you also have the world economy in your favor, VS a college fund. But still valid points, especially with Black History Month.

Iowing wrote:

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
Do you REALLY want WET?. I mean BET isn't exactly quality TV, I doubt WET would be anything special.

Iowing wrote:

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You already have your rights, no point in marching for this, except rubbing it into minorities faces.

Iowing wrote:

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
Unfortunatelly, the only times I've seen people announce their white pride, it's always accompanied by either KKK or White Supremacist propaganda. At least that's what the news digs for. Hence it has gotten a bad rep. 

Iowing wrote:

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
Yea, that's true... but when a black guy kills a white police officer, he gets harsher punishment. So blacks are screwed in that sense.

My point, well I don't really have one, just just that whites have a nasty past that also seems to transcend to their newer generations. Blacks still somehow relate to the slavery era, and are thus seen at a disadvantage, and whites still somehow end up being connected to slavery, and thus seen as terrible people. That's not to say black people can't be racist or that all white people are, but unfortunatelly few are capable of looking past this history and letting go.

You know, the hundred year old history which none of us were part of. Even the recent civil rights stuff from the 1900's, most of us didn't even take part in any of that.
Heres a good one for you from A neighborhood not far from me from the newspaper this past sunday. headline

3 teenage youths Arrested for assault. Seems these 3 black Youths Said to police. " We were out to Pick on an elderly person" They found an Old black man(yes a BLACK MAN) Walked up to him and One kid dropped him with ONE punch, the guy hit his head on the sidewalk, Thus KILLING him. Im sorry, But WTF is this? They have NO respect for there own, and They have even LESS of anything for NON blacks. I se this every day and my city is only 180,000 strong.

Thats the exact reason i carry a gun, used it once and would again in a heart beat!
+102|6992|New York

Ikarti wrote:

If you're honestly questioning why there isn't White Entertainment Television, you must have missed Friends.
And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
+102|6992|New York

Ikarti wrote:

And all of you who sit there and act like all non-whites do is play the race card while you're totally blameless...I call bullshit. I highly doubt you'd come out and said yeah I fired him because he's black even if that's the case. You know why? If you said that your credibilty would drop to zero.
Yours did ages ago LMAO AGAIN!!!
+48|6773|P-way, NJ
To me theres a different between Nigger and just some black boy.

Nigger is a so called gangster that does drugs,they look like fucking retards wearing big cloths,and they act big.
Black boy/guy just a regular doesnt look stupid with his cloths,doesnt do weed,goes on with his life,i dont know if your getting my point.

Last edited by Sgt.Kyle (2006-08-24 06:17:50)

+102|6992|New York

Spearhead wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:

agressors? are you new?
lol @ spearhead.  Obviously you've never been in "an altercation" with a black man.  How we were able to beat the crap out of them years ago is beyond me.  They pack a punch.

That being said, if they want to start shit, and you've been offended by it, make sure you can finish it before hyping yourselves up.  I've seen countless times where someone says "Oh I'll smash you cunt" and "Fuck your mum, bitch" or "Fuck you, ni**er" and they've paid for it.  Stand up for yourself, but don't parade it.
There's a slight difference in them packing a punch, and us shipping hundreds of thousands of slaves, while conguering the whole of their continent and oppresing their people for centuries. 

Notice I said "human history".  Try reading.  Are black men running around beating up white people?  No.
Whites conqured there WHOLE continent? HUH???? What part? South Africa? Thats about it LOL. I dont see whites ruleing Anywhere in Africa, Not even in South africa anymore. factless.

Last edited by <[onex]>Headstone (2006-08-24 06:18:49)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6999|Wilmington, DE, US

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

If you're honestly questioning why there isn't White Entertainment Television, you must have missed Friends.
And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
None what? Please, if you want to type something, try and have it make sense.

And you think white kids care about the elderly or anyone else? Seems you have a fun time singling out blacks. Bet you're itching to get in an altercation with one so you can break out your artificial bravery that is a gun. A lot people who carry one are always eager to use it.

Bet you cried the day they outlawed lynching.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6999|Wilmington, DE, US

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

And all of you who sit there and act like all non-whites do is play the race card while you're totally blameless...I call bullshit. I highly doubt you'd come out and said yeah I fired him because he's black even if that's the case. You know why? If you said that your credibilty would drop to zero.
Yours did ages ago LMAO AGAIN!!!
Alas, it's still higher than yours. LMAOOMGFGFGFG HIALRIOUS LOLOLL.

You're such a damned retard.
+102|6992|New York

Ikarti wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

If you're honestly questioning why there isn't White Entertainment Television, you must have missed Friends.
And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
None what? Please, if you want to type something, try and have it make sense.

And you think white kids care about the elderly or anyone else? Seems you have a fun time singling out blacks. Bet you're itching to get in an altercation with one so you can break out your artificial bravery that is a gun. A lot people who carry one are always eager to use it.

Bet you cried the day they outlawed lynching.
DUDE, Or whatever you are, Im not racist, Id use it on Anyone who threatens my familys life. If it is just a one on one with nothing used, Id try and take the person fairly. remember theres such a thing as reasonable force. I will use the same means to defend myself as the agressor uses. In the case where i was FORCED to use my weapon, I used the same amount of force that was going to be used on my FAMILY, Not just me, but my wife and kids. he lost i won, end of story and end of him.

As per your last post, I was referring to the word FRIENDS. LMAO
Banned - for ever.
+231|6999|Wilmington, DE, US

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
None what? Please, if you want to type something, try and have it make sense.

And you think white kids care about the elderly or anyone else? Seems you have a fun time singling out blacks. Bet you're itching to get in an altercation with one so you can break out your artificial bravery that is a gun. A lot people who carry one are always eager to use it.

Bet you cried the day they outlawed lynching.
DUDE, Or whatever you are, Im not racist, Id use it on Anyone who threatens my familys life. If it is just a one on one with nothing used, Id try and take the person fairly. remember theres such a thing as reasonable force. I will use the same means to defend myself as the agressor uses. In the case where i was FORCED to use my weapon, I used the same amount of force that was going to be used on my FAMILY, Not just me, but my wife and kids. he lost i won, end of story and end of him.

As per your last post, I was referring to the word FRIENDS. LMAO
Yeah, you're not racist. You just look down upon people who HAPPEN not to be the same race as you.

I'm sorry to hear you have a child. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

If you're honestly questioning why there isn't White Entertainment Television, you must have missed Friends.
And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
Keep trying lil guy. Maybe someday you'll be clever like the big men.

CameronPoe wrote:

I don't like racism but to be honest we 'snowflakes' should understand why some might be racist towards us given how deplorably racist we have been since time began.
I was wondering where the voice of the appeaser was. Yeah, it's all our fault.

Kill whitey. Yeah, my grandparents weren't even in this fekken country, yet somehow I was a slave owner. Wait, when did slavery end? 1865. So....

2006-1865 = 141 years.

Talk about holding a fekkin grudge. Nobody alive has ever been a slave, nor do they know anyone who was one.

"Let my people go..." to a liquor store.

The crux: Quit blaming white people for your failed life. Odds are it was either because you are lazy, or an idiot. Or both.
+102|6992|New York

Ikarti wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

None what? Please, if you want to type something, try and have it make sense.

And you think white kids care about the elderly or anyone else? Seems you have a fun time singling out blacks. Bet you're itching to get in an altercation with one so you can break out your artificial bravery that is a gun. A lot people who carry one are always eager to use it.

Bet you cried the day they outlawed lynching.
DUDE, Or whatever you are, Im not racist, Id use it on Anyone who threatens my familys life. If it is just a one on one with nothing used, Id try and take the person fairly. remember theres such a thing as reasonable force. I will use the same means to defend myself as the aggressor uses. In the case where i was FORCED to use my weapon, I used the same amount of force that was going to be used on my FAMILY, Not just me, but my wife and kids. he lost i won, end of story and end of him.

As per your last post, I was referring to the word FRIENDS. LMAO
Yeah, you're not racist. You just look down upon people who HAPPEN not to be the same race as you.

I'm sorry to hear you have a child. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
And you should have died LONG ago. Maybe someone will put you out of your misery sooner or later. Is school back in session where ever you live? if so Please go back and give us a rest from your drivel.

Anyways, Where and when have i ever looked down on Anyone whos not my color? Where the fuck did you pull that from? your Terrorist asshole? Damn dude you really need a first class ass beating. You wouldnt last 5 minutes on the street spewing the drivel you do. Youd look like that picture of Rodney King that was posted. Even the black boys whould whoop your ass LOL.
+102|6992|New York

jonsimon wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

If you're honestly questioning why there isn't White Entertainment Television, you must have missed Friends.
And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
Keep trying lil guy. Maybe someday you'll be clever like the big men.
Funny how you can TRY to act the man on the internet Kid.  Im not afraid to give you any info you need to base your replies on. Age, City, State, Address if youd like to visit, ect. ect. ect.........

Every person of every race must date, marry, or reproduce with someone of a diferent skin color.

I've done my part, have you?
Banned - for ever.
+231|6999|Wilmington, DE, US

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

DUDE, Or whatever you are, Im not racist, Id use it on Anyone who threatens my familys life. If it is just a one on one with nothing used, Id try and take the person fairly. remember theres such a thing as reasonable force. I will use the same means to defend myself as the aggressor uses. In the case where i was FORCED to use my weapon, I used the same amount of force that was going to be used on my FAMILY, Not just me, but my wife and kids. he lost i won, end of story and end of him.

As per your last post, I was referring to the word FRIENDS. LMAO
Yeah, you're not racist. You just look down upon people who HAPPEN not to be the same race as you.

I'm sorry to hear you have a child. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
And you should have died LONG ago. Maybe someone will put you out of your misery sooner or later. Is school back in session where ever you live? if so Please go back and give us a rest from your drivel.

Anyways, Where and when have i ever looked down on Anyone whos not my color? Where the fuck did you pull that from? your Terrorist asshole? Damn dude you really need a first class ass beating. You wouldnt last 5 minutes on the street spewing the drivel you do. Youd look like that picture of Rodney King that was posted. Even the black boys whould whoop your ass LOL.
Looks like someone's feelings are hurt. You got called on your bullshit. Now you're playing I'M NOT A RACIST. Good job. Maybe someone else will believe you.

You make a lot of assumptions about me, which is funny since you really don't know shit at all. About anything. Keep going. There's still hope that your bloodline won't continue. Would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

And you have none so whats the point? LMFAO
Keep trying lil guy. Maybe someday you'll be clever like the big men.
Funny how you can TRY to act the man on the internet Kid.  Im not afraid to give you any info you need to base your replies on. Age, City, State, Address if youd like to visit, ect. ect. ect.........
Oh, no, I'm quite aware you're a fully grown adult with wife and kids and I am a 17 year old in school with a girlfriend, that was the intended irony.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6999|Wilmington, DE, US

Erkut.hv wrote:


Every person of every race must date, marry, or reproduce with someone of a diferent skin color.

I've done my part, have you?
Yep. Actually, it's all I've ever done.

Ikarti wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:


Every person of every race must date, marry, or reproduce with someone of a diferent skin color.

I've done my part, have you?
Yep. Actually, it's all I've ever done.
Holy sheep shat batman, Ikarti and I agree on something.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Whites conqured there WHOLE continent? HUH???? What part? South Africa? Thats about it LOL. I dont see whites ruleing Anywhere in Africa, Not even in South africa anymore. factless.
Headstone's knowledge of history is impeccable. Although he did neglect to consider the fact that France, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany and the UK sliced up the ENTIRE continent of Africa amongst themselves. Obviously just a small oversight on Headstone's part.
+125|6868|Rochester NY USA
To those who said that Whites have been the biggest aggressors.

Well the past 300-400 years I would agree, but from their it is groundless bull shit. That is not why most minority's hate whites (Yes most do, or have quite a stereotype). Most don't like us because of our money and how much better we have it. Do you people honestly think that younger blacks hate whites because of slavery. Hell no, listen to rap or have some friends that are in that group, it's all about jealousy and this stemmed from slavery.

If the US never had slavery this country would be in so much better shape and it's crime rates would be much lower. It is the white mans fault but not ours.

Here is a quote from Bust Rhyms. "If your not from the ghetto stay the fuck away from the ghetto". Yeah we have a problem.

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