
Best American President Ever...

George Washington9%9% - 22
Thomas Jefferson3%3% - 8
Abraham Lincoln13%13% - 32
Ulysses S. Grant0%0% - 2
John F. Kennedy13%13% - 31
Franklin Delano Roosevelt12%12% - 30
Ronald Reagan15%15% - 37
Bill Clinton14%14% - 35
George W. Bush8%8% - 20
Other7%7% - 17
Total: 234
+9|6787|Svea Rike
I'm not from the US, but I voted for Bill Clinton. I liked that he slept with that monica thing.. hehe.. And he didn't start war everywhere either..
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6996|The Lou

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Here's a good question, who was the first 'President Of The United States'?
more like dumb question, around what time do you play so i can kill you?
George Washington.

errrr.... why isnt nixon on there? lol just kidding.
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
I think it comes down to FDR and Lincoln. I won't pretend to be an expert on FDR, but I believe that if you boil it down to the effects that ONE MAN had on the country, I think Lincoln was our finest. FDR was responsible for many great things. But We can't just credit FDR FTW in WWII - he had lots of help from outstanding military leaders. Lincoln triumphed over extreme adversity toward the Union and toward himself personally.

I'd be very interested to hear from anyone knowledgeable on presidential history enough to contrast the two in detail.

If the question were "which of these men did the most for the United States", I would have answered Washington, but the brunt of his contributions came prior to being president. After America won the Revolutionary War, many supported the idea of crowning the victorious General Washington as King of America! Yet he dismissed the idea, amazingly declining the "right" to power that most men in his position would have anxiously accepted, only to return to his farm in Virginia. An amazing yet humble man, without whom we would certainly not exist as a nation.
George Washington -suppressed the whiskey rebellion, the first true test of America- instead of paying taxes in whiskey the had to pay with money, they revolt and Washington sent the militia in.

Thomas Jefferson -one of the great thinkers of the founding fathers and started the Library of congress with his own collection.

Abraham Lincoln-this guys is buried in my state,  great president and one of the last log cabin presidents.

Ulysses S. Grant-a drunk who hired his buddies to run the country, Mark Twain wrote his biography. 

John F. Kennedy- Mr. PT-109. Good president and was a he bitch!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt-this president is the only president to ever get the USA close to what Europe has now with public health and workers rights. (Wagner act and Taft Hartly act will tell you the story about that!) he was also a big mason. Good president!

Ronald Reagan- this guy scarred the shit out of me, remember the TV movie the day after and starwars. 20 years later, the guy actually had a strategy that worked against the soviets, it just cost us our nerve endings.

Bill Clinton - Bill, Bill, Bill, those that hate you, actually love you and those that love you want to suck you off. Good president, but to early to say how his policy have worked, give another 10 years.

George W. Bush-the jury is out until some time has past to see how his policies truly worked.

Other-Andrew fucking Jackson(the guy on the twenty)This guy spit blood everyday from a wound he suffered in battle. He was a widower who wife died while in office. He is also the first president to open the white house to the public for his inauguration party. The public trashed it! This is also the guy who set down some major battles between the president and congress. Old Hickory! My favorite son of a bitch!

Teddy R. - yes the most ass kicking president in the US history. and nature lover for all you tree huggers.

Andrew Jackson was a terrible president. No idea what he was doing. :\
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois
Who the hell voted for Clinton? That guy did nothing in 8 years except party and ride the success of previous presidents. Ronald Reagan, JFK, and Teddy Roosevelt FTW!
FDR, bitches
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!
Franklin Deleno Rosevelt, he led us through ww2..... thats all u need + he was a very smart person!
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Mr. Gorbichov, tear down this wall!....Reagan was good, they shot the other good one (Kennedy).
btw... what the fuck did jfk do?

not to mention his mafia connections, blah blah blah
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
Uh Oh, Another CameronPoe Thread. All I'll say is, I DID NOT Vote Bush '00 or '04.

Last edited by DaReJa (2006-08-23 16:14:18)

Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Winfield Scott would have been the best president if he didnt lose the elections.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
FDR!!!!!!   FTW baby!!!!
Alcohol & calculus don't mix. Never drink & derive
lincoln he reunited the south and freed slaves
William Henry Harrison did nothing, and the whig party died. Andrew Jackson cement the democratic party!

By the way, Lincoln was the first republican president! while FDR was the 9th democratic president and not a democratic republican like jefferson.

Lincoln also did more then FDR, Lincoln held a country together, help end slavery and never truly hated the south. Most of what FDR did was repealed after the 1946 election when the republicans took back congress. FDR was still a good president, but Lincoln beats FDR when it comes to lasting legacy!

Battle of Gettysburg - 51,112 Casualties from both sides. What do you do when your country tears itself apart!

Last edited by ht_fly (2006-08-23 16:30:09)

Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
In my opinion, neither Reagan, Clinton, nor Bush should be anywhere near this list. Clinton tied for Lincoln for best president ever? REAGAN?

How can anyone actually argue that Reagan and Clinton were better presidents than Abraham Fucking Lincoln and George Washington, for god's sake?

Ridiculous. If you voted for either of these two guys, explain yourself please.
Dont tread on me
+77|7008|Mountains of West Virginia
Washington, why?

He had the ability IMO to become the "king" for lack of better terms, of the US. Instead he upheld real democracy ran by the people. I think this general interest for the bettering of the US is a trait few politicians have anymore.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

How can anyone actually argue that Reagan and Clinton were better presidents than Abraham Fucking Lincoln and George Washington, for god's sake?

Ridiculous. If you voted for either of these two guys, explain yourself please.
QFT. I think they just like Clinton since he could get bizzay in office.
Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6799|"Near Det.", MI
Other: Carter. Da Bes! Nuff said.
+4|7000|Irving Tx
The only thing Clinton did was make it OK for the military to get blow jobs and not face ucmj action

FDR he got us out of the depression yes...But he had  world war to do it with...

Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson  enough said...

TRex big stick....good man there

Reagan... Paux Americana...we need him now. We would not have these problems with Iraq/ Iran etc if he was around... He would simply find their leader and bomb the crap out them...problem solved... and when he said I don't recall he meant it... he had Alzheimers....

Last edited by Orion5413 (2006-08-23 22:28:59)


I'm confused. Why is Clinton and W. Bush on this list? Even more confusing, why is Grant up there? Why isn't Nixon up there? What about Eisenhower?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-08-23 23:21:32)

+632|6929|do not disturb

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm confused. Why is Clinton and W. Bush on this list? Even more confusing, why is Grant up there? Why isn't Nixon up there? What about Eisenhower?
Ahh, where would our interstate system be without Eisenhower?
Harry S Truman

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Why isn't Nixon up there?
Hey why isnt the worst US president on this list of best presidents? Oh he's there GWBush ..I mean why isn't the second worst president ever Nixon there?

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-08-23 23:58:20)

+183|6986|A sunburnt country

Ryan86th wrote:

btw... what the fuck did jfk do?

not to mention his mafia connections, blah blah blah
He was knocking the back out of Marilyn Monroe, that alone gets my vote.
Aspiring Objectivist
I'd have to say FDR or JFK because they were leaders when we needed them the most, where are they now?
Everyone says Reagan helped the economy?! Times were hard back then as I remember.
Clinton helped the economy with all that surplus that GWB spent all of & much much more, George w is second only to Reagan in spending.
So much for the dollar$ being worth anything.
I'll always like carter , he wasn't a very good president but at least he had the vision to try & legalize marijuana.

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