Hey all,

Most of us have been busy spending our time here, bashing each other's views, and bashing each other personally. However, one common thread appears time and time again. It is our collective disdain for our government.

It is the one tie that binds us. Left, right, or center, we are all pissed off at our governments lack of ability to do ANYTHING that benefits the Nation.

My question: What do we do? I look at our government, and I get angry. Where did all of the real statesmen go? All I see, on both sides of the aisle, are career politicians who are more concerned with staying in office, than enahcning our once great nation.

We are a sad crumbling Republic, and I am sorry to say, I fear her best days are long gone unless we do something, very soon.

The question is, what?

Let the suggestions begin.
Boy this is a tough issue to tackle.  The government spends our hardearned tax dollars on stupid things.  The biggest amount of spending is done with what is called pork barrell spending.  That is where one senator agrees to sponsor a bill for another in exchange for financial benefits to that senator.  Usually this spending is conterproductive at best.  This is done to make one senator make himself look better to his voters in his district or state.  Speaking of senators a recent bill to raise the minimum wage was sent to the senate for approval after clearing the House, the Senate killed the bill.  There are alot of interesting factors at work here.  The last time that the min wage was increased was back in 1997, since that time both the House and Senate have voted 13 times to increase their wages, BUT REFUSE TO GIVE THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER (WHO PAYES THEIR WAGES) A WAGE INCREASE.  I dont know about the rest of you all but that makes me livid with the government.  The government was formed for the people by the people, now the government just serves it self and not the people who voted these CRIMINALS into office.  There needs to be many changes in the way our government runs.  However all I can see are the faults and the solution is far more distorted than one would think.  We as the people need to talk to our congressmen and let them know that we do not agree on the way the government is being legislated and needs change fast or our society as we know it will crumble just like the old Roman Empire.  Just my thoughts.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6955|San Francisco

Abraham Lincoln wrote:

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right, which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. … RiseUp.pdf
my 0.02   
more political parties, have an endorsemet cap so oil companies can't pour $$$$$ into the one they want, only as much $ as the cap allows (resulting in less paid propaganda)
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
"We are a sad crumbling Republic..."

It's not even close to how bad it has been in the past, nor do we have it as bad as some other countries.

Stay positive or move to Canada (they speak English).
That is indeed a very tough one. As an outsider, it is not as bad as you might feel. Every elected government, well most anyway, in the world tend to think more about themselves, their incomes and their future than that of the country they purport to represent. In New Zealand, our current government overspent on their election by almost half a million dollars (peanuts compared to presedential races I know, but here it is all tax payer money). Instead of paying it back to the tax payer, guess what the government plans to do? Bring in retrspective legislation making it legal. I am sure you (meaning the people of America) would never stand for that. Here, people just shrug their shoulders and say "What can you do?". The reason? The same reason unsuitable people all over the world get elected into power, they promise enough, to enough people, so they can get their votes. Most people do not think "What is best for the country?" when they go into vote, they think "what is best for my hip pocket?". To be honest, that is no different than what politicians are doing, thinking about themselves, not their constituency (allbeit on a smaller scale). Democracy has many faults, but unfortunately, is probably the best available at present. That means living with it, warts and all. At least there is a semblance of freedom that we have that many countries do not. And while, as an outsider, I look at the candidates put forward by the democrats and the republicans in your election every four years and think to myself "in a country of some 260 million people, this is the best they have?", overall your country is a great one. The fact that you have a great country and there are people still wanting to look for ways to be even better shows you are not past your prime.
GunSlinger OIF II

Pug wrote:

It's not even close to how bad it has been in the past, nor do we have it as bad as some other countries.

Stay positive or move to Canada (they speak English).
I haven't thought the issue through but my gut instinct is that it has to do with how politics has become distant from the man on the ground. Political power is far too centralised and is getting worse all the time. Here in the Republic our independence when it comes to lawmaking, etc. will continue to be chipped away at by the EU. Devolving power more locally makes local politicians more accountable for fuck-ups. The corruption that concentrating power in the hands of the few would also be minimised. Ireland is a nation of but 4 million people - our politicians don't seem like celebrities on the big screen like they might in USA. I think we feel we have more of a say in what goes on as a result and people power can actually influence government decisions.
One thing I like about Irish politics is the fact we have proportional representation - that way there is almost always a coalition government, the effect of which is that the ruling parties tend to cater for a wider audience than to just those that put them in power.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-22 12:11:55)

Stay the corpse
+261|6761|Los Angeles
A very good, challenging question.

The state of American education is for me the primary factor. We Americans are as a whole not well educated. We are certainly dumber than we used to be. We are less curious about the world, we are less knowledgeable of history than were our forefathers. We approach post-secondary education (college) as a means toward gainful employment, rather than as a means toward a well-rounded, meaningful education.

It pains me to read letters written by common men during, for example, the period of the American Revolution. Self-educated men wrote on a variety of topics with a passion and eloquence that trumps anything I could hope to produce, even with a 4-year degree from a reputable, well-known university.

Some pay lip service to the "liberal arts education" but the term means nothing any more. We have come to define success through numbers rather than through trusting our own individual sense of happiness and fulfillment. As such we champion our own selfish interests while trampling on the greater good of the country and of the world.

At the end of the day, if we are happy with the state of our bank accounts, we believe the world to be in good order, and we can plop down on the sofa to watch Prison Break without a care in the world. We have grown fat and ignorant off of our own successes. We have become so comfortable that we don't believe it's necessary to really challenge ourselves any more.

Out of this eroded education comes a diminished worldview. Our moral relativism allows us to be easily pursuaded. We allow other people to worry about the important stuff. Smart people realize this and, lacking a moral compass of their own, manipulate the situation for their own benefit.

Education is the key here. Fundamentally speaking, we need to convince ourselves that education is its own reward, and not the job that comes as a result of it.

I would highly recommend an excellent, provocative book for anyone interested in studying the subject: "The Closing of the American Mind" written in 1987 by Allan Bloom, since deceased, who had been a professor of philosophy at Cornell and University of Chicago. Amazon link here.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Pug wrote:

It's not even close to how bad it has been in the past, nor do we have it as bad as some other countries.

Stay positive or move to Canada (they speak English).
And neither of you commented here

that's the perfect topic for america love it or leave it.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6992|Peoria, Illinois
Vote Libertarian.

M1-Lightning wrote:

Vote Libertarian.
I do, but there isn't enough people with open eyes to affect change.

Most people vote simply because they see a (D) or an (R) next to someones name.

I'm not saying we are doomed as a nation, but we are fast approaching what I believe is situation critical. maybe in the next 7 or 8 years we're going to see the deciding factors as to wether or not America will make it.

Perhaps I took poetic license with my description, but look around, it is getting worse.
GunSlinger OIF II
if people hate and bad mouth this country so much they should either get the fuck out, or work through democratic means to change things

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

work through democratic means to change things
That's kinda what I am getting at.

Crumbling Republic?  You have got to be joking?  There are countries in Africa where rebels cut off the heads of children, put them in a bag, and show them to the mothers of the dead children.  After you see something like that, how can you even use the word crumbling?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6946|United States of America

Pug wrote:

Stay positive or move to Canada (they speak English).
D00D! Haven't you seen what they do there? That movie The Whole Nine Yards? They put MAYONNAISE ON BURGERS! (according to the film)
+14|6933|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
I cant say that our republic is crumbling after what usmarine2005 said. But I will say that I believe that our government is stumbling further and further away from the "By the people, For the people." Im not saying which party since they are all filled with not nessecarily corrupt people but they definitly look after themselves before the people they are supposed to represent. Which can be said for all levels government public figureheads.   I firmly agree with old Ben Franklin and think that these political positions should not be given salaries. Perhaps a per diem rate, but they should be doing this for the love of country not because they get paid 150,000+ a year. Not including benifits.
U.S. > Iran

darthazeem wrote:

The last time that the min wage was increased was back in 1997, since that time both the House and Senate have voted 13 times to increase their wages, BUT REFUSE TO GIVE THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER (WHO PAYES THEIR WAGES) A WAGE INCREASE.
Yeah, this is pretty shady. Dont get me wrong, Id rather live in this country than anywhere else, but its pretty sad that they will increase their wages by a couple thousand a year, but wont give the people making minimum wage an extra 20 cents.  I think sometimes they forget, that some of those people making minimum wage cant get other jobs, and my have a child as well as cost of living bills.  The cost of living has been on the rise pretty much everywhere, and those people who are stuck on minimum wage at McDonalds are sinking farther into poverty.  While I agree the government is here to help people, it seems as society moves along with inflation, etc, some people are being left behind becuase of their wages.  Now Im not saying everyone at McD's makes min. wage, and Im not saying everyone that works there cant get better jobs and has a kid either.  Lets face it, generally McD's employees are kids from 14-18 or so.  But some people, and Ive seen this personally, will take a job at the lowest pay just because its money, even tho its not much, they are that desperate for money they take it.  I cant help but feel bad for them, and then when I see that Congress approves themselves another raise, its kinda sad.  Our government has its good and bad sides, just as any job, company, or other government has.  But I wouldnt trade our government for any others.  Ours, nor is any government, perfect in any way.  Although I may not totally agree with some things our government does, Im not going to sit here and say that Bush is a jackass and hurrican katrina is his fault or some other lame ass comment like that.  Hell, in that case its Bushs fault that Christopher Columbus mistaked the Carribean Islands for India.
Well as a Canadian your all welcome up here if you want to move. We got plenty of room.
dude eat cheese and watch the comments you post!

I see your file getting thicker!

Vote and use your freedom of speech!

Do it legally! and you be all right!

The other ways is a quick way to dark suits with sunglasses knocking on the door.

You would have better luck sellign drugs in the day and age!

Their is always someone watching not matter what country you are in!

MAJ-DMK- wrote:

Well as a Canadian your all welcome up here if you want to move. We got plenty of room.
Not in toronto. You get like a whole 3 points on immigration if you're not going to live in the GTA.
Stay the corpse
+261|6761|Los Angeles

MAJ-DMK- wrote:

Well as a Canadian your all welcome up here if you want to move. We got plenty of room.
In all seriousness, I believe in coming decades many will take up the offer. Especially with global climates continuing to rise.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

MAJ-DMK- wrote:

Well as a Canadian your all welcome up here if you want to move. We got plenty of room.
I lived in Canada for a few years.  I love Canada.  No offense meant on the Canada comment...
I think we need to get a Woman in office.All the men in the last few years have their brains hanging under their dick or they just want to start wars.

Maybe a woman would think more about the people and nation.

I think its time for a change.Who knows,it might just be for the better.

Thats my 2 cents.take it or leave it.

DesertFox423 wrote:

Pug wrote:

Stay positive or move to Canada (they speak English).
D00D! Haven't you seen what they do there? That movie The Whole Nine Yards? They put MAYONNAISE ON BURGERS! (according to the film)
You guys don't put mayonnaise on hamburgers?

Seriously though I firmly believe the solutions to all the problems in the United States lie within those two eternal documents, the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. If you don't have a copy of both in your room or office you should.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."

People don't talk like that anymore, and we don't act like that anymore either. This country was founded on rebellion, and we are brought up to be good Americans like TV tells us, instead of good Americans the way Thomas Jefferson told us.

Yes, I am not an American, but I love America, not necessarily its leaders or foreign policy, but the ideals it was founded upon. And those ideals are still the same ones that can save America today.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government."

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