I hate anyone who jumps into the jeep, van, or humvee and drives off while I am using it for defence of a flag. The fucken morons only care about going out to runangun. If I can I will teamkill them, the fucken losers!!!!
another of the 2 wrongs don't make a right idiots.A.HACKER wrote:
I hate anyone who jumps into the jeep, van, or humvee and drives off while I am using it for defence of a flag. The fucken morons only care about going out to runangun. If I can I will teamkill them, the fucken losers!!!!
Please spare me you sanctimonious crap, when an asshole, who can't help but notice I'm defending and ignores my request to let me defend deserves to be killed, you are probably one of those idiots who do that very thing!,DSRTurtle wrote:
another of the 2 wrongs don't make a right idiots.A.HACKER wrote:
I hate anyone who jumps into the jeep, van, or humvee and drives off while I am using it for defence of a flag. The fucken morons only care about going out to runangun. If I can I will teamkill them, the fucken losers!!!!
Screw you asshole!!!
Your the asshole!A.HACKER wrote:
Please spare me you sanctimonious crap, when an asshole, who can't help but notice I'm defending and ignores my request to let me defend deserves to be killed, you are probably one of those idiots who do that very thing!,DSRTurtle wrote:
another of the 2 wrongs don't make a right idiots.A.HACKER wrote:
I hate anyone who jumps into the jeep, van, or humvee and drives off while I am using it for defence of a flag. The fucken morons only care about going out to runangun. If I can I will teamkill them, the fucken losers!!!!
Screw you asshole!!!
AHACKER really needs to play something else.. so much stress... and anger..
chutes and ladders is a fun game...
chutes and ladders is a fun game...
Are you sure that's wise - doesn't that require an opponent? Maybe Solitare would be better.Septimius2 wrote:
AHACKER really needs to play something else.. so much stress... and anger..
chutes and ladders is a fun game...
lmaoScorpion0x17 wrote:
Are you sure that's wise - doesn't that require an opponent? Maybe Solitare would be better.Septimius2 wrote:
AHACKER really needs to play something else.. so much stress... and anger..
chutes and ladders is a fun game...
i was gonna say solitaire... but that can be stressful also... you know... when the MOTHER F***ING 2 of spades is right above the MOTHERF***ING Ace of spades in the flop...
DAMMIT!!! whew... time to calm down... im gonna play BF2 for fun...
DAMMIT!!! whew... time to calm down... im gonna play BF2 for fun...
Never figured out how to play Solitaire.Septimius2 wrote:
i was gonna say solitaire... but that can be stressful also... you know... when the MOTHER F***ING 2 of spades is right above the MOTHERF***ING Ace of spades in the flop...
DAMMIT!!! whew... time to calm down... im gonna play BF2 for fun...
You can really tell who the armature gamers are when all they can do is come up with childish retorts. I take my gaming sessions very seriously and take great offence to anyone who get into a match just to fuck around and play for "me me me" this is a team based game and should be played as such. Christ, people like that should be playing only single player games. If you think I am an asshole, you haven't been playing with the losers I have.
Last edited by A.HACKER (2006-09-16 16:04:29)
Then you need to change who you play with.A.HACKER wrote:
You can really tell who the armature gamers are when all they can do is come up with childish retorts. I take my gaming sessions very seriously and take great offence to anyone who get into a match just to fuck around and play for "me me me" this is a team based game and should be played as such. Christ, people like that should be playing only single player games. If you think I am an asshole, you haven't been playing with the losers I have.
Something else that really grinds my gears. Admins that don't do their job. Sure, everyone's on to have fun but when a server has specific rules and the admins don't enforce them but issue warning after warning and then kick a guy that's explaining the rules, that really fucks me off.
there is way to play and have fun at the SAME time while trying to win... point is.. if you dont win then it aint a problem... funny thing is.. i bet AHACKER is that type of person who, after a game that was lost by 10 - 0, will type something like "we woulda won if our team didnt suck" (saw that today btw, made me laugh(those games are the best imho))
im armatue... VERY ARMATURE... lol
but thats me.. i like to snipe only 99% of time.. that way, i can get up, get some coffee... and enjoy myself...
and yes, i will and do spot out enemies and stuff... and laugh when the enemy commander gives me free "supplies" lol
im armatue... VERY ARMATURE... lol
but thats me.. i like to snipe only 99% of time.. that way, i can get up, get some coffee... and enjoy myself...
and yes, i will and do spot out enemies and stuff... and laugh when the enemy commander gives me free "supplies" lol
I hate losing close games, but they are a lot more fun than a 250 - 0 blowout that I keep seeing on jalabaad. You know your getting moneys worth out of the close games unless you really like blowing people out by ridiculous scores.
When I go to knife someone, and they shoot me, and I die... :'(

Actually, I agree with you - I hate that too - the dig, on my part at least, was a joke. Chill dude.A.HACKER wrote:
You can really tell who the armature gamers are when all they can do is come up with childish retorts. I take my gaming sessions very seriously and take great offence to anyone who get into a match just to fuck around and play for "me me me" this is a team based game and should be played as such. Christ, people like that should be playing only single player games. If you think I am an asshole, you haven't been playing with the losers I have.
No, I do not bitch when we lose a battle 10-0, in my opinion that was a fair fight, I just get so frustrated with the people who don't give a crap. Oh yeah, "immature".Septimius2 wrote:
there is way to play and have fun at the SAME time while trying to win... point is.. if you dont win then it aint a problem... funny thing is.. i bet AHACKER is that type of person who, after a game that was lost by 10 - 0, will type something like "we woulda won if our team didnt suck" (saw that today btw, made me laugh(those games are the best imho))
im armatue... VERY ARMATURE... lol
but thats me.. i like to snipe only 99% of time.. that way, i can get up, get some coffee... and enjoy myself...
and yes, i will and do spot out enemies and stuff... and laugh when the enemy commander gives me free "supplies" lol
And by the way I apologize to all for my crap attitude, it was a very bad day.
I thought it was called snakes and ladders.Septimius2 wrote:
AHACKER really needs to play something else.. so much stress... and anger..
chutes and ladders is a fun game...
well sheet.. and i thought you meant to type "amatuer" lol -1 for me getting THAT wrong...A.HACKER wrote:
[ Oh yeah, "immature".
And by the way I apologize to all for my crap attitude, it was a very bad day.
and i just posted originally about you because i had just come off a couple of games with a player who sounded like what your frustrations were about...
its all good though...
Everyone has bad days. I certainly wasn't picking on you individually with my comment. I was pointing out that your attitude about what you were bitching about is wrong. I've had the same thing happen to me more than once. I'm certain that everyone else in the game has had that happen to them as well.A.HACKER wrote:
No, I do not bitch when we lose a battle 10-0, in my opinion that was a fair fight, I just get so frustrated with the people who don't give a crap. Oh yeah, "immature".
And by the way I apologize to all for my crap attitude, it was a very bad day.
My point was that teamkilling for almost every reason is plain stupid. I've forced a guy to tk me because he kept blowing the arty up because the commander wouldn't give him a vehicle drop to get into the hotel at karkand. The only reason I forced the tk's was to get the guy kicked because he wanted to cheat. I hate tk's. 90% of the time I automattically forgive tk's. Most of the time when I tk someone I expect to be forgiven, but there are some that when I get punished, I fully expected to be punished and deserved it.
Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-09-17 06:18:30)
I think its time for me to stop playing on the public servers and join up with a clan, so I can play with people who are as serious as I am, and who knows? maybe make some dough along the way. It was fun when I was in a UT2004 clan.
I hate commanders who don't think before they drop arty, had a few sessions on Jalalabad where the squad have been on top of the hotel and had our own commander drop the heavy stuff on our heads, its hard enough getting to a vantage point as a sniper without being picked off on the ladder, then to have the commander drop arty on ya trying to get someone at the flag who is already dead coz the squad already hit em.
Also hate being punished for some numbnut climbing a ladder into a claymore, shit if I can see em as I climb so can the rest of my team, so whats the point in giving a punish, thats just stupid.
Gotta say, play with your clan and it just shows you how smooth a great the game can be... even if you lose you feel like you had a great game.
Also hate being punished for some numbnut climbing a ladder into a claymore, shit if I can see em as I climb so can the rest of my team, so whats the point in giving a punish, thats just stupid.
Gotta say, play with your clan and it just shows you how smooth a great the game can be... even if you lose you feel like you had a great game.
Unless you're playing with electric motors, I don't think you're going to see an armature in BF2.A.HACKER wrote:
You can really tell who the armature gamers are when all they can do is come up with childish retorts. I take my gaming sessions very seriously and take great offence to anyone who get into a match just to fuck around and play for "me me me" this is a team based game and should be played as such. Christ, people like that should be playing only single player games. If you think I am an asshole, you haven't been playing with the losers I have.
I was on Warlord today, at the parachute spawn. I hit the parachute key, and sure enough, my ultra parachute of DEATH gets me a PUNISHED TK. Then, the FUCKING WASTE OF LIFE THAT PUNISHES FOR A PARACHUTE TK calls ME an IDIOT. I just sort of lost it after that.
Last edited by greenhaven (2006-09-20 18:12:08)
damn, i was gona say that. oh well i suppose it sucks when your about to make the kill and an enemy spawns behind you and puts a few in your back. you can never clear an area in this game.TriggerHappy998 wrote:
P.S. You know what else really grinds my gears? When I can't find the droids that I'm looking for.
Hate when your'e up to stab someone with a knife, and the momet before you do it, the basterd behind you shot the fellow instead of letting you get a knife kill!!! also hate my harddrive:) it collapses now and then:P so I had to buy a new one just so can play BF2=)