+1|7043|Raleigh, NC
What the fucking hell, man?

I just got done playing as commander on a server. Not one fucking person would listen to me the whole goddamn time. They all just felt like they knew better, and ignored me outright, like I couldn't really see the big picture or something. Worse, is I played with this team three times in a row, and we lost every single match. The third time I played as commander, and I pretty much figured out why. Nearly everyone was grouped up in a team, but hardly anybody was listening to me. My radio towers, artillery, everything was getting blown up by special forces enemies, I even got knived because I couldn't scan to see who was coming. I repeatedly kept telling my team to defend the location of the map that had my satelite and artillery, because it was in enemy hands, but they wouldn't fucking listen.

What the hell? I mean, if these guys were capable, I'd understand. If they were winning, I'd understand. But I had played two other games with these guys, and they lost every time. The first match I came in on we had over 30 tickets more than the opposition, but by the end of the match, we had lost by 50. I had attributed it to a lousy commander (the CO got like, 7th place on his team, and the highest scorer only got like 35 points), but then I realized that it was the team.

They even had the audacity to start asking for supplies and artillary, after I had made it perfectly clear that the artillery was down, and would be until they got their worthless asses over to our base and fixed them. Finally, after holding out supply drops and refusing to offer them any help at all until they went and restored our former base, I got TWO people on my team to go over there. Of course they were slaughtered. Finally, the enemy even just left the base, and then I shouted on the team line "THE BASE IS ABANDONED, GO TAKE IT NOW!!!" and FINALLY they ran over there to take it. It was however, too late as we were down to about 20 tickets and lost the fucking match.

Stupid bastards. I'm a good commander too. This match aside, I'd say a good 85% of the battles I've been commander of have been won. Frustrates the hell out of me when you basically have an entire team of lonewolves, despite being in a squad, they still act like solo players. Fuckers.
+7|7048|Boulder, CO
Personally I think it's the commander's job to keep his equipment up. You can't expect someone to spawn engineer and sit at your arty all day. You want something done right, do it yourself. The team is busy trying to capture points and as commander you need to lead their entry with arty and supply tanks/apc's. As command you should be able to spot spec ops at your base, with or without a scan, which will give the upper hand in coming behind them and unloading 12 gauge rounds into them. That brings me to another point, why don't commanders spot? I've had to actually yell at commanders because they refuse to spot and I end up leaving a base I requested uav for which never came, cmdr never spotted there and it ends up getting taken by a lone infantry after I'm 1000m away. I know it sucks to be commanding a team of morons but it's just as bad vice versa.
Do One Ya Mug !!!
yeh ermmmm nice one
+1|7043|Raleigh, NC
Sure, and I was keeping my equipment up, just as I always do. But in Mashtuur City, where 3/4ths of your equipment is right next to a base capable of being taken over, it ain't fuckin' easy to maintain your equipment. There were two spec ops guys constantly C4ing my shit, and blasting away at my cargo crates every time I dropped one down.

Also, does "Spot" mean "UAV?" Because I use the UAV as often as I can. I never have the UAV off-line if I can help it. I also scan frequently in order to insure that there isn't a straggler somewhere taking over an entire base by himself simply because it's abandoned.

I might be new, and I'm not the best sniper or special forces guy, but I'm a pretty damn fantastic commander all things considered.

It's not the commanders job to lead the entry of a team on a location I told them not to worry about, because the rest of our bases are being captured. I'm the only person on our team who can see the whole damn map, and that means that they should follow my orders.

I'm not unreasonable though. I don't go psycho just because people aren't following my orders to the T. Like I said before, if I'm the commander of a good team, one that works together great, and is doing good, I don't throw out orders left and right. I take it easy, put the UAV's where the most troops are, or where a lonewolf is headed so that if he's going to try to take a flag solo he can be prepared.

But when you've got a team full of blind men, yeah, you bet your ass I'm shouting out left and right.

And I would have taken engineer myself and gone over to the base and fixed my equpiment, but as I already said, three of my four structures were located at a single base, which was under enemy control. My orders to the rest of my team was to take back that base so that we could repair my shit.

What else could I possibly do? There was no possibility to do it myself. My artillary was down, and at that base.
+7|7048|Boulder, CO
If you right click on top of an enemy anything in the command screen and click spotted they'll show up as red for everyone for about 5 seconds. I always try to keep on top of spotting, esp. if there's a teammate in the area of a single infantry. Or if all my crap's down and I can't repair it I'll watch the movement of my troops and try to spot ahead of them while I make my way to HQ.
Agreed with turtle, spotting is very important, you'll realize this instantly the first moment you learn how to do it. It's pretty much THE way to share your satellite scans with your allies, and one of the only ways you can keep tactical info flowing for large maps like Songhua. Spotting is THE way to keep allied vehicles alive and well against C4 newbies lurking in the shadows looking for a free kill.

You should simply drop supplies to keep your commander assets up (if you didn't know, they auto repair the adjacent commander assets). This way you don't have to take an engineer out of the battle (of course if the engineer is smart, he's using a vehicle, thus a big loss if he has to spend time hanging out by commander assets). On smaller maps with more c4 traffic, if you can spare a couple moments in between, you can go eng yourself and repair. Depends whether or not the situation allows. Remember that even with all your command assets blown up, you still have the ability to drop supplies and manually spot enemies, which are both valuable in and of themselves.

To the original poster - teammates that won't listen to commander orders are extremely frustrating. An experienced command should be followed to the letter (though I would have doubts, based on your record, of your ability to command effectively, especially since you're just figuring out now how to spot). It shows the ugly mentality of the average BF2 player who thinks it's his god given right to join the game and do whatever the hell he wants, with little regard to common sense or teamwork. If you want to see another thread full of these exact same people, I invite you to take a look at the "have it your way boom" thread in this forum. To them, you are nothing, commander or not, and they'd just as soon TK you for a cheap laugh as they would ever consider to actually follow an order you gave their squad.
Instead of thinking everyone should work for their glorious leader (you), why don't you actively do something about it? The 2 spec ops that kept coming won't be difficult to kill, you could've bobby trapped the area with claymores. This is the Internet and being online, you have to expect people to NOT play things YOUR way right?
If I had things MY way, scrubs who didn't want to play as a team the way the game was intended to be played would stick to counter strike.

Turtle wrote:

Personally I think it's the commander's job to keep his equipment up. You can't expect someone to spawn engineer and sit at your arty all day. You want something done right, do it yourself. The team is busy trying to capture points and as commander you need to lead their entry with arty and supply tanks/apc's. As command you should be able to spot spec ops at your base, with or without a scan, which will give the upper hand in coming behind them and unloading 12 gauge rounds into them. That brings me to another point, why don't commanders spot? I've had to actually yell at commanders because they refuse to spot and I end up leaving a base I requested uav for which never came, cmdr never spotted there and it ends up getting taken by a lone infantry after I'm 1000m away. I know it sucks to be commanding a team of morons but it's just as bad vice versa.
Yea man.. ive only been commander a couple of times ive only had bf2 for a few weeks and i know that you gotta sort ur men out and scan suppli drop and tell ur squads when theres a flag open... hell most of the time im commanding while im in a heli ive never crashed yet (been shot down tho, and i can't do any spotting or scanning takes to long and you spin out. Can drop suppli and uav art tho)

Last edited by HuntingHawk (2005-11-07 17:31:47)


Sud wrote:

Agreed with turtle, spotting is very important, you'll realize this instantly the first moment you learn how to do it. It's pretty much THE way to share your satellite scans with your allies, and one of the only ways you can keep tactical info flowing for large maps like Songhua. Spotting is THE way to keep allied vehicles alive and well against C4 newbies lurking in the shadows looking for a free kill..
even so sir it is still possible to get ppl with c4 even if they can see you... depending on the situation you can get close to an enemy heli even... tanks are easy if you have the chance to run round a corner or quickly sprint into his "blind" spot (ive found mec tanks arnt good for this btw USA best) lay a c4 run around were you can get 10m away and boom.. you get shell shocked but it works a treat... i almost got a heli pilot once, i got him shooting at me ran under a building (dragon vally chineese flag main base next to it, think it was 64 player)  he came down and tried to shoot me (as most good heli pilots do...) i ran under him he didnt have a clue i stuck 2 packs of c4 on his underbelly and tried to run away. But the lucky fucker turned to go away and killed me with his tail and i shouted YOU LUCKY BASTARD cause i was very dissapointed i didnt get the kill :'( but if i got that kill i woulda had to make a video of me doing it...
(i know this is a little off subject but i had to say it, Spec ops i love so much)
+1|7043|Raleigh, NC
Sud - Now that you've explained to me what "spot" means, I know exactly what it is, and I do it frequently, and always have. I'm inexperienced with the BF2 jargon, that's all. The rest of the stuff you talked about I know already too, and do. Like I said, I know to drop supplies on my own equipment to fix them, but unfortunately, the special forces guys who were destroying my stuff were camping the base my stuff was at, and every time I dropped supplies on my equipment they shot them to destruction.

RGB - When I play commander, I play commander. I find a hiding spot, and I keep the map open the entire game. On a rare occasion I might sneak into the enemy's base and destroy their shit, and plant bombs on their respawning planes while keeping an eye on the map to make sure nobody comes after me. I'm usually pretty successful with this tactic, but I don't do it very often because I play commander to be a team player, not to help myself out to some nice target practice. Also, I tend to only do this either when my team is doing spectacular and they don't need me, or they're doing so shitty that absolutely no amount of exceptional commanding is going to save them, in which case I try to do my part by getting rid of the enemy's artillary and UAV and scanners.

And I agree with Sud. Anyone who wants to play this game for themselves should go play DOOM or Counterstrike or Halo, where team play doesn't mean dick. Lonewolves stack up points for themselves, but their team inevitably loses the match. If half a dozen mediocre players with exceptional teamwork skills went up against half a dozen exceptional players who weren't helping each other whatsoever and did whatever the hell they wanted to, I'd place bets on the mediocre players every time.

Also Sud, even if I went after those two spec ops guys and somehow killed them both, and got my shit back online, they'd just respawn and destroy them again. Nothing could be done until we retook the base.
+0|7046|Orlando, FL

Sud wrote:

If I had things MY way, scrubs who didn't want to play as a team the way the game was intended to be played would stick to counter strike.
thank god we don't have to worry about you getting your way

Tyshalle83 wrote:

RGB - ...I'm usually pretty successful with this tactic, but I don't do it very often because I play commander to be a team player, not to help myself out to some nice target practice.
I didn't mean to say you suck or you were out to glorify yourself, I play ALOT of Wolf:ET and everything about it is teamwork and its so very often you find yourself in a server where people go about doing their own thing and XP whoring. I don't like it any bit but that's the way it is in pubs.

Of cos occasionally out of frustration, I would go pistol shooting them until they have a wee bit of health left. Maybe you ought to try that abit.

Sud wrote:

If I had things MY way, scrubs who didn't want to play as a team the way the game was intended to be played would stick to counter strike.
I wonder sometimes if you're able to seperate 'gaming' from reality. Not everyone wants to join a team, some servers will 'kick' non team players but it doesn't say 'YOU HAVE TO PLAY AS A TEAM, (sorry for shouting). You are NOT in charge (thank God for small mercies), you do NOT have the right to dictate how others play this game, (game, have I mentioned that somewhere before). Yes it's great when people do play as a team, and yes it's great when it all comes together, but it doesn't happen all the time. If YOU do want it to happen all the time, BUY your OWN server and run around like the dictator you so obviously want to be.

Rant over
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I feel you.

Ever been on one of those servers where people join squads or jump squads just to find a spawn point closer? No one wants to defend, no one listens to orders even though they're getting raped by a plane, when I hve to get on the plane myself I get muntinied off so quickly >
Radioactive Glo
+130|7129|A Small Isle in the Tropics

i am one of those who sometimes hesitate to get into a squad because:

a) clan players, they sometimes kick you out
b) squad leaders running around without clear cut directions or orders
c) friends playing amongst themselves who kick you out
d) squad members who leave you immediately to form up another squad the minute you sign in to the squad (is it my body odour or what)

I will follow a Commander's orders only if:

a) he knows what he is doing
b) he puts in a UAV on a flag where I am going in to cap, or he spots for me.
c) dropping supply when i say "need ammo" instead of requesting for supplies.

by this time, he has my respect.

Yes, I am one of those f*****g ignorant non-teamplayers, so sue me. But by the same token, if someone invites me to their squad, I always agree to join and try my freaking best as a team player.

Just as there are f******g ignorant non-teamplayers, there are also equally bad SLs and Commanders. Two sides to the coin, this is my take on it.

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-11-08 01:41:00)


polarbearz wrote:

I feel you.

Is this a statement, or are you advertising a service?

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-08 03:54:44)


thinner44 wrote:

Sud wrote:

If I had things MY way, scrubs who didn't want to play as a team the way the game was intended to be played would stick to counter strike.
I wonder sometimes if you're able to seperate 'gaming' from reality. Not everyone wants to join a team, some servers will 'kick' non team players but it doesn't say 'YOU HAVE TO PLAY AS A TEAM, (sorry for shouting). You are NOT in charge (thank God for small mercies), you do NOT have the right to dictate how others play this game, (game, have I mentioned that somewhere before). Yes it's great when people do play as a team, and yes it's great when it all comes together, but it doesn't happen all the time. If YOU do want it to happen all the time, BUY your OWN server and run around like the dictator you so obviously want to be.

Rant over
amen brutha

mikeshw wrote:

(is it my body odour or what) .
Not from here, smells just fine . I've just played a round where the 'lynx effect' has worked wonders. The commander was 'spot on' perfect, he dropped supplies when we needed them, spotted the enemy and provided UAV when we were about to take a flag... and of course, we won the round ... All this and not one body, not one soul was in a squad.

As you rightly say "Two sides to the coin"

'Lynx effect' copyright 2000 or some year recently past
On the issue of team versus non team players, today i was playing for a bit. On the Oilfield. Our home base was under constant assault from special ops (they really love it now that they get points for taking out resources, which they should!) I pretty much camped on the home base defending it as an engineer, using the various fixed weapon emplacements and a machine gun overlooking the three arty cannons (the one in the bunker)...

Anyway, I told the commander to stop waisting supply drops on the arty and the scanners, I had a buggy and if something went down I usually had it up within a few minutes. He told me to "get out of our base and go start fighting" and kept giving me ridiculous orders and calling me the worst squad ever until I eventually went lonewolf just so I wouldn't have to hear his mouth.

He then started a kick vote on me, and told everyone in the server I was "stat padding" for repair points, and the vote darn near worked to because I was too busy tracking those little special ops rats to type my side of the story.

I ended up with 16 repair points, 8 kills, 7 deaths... does that sound like stat padding to any of you? does that sound like not being a team player? Geesh.

All I was doing is what I often find myself wishing just one person would do whenever I command.
i play on wake island alot, and i go commander on chinese side whenever i can and 95% of the time victory is mine, it tell sqads to defend the flags and i defend my artillery with a sniper, i use my mic alot, and constantly give orders. if a flag is being taken and noone is goin there i do it myself.
Once the american team lost 6 matches in a row, so i thought i would go usmc to try and win, cos noone went commander last time, i tell them to attack beach and north base, and within 2 minutes we had to strong bases, and moved on to take south base and north village. i poinded airbase and help with the advance, gave orders and shouted at my team with my mic lol, eventually victory was ours with a good 40 tickets left, and people was saying what a good commander i am.
I hate them, cant stand them, end of.
I played commander on wake Island one night and gave up after a few games.  I could not get any of my squads to follow a single order.  It's not that they ignored me they just kept saying no.  They all and I mean all of them, camped out on the north west spawn point and stayed there attacking a couple of enemy soldiers coming from the island.  The rest of the enemy forces would sweep around the other side of the island and take all of the spawn points.  Of course they would start a mutany because they were losing.  So when my side just sucks too bad then I move on and find another server.
I look at it this way I bought this game for ME.  I didnt buy this game for anyone else just ME.  Sometimes i like going out in packs and repairing things and reviving and resupplying; but sometimes i also like going out by myself and sniping or spawn camping whatever i want to do and u know what i can do that u know y?  BECAUSE I BOUGHT THIS GAME and i can do whatever i want when i play it only somethings i may choose to do in a server may have consequences though.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7046|NH - USA
I think you can play any way you want and if you dont like the way a game is going on a server, move out and look for another one. Hell, if you want to run the game your way, lease a server and host a game. Even in other squad based games (SOCOM, etc) there are plenty of the same gripes but the game is fun.

I have been a commander and had my assets under attack while "my boys" where galavanting across the map. I just kept dropping crates on my assets, sprinkling artillery on the area, and eventually grabbing the sniper rifle and bagged the clown myself. You just have to be flexible to the variables in the game and that includes the people/players! I would also put the UAV or self spot the perps trying to take over the HQ to remind the flyboys and stray units to help defend it. We won!  Yippie!

Like war sometimes you get "GREEN" troops. Join a clan and play clan games if you want to move up a level or two.


Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-11-08 22:31:55)

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