$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

What do you guys think about claymores with tripwires that you can actually see and avoid. Say jump over them. To set them, you'd have to chose where the claymore is, and where the tripwire attaches to. It would make it easier for us attentive players to avoid them while still making them effective in-game.

Also, they could just make it so that if you crawl past them, they don't blow up.


Talon wrote:

3. Engineers get a point for every mine removed. (Currently they are the lowest socring class by far. Obviously, removing AT mines exposes you to fire.)
I do agree with the point for recovering a mine however if you're in a tank and happen to be an engy its not a low scoring class unless you're talking about infantry only then engys are about as usefull as a football bat.
Fantasma Parastasie

Todd_Angelo wrote:

I see what you're getting at SargeV1.4 but I think there are errors in your argument.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Medics healing themselves: You kill the medic before he gets cover. if you're having a fight with a medic and he actually tries to run and heal himself he will mostly die before reaching cover.
I've seen plenty of medics do this, hell, I've even done it myself successfully more than a few times. But that's not really the core issue is it? After an exchange of bullets that the medic has won they get to take themselves back to full health, that's where the true strength of the kit lies to the player himself as a fighting unit. It's no surprise then that so many people who play medic as their preferred kit have better-than-average KDRs for the assault rifle... it's because they're not as often finished off by the next guy they encounter who pops one round into them from the MP5 and gets a kill!

SargeV1.4 wrote:

C4: Differs from claymores because the specops guy has to be there to see you himself. Also the range in which you take critical damage is smaller, I believe.
Not quite, as he can set up a trap and detonate it remotely when he sees the flag has gone neutral (or is paying attention to commander or teammates spotting on the minimap, which of course he should be in that scenario).
#1: That's what squad play is for.
#2: Do I really have to explain this? You can see C4 on the flag, it doesn't go neutral instantly, you have all the time you need to find and avoid the C4 before said spec ops guy would detonate. and if the spec ops guy was actually working together with his commander I wouldn't mind because he is still busy with the C4, and he's working together with his team and being coordinated. Which doesn't happen on pubs.

Last edited by SargeV1.4 (2006-08-19 16:47:22)
IHOP has FF on for mines and clays at 60% team damage, it really helps, I have no problem using the claymores as base defense but it's the suicide charges, and the spam that get me. There are ways around the suicide charges though, the claynores have an arming time of a couple of seconds so when you see a sniper drop on strafe to the side of run over it if you're close enough to make it in time, and shoot the sniper.
+138|6551|New Zealand

Talon wrote:

*Douses flames with fire extinguisher*

Right, who disagrees/agrees with these points?

1. All mines disappear with your kit bag, but can be reacquired if you get your kit bag before it disappears. This allows you to kill a sniper, wait 15 seconds, and go in knowing his claymores are gone.

2. Claymores can be destroyed by grenades, however, they will go off when you grenade them.

3. Engineers get a point for every mine removed. (Currently they are the lowest socring class by far. Obviously, removing AT mines exposes you to fire.)

4. Medics and Supports can't heal/rearm themselves, only others. This makes the assault class better, as its body armor is now a real bonus (healing yourself is better than armor). This also stops supports spamming bullets like crazy.

5. Assaults get 3 smoke grenades, anti-tanks 5.

In my view this would help to balance the classes a lot. Currently, Medic and Support get all the points, engineer and AT get very few. Hardly anyone plays assault as medics can heal themselves.
Nice ideas, agree with everything apart from this:

Medics and Supports can't heal/rearm themselves, only others. This makes the assault class better, as its body armor is now a real bonus (healing yourself is better than armor). This also stops supports spamming bullets like crazy.
And thats probably only because I am a medic whore atm.
Ok! Try smelling this banana!!!
I'm pretty new to the game, havent played pre-1.3, but i can't see anything wrong with clays working the way they do. I do however dislike how some players use them, but not to a point where i piss myself. Play in squads and have a medic at the rear when walking in buildings/narrow places. But then again, i don't know how it were in the early days!
IMO claymores are not the problem. Noobs with the sniper kit are.

The sniper is an efficient killing machine when the kit is in the right hands and the claymores are used as personal defense protecting your flank/whatever. Not spamming them all over the countryside. Hell you only get 2.

How many mines? How many c4? So 2 claymore is not really spam.

Yeh your going to say "re-supply will give him another 2". But he can't use them until the first 2 are detonated.

You play city maps with cqb what do you expect. Add to this some noobish players with short life span and they will try to get as many kills as possible in as short a time as possible (read before they are killed). Hence the grenade/c4 spam and few kills from using their rifle 'cause they cant hit shit at close/any range. They are out gunned with the assault rifles.

I don't see the c4/mine/claymore spam on Mashtuur or Wake with FF on. Why?

They are apparently not worried about their K/D ratio with the sniper kits else they would be efficiently conserving their ammo and claymores since his claymores disappear about 45 seconds later.
Not really that long to wait.

While we are adding reality to the GAME, lets have the dead/wounded still on the map from the previous games, decomposing and trying to shoot with 1 arm. Also, how about each time you die, so does your account/player and you must create a new one?

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Talon wrote:

2. Claymores can be destroyed by grenades, however, they will go off when you grenade them.
Even a lot of snipers agree that claymores should be destructible again.
Yeah,back to the stoneage where everybody was just wildly spamming grenades in every direction.

And the same goes for AT-mines - I've seen Tankwhores just clearing every inch before them with their main gun and there was no way that these guys would run into a AT-mine that blows up from a small explosion of a handgrenade.

If you have to avoid it with your movement it's a strategical element of the game,just spamming nades makes it way too easy.

There are some things that could take the pressure off the anti-claymore-lobby and still make the claymores and AT-mines useful:

1.Ability to spot and mark mines with colored smoke.

2.Longer set-up time for claymores(setting up tripwire) and AT-mines(which are usually hidden underground).

3.Ability for every class to defuse claymores which involves a little bit more skill than just hurling a grenade, but not the "impossible" method of the Engineer how it is right now.
For example like this:When you encounter a claymore go prone,crawl very,very slowly towards it and then press the kit-change button for x seconds - claymore defused.

The ability to defuse AT-mines should stay reserved for the engineer,the way of defusing the mines is ok as it is right now and this would convince people who wanna go tanking to use the engineer.

4.Click noise and a short delay when claymore is triggered - that gives you the chance to hit the deck and the claymore wounds but doesn't kill.

Sounds ok,huh?

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-19 18:38:47)

+167|6664|Manitowoc, WI

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Talon wrote:

2. Claymores can be destroyed by grenades, however, they will go off when you grenade them.
Even a lot of snipers agree that claymores should be destructible again.
Yeah,back to the stoneage where everybody was just wildly spamming grenades in every direction.

And the same goes for AT-mines - I've seen Tankwhores just clearing every inch before them with their main gun and there was no way that these guys would run into a AT-mine that blows up from a small explosion of a handgrenade.

If you have to avoid it with your movement it's a strategical element of the game,just spamming nades makes it way too easy.

There are some things that could take the pressure off the anti-claymore-lobby and still make the claymores and AT-mines useful:

1.Ability to spot and mark mines with colored smoke.

2.Longer set-up time for claymores(setting up tripwire) and AT-mines(which are usually hidden underground).

3.Ability for every class to defuse claymores which involves a little bit more skill than just hurling a grenade, but not the "impossible" method of the Engineer how it is right now.
For example like this:When you encounter a claymore go prone,crawl very,very slowly towards it and then press the kit-change button for x seconds - claymore defused.

The ability to defuse AT-mines should stay reserved for the engineer,the way of defusing the mines is ok as it is right now and this would convince people who wanna go tanking to use the engineer.

4.Click noise and a short delay when claymore is triggered - that gives you the chance to hit the deck and the claymore wounds but doesn't kill.

Sounds ok,huh?
Actually, thats a VERY good way of fixing the problems with claymores.  But, although you seem very mature about the "nerfing", i know that ALOT of people would complaing about their no longer insta-kill suicide dive weapon anymore.

ShadowFoX wrote:

I discovered the real people that arent scared of a little close combat play in Iron Gator. Also the real non clayspammers the real snipers play in the Gauntlet since FF for claymores is on only skill shots are allowed and if you miss in the gator with a sniper rifle you dont get a second chance.
Quoted for fucking truth.
Just today I got my best round (97) on the Gator, as SNIPER.
I got 10ish kills from claymores, the rest was just SVD kills and kill assists.

I usually don't like the sniper kit, but it's my last veteran left, and I want it.
Being a SF player, I need to play it on SF maps, where, imo, it requires a lot more skill.

So basically: SaK clay spammers=pussies, SF snipers are ok

Last edited by The_Jester (2006-08-20 06:59:35)


usmarine2005 wrote:

MrKamikaze wrote:

i dont think engineers would do much good with claymroes.. ithnk they are more like stationary protection, and AT is usually moving a lot (more than snipers).
Not really.  They are for covering choke points and setting up ambushes, not covering a ladder because you can't shoot and move.
The AT kit isn't meant for setting up ambushes. unless its on vehicles, and i dont think claymores are very useful against vehicles =\
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

RDMC(2) wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.
Yes, and they used to be destructible also.  I think the Engineers should have them, just like their real life counter parts.  Now don't jump on me about real life shit, I mean does AT carry a sniper rifle?
But explain me, what use does it have for a engineer to have a Claymore? Can't figure that out..
The point USMarine was trying to make is that it should be like real life. I to am a Marine (a real one) and claymore mines are not used by snipers. Engineers and specops would use them in a real life combat theatre.
Malloy must go
+14|6717|Just outside of baltimore, Md.
Hmm unconventional wepons for unconventional soldiers. Brilliant. Snipers have always been getting shit upon since day one. If its not claymores its getting flamed for being at long range. claymores have always been an anti-personell weapons. And more often than not they have been used in ambushes and other forms unethical techniques that people probably dissapprove from. let alone sabatoge. The only reason I see why they took out friendly fire for claymores and mines were because too many people use the page down key when they run right into them like they think they were power-ups.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Imo, i'd be more than happy if as soon as a sniper was killed his claymores would instantly dissapear. Who is against my idea and why? I'd like to know.
Good idea.
High Spirit
+5|6617|Canada, Eh?

MrKamikaze wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

MrKamikaze wrote:

i dont think engineers would do much good with claymroes.. ithnk they are more like stationary protection, and AT is usually moving a lot (more than snipers).
Not really.  They are for covering choke points and setting up ambushes, not covering a ladder because you can't shoot and move.
The AT kit isn't meant for setting up ambushes. unless its on vehicles, and i dont think claymores are very useful against vehicles =\
I had someone drive into my claymore in a buggy the other night, took him out and buggy was smokin... I think it depends on the vehicles.

if you play with squads, and teamwork, claymores shouldn't be a problem, I can't even count the times I volunteered to set off the claymore, so that my squadmate, medic, revives me. Oke, the sniper got an extra kill, good for him, but no ticket away and I don't have an extra death. Same with mines, the apc gives covering fire while an engineer takes away the mine.

So with teamwork, every crappy situation is easy to avoid
i feel that you should be able to "spot" AT mines, c4 and claymores just as you spot enemy vehicles and troops etc. what do you think?
Stop reading this and look at my post
And the same goes for AT-mines - I've seen Tankwhores just clearing every inch before them with their main gun and there was no way that these guys would run into a AT-mine that blows up from a small explosion of a handgrenade.
AT mines should definately be indestructible. No question. I'm only talking claymores here.
Stop reading this and look at my post

aLi3nZ wrote:

Medics and Supports can't heal/rearm themselves, only others. This makes the assault class better, as its body armor is now a real bonus (healing yourself is better than armor). This also stops supports spamming bullets like crazy.
And thats probably only because I am a medic whore atm.
And there we go. You'll still get all your revives and heal points, you still get the good guns. If medics team up they'll be able to heal each other anyway. Assault now get the bonus of being the main infantry fighting class. (currently its more like Support, Medic then Assault).

BolvisOculus wrote:

Talon wrote:

4. Medics and Supports can't heal/rearm themselves, only others. This makes the assault class better, as its body armor is now a real bonus (healing yourself is better than armor). This also stops supports spamming bullets like crazy.
Well the problem with stopping supports from "spamming bullets like crazy" is that the entire point of a Light Machine Gun is to provide lots of cover fire.  You are meant to spray your bullets in the general direction of the enemy to "ward them off" if you will.  One major advantage of the LMG (this is more real life or more realistic games than bf2, but it still holds true) is to keep your enemy from leaving their position by shooting this way so your troops with assault rifles can take them out without too much worry.
Support troops still get what, 400-700 bullets depending on the army? I think thats enough to bullet spam before finding another support or supply crate.
every single class has a way to get easy points.. its just to learn the ways of them.

SpecOps : C4
Support  : Supply bag
Medic     : Paddels and Heal
Sniper   : Claymores
Enginere: Wrench and mines
Assult     : Grenade launcher and Flash
that leaves us with AT.... hmmm still havent figured that out..

but simply... stop bitchin and start playing.
+98|6783|netherlands, sweet lake city

Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:

I use claymores solely for protecting myself when I'm sniping... Sniping would be stupid if you didn't have claymores. It leaves you open for knifings.

If snipers didn't show up under UAV or scans, then maybe claymores would not be needed.
it would be a pretty good ID if snipers didnt show up on UAV's .... I than the wookie like outfit would actually have an advantage

btw i hate claymores I dont like PPL who use C4 while no throwing it ... and as far as the Mines ... well if you can see them theres no way you will run over them ... only PPL who  dont watch the road will die of mines .... and if theyre well placed

Last edited by kn0ckahh (2006-08-20 04:13:23)


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

So actually there is no way to use claymores or AT-mines when ff is on without risking a kick/ban from a server - they are rendered useless.
Actually thats not true I play Australian servers who all have FF on always ..... this is my stats as you can see I've claywhored some .... you just have too be smart about your deployment of claymores.

I found AT mines is the worse magnet for attracting autopunishing team mates ..... I'm working towards expert engi and once I have it I'll proberly never play that kit again purely because of the idiots running over AT mines and punishing.
i hate you all
Sniper is my favourite kit, and i never spam claymores. C4 and AT mines er OK IMO. C4 takes som skill actually. Claymores are retarded, i never use them unless it`s self defense.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Imo, i'd be more than happy if as soon as a sniper was killed his claymores would instantly dissapear. Who is against my idea and why? I'd like to know.
word, you dont need them after your dead

Last edited by Fredrik (2006-08-20 05:20:45)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6766|Sydney, Australia

ShadowFoX wrote:

Their too scared to fight man to man point blank thats where the real action is at.
I'm sorry, if I do that on my 256Kb connection I'll suffer one of those "you lost connection" messages.

That might change soon... I might be getting ADSL2+. Mmm... 24,000Kb/s.


ShadowFoX wrote:

Their too scared to fight man to man point blank thats where the real action is at.
That statement proves that you never had a long range sniper-duel with a top20 sniper.

Sure,closecombat is fast and brutal and mistakes "pay off" immediately,a sniper duel is different but just as intense.

Most of the time you don't see your opponent but you know exactly where he is(or do you?),one mistake,one second too long looking in the wrong direction -BOOM,HEADSHOT!

And the "too scared to fight"-part is just not true.
Snipers are not scared,but they are not stupid either.
Why should I go to close combat range against a assault dude(which is their domain) when the optimum for my rifle is long range?

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