acsman50 wrote:
Your ignorance of the extensive humanitarian work carried out by the Irish is yet another example of you arrogance, but not worth commenting on further.
Regarding your last post, (huh, we wish), if they want to sit on the oil supply while allowing their citizens to get by on basics, as appalling as that may be to us, its really none of your damn business. This is the lesson that those of your ilk are so slow to learn.
As regards all the aid that the US gives to developing nations, yes that's true, but you need to qualify it with a couple of things: 1) the recipient is expected to be so grateful that they are expected to kiss the USA's arse, and 2) where the hell do you think that the US got the money in the first place???, yes thats correct, exploited every developing nation that they ever came into contact with.
Now when you've reached your 16th birthday and understand a little more about the world feel free to comment on such matters. You'll be sad to know that I no longer have the inclination to educate you, so good luck.
Oh by the way, I'm an Englishman living in Ireland, and you know what 'assume' makes....
For Irelands contributions to the world, not worth commenting on any further, of that I have no doubt. I can't remember the last time I read an article about Ireland's generosity.
The people that "we need to mind our own business" over are not getting by on the "basics" they have been dying and getting killed all thanks to their oppressive govts. If Ireland is such a big humanatarian aid giver, how can you carry the "mind your own business" attitude?
Ye, I see we agree that the US does it share of giving in this world.You think we need to give to all that hate us? Personally, I think it is quite hypocritical to demand aid from a country you hate.
Lets talk more about exploiting other countries. We can start with " The sun will never set on the British empire".
Since I am well over 16, and have been around the block a few times, I will feel free to comment. thanks for the approval though.
Last edited by lowing (2006-08-27 08:11:05)