lowing wrote:
Nooooooo, I didn't go off talking about the lock ness monster, I went off to prove a point that you can internet search your ass into believing anything.
But you just couldn't help bringing up the lock. You only proved that you can research events that happened long ago and that are not really heard of nor did no one really know what happened. Now 9/11 is a totally different story. We are talking about something that happened 5 years ago, not something in the 70's or something...
lowing wrote:
I am not avoiding anything, I watched your clip and it is nothing more than more opinion by some one making a living creating turmoil, kinda like the NAACP or Jesse Jackson, or any white supremest group you can think of.
Yeah and Alex Jones just pulls things out of his ass and just says it at random. What are you stoned? I said do some research on him, and you will realize how much of a fool you are making out of yourself. Notice how you won't even try to debate me on his facts or information. Because you can't! GG.
lowing wrote:
You give me a talk show host as your proof?? Well hell I will give you Sean Hannity and Rush Limbough then. There now, by your standards I guess I am right huh? Since I gave 2 talk show hosts to your 1.
What is this a scoring game now, "Host Vs. Host"? How about you provide some evidence, you know like what I did, all you did was give names. Where is your information?
lowing wrote:
Where was Alex Jones warning us of 911 before it happened or warning us of operation north woods, before 911? You need a lot more than a talk show host building a career on conspiracies to convince me.
Alex Jones really wasn't around before Operation Northwoods, actually northwoods was way before 9/11. Here are some facts for you:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods Also, I don't have to convince you of nothing. All I have to do is get you to think and look around, something I don't think you like doing.
lowing wrote:
I will also take solice in the fact that you have a movie producer ( michael moore) and a comedian ( al franken ) and politicians like cyntheia Mckinney toting your banner. Pretty big line up ya got there.
Stop right there. Don't ever lump me in with that ass hole Michael Moore. Personally that fat tub of lard can kiss my ass. Also, there is where you get people like me wrong. You get an idea of one person that goes around spouting crazy shit and then they call themselves a "left" or "right". Immediately you group anyone in that party "crazy" or thinking they all think the same. Everyone is different, fuck your political parties.
lowing wrote:
The real paranoia seems to be coming from your camp, in the belief that everyone in our govt. is out to destroy America...AND YOU WANNA TELL ME TO GET REAL!!??
Again, you are putting words in my mouth. I don't think "everyone in our govt. is out to destroy America" as you so saintly put it. Let me quote myself from several posts up:
duk0r wrote:
A operation of this scale (9/11) can take place very easily with only a few people knowing whats really going on.
I never said everyone, there you go thinking what you want to see again...
lowing wrote:
You guys talk about conservatives like we are paranoid about all the terrorism in the world and that it isn't that bad. That all of this is drummed up so us war mongers can go to war.
Did I ever say that? If I came off as that I am sorry. Yes, the world is bad, there are bad people out there. Oh yeah, why did we go to war with Iraq again?
lowing wrote:
The real paranoia seems to be coming from your camp, in the belief that everyone in our govt. is out to destroy America...AND YOU WANNA TELL ME TO GET REAL!!??
There you go with lumping people and their thoughts together again... *sigh*
lowing wrote:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/08/22/osama.poll/index.html the tragedy of all of this, is you and people like you want to look inward for all your conspiracies,with your backs turned toward the real enemy. meanwhile people like Bin Laden plan another attack. You people create the exact environment for him to operate and I am sure he appreciates it.
Wow, Just wow. You link me to a fucking poll. A POLL! That shows now evidence what so ever that there is really a attack in the works and you call me a "conspiracy theorist" Jesus H. fucking Christ man.
What if I am all wrong about this? Fine, come back in spit it back in my face. Actually, I want this to be all wrong, I hope I am not right about this. But what if I am? What if one day our freedoms are chopped up and served up to us built on terrorist fears. The blood is then on your hands.
"The public has a duty to watch its Government closely and keep it on the right track." --Lieutenant Gen. Kenneth A. Minihan, USAF, Director, NSA, _NSA Newsletter_, June 1997