Just about 3 days ago, the website started timing out. I noticed that the ping hops have increased to over 21+ hops and this effectively times out the websites connection.

Does anyone else see this?

Chuy, did you guys move the server to a new hosting location?

I can VPN to my office at the University and get to BF2S.com but I cannot get to the website from my Cable modem. I'm not the only Houstonian affected. Some other users that Teamspeak with me have complained about the same thing. I believe someone from Minnesota also said he had issues.

Trying to figure out how to get a reliable connection to read your site, check stats profiles, and use the leaderboard to find buddies. your site RoXoRz but sucks when the connection cant be made.

BTW, Firefox looked freaking whacked when it finally connected to your site.