When looking at my player statistics, I noticed that one of the requirements for earning a badge is IAR: 20 kills. Does anyone know what "IAR" stands for?
It means In A Round.
In A Round
So 20 Kills IAR means you mucst get 20 or more kills in a round plus all the other global and IAR requirements for the badge/medal/award
So 20 Kills IAR means you mucst get 20 or more kills in a round plus all the other global and IAR requirements for the badge/medal/award
Last edited by ^KoB^Buckles (2006-08-17 12:06:35)
in a round aka if you need 20 points IAR, you need to get 20 points within one round to get the badge
Thanks. I should have figured that one out!
Game starts, lots of dakka, dakka, arrrr, I nead a medic, Game finishes.
<-----------------------------------THIS IS IAR------------------------------->
<-----------------------------------THIS IS IAR------------------------------->
yeh it means in a round
how many more people are gonna give this guy the answer
how many more people are gonna give this guy the answer
last i heard it means in a round
Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2006-08-17 12:40:59)