Put my name down
they might as well wipe my stats if they wipe yours
It's not just about getting the stats back, it's about being labelled a cheater. If it can happen to crim it can happen to anyone, so for those who are thinking I'll be fine, I don't cheat, well think again. If he doesn't get them back then it just invalidates the entire ranking system and makes it worthless, and even worse, you get falsely accused.

This has other repercussions, he was offered a job based on his high rank and legitimate play, his reputation will be damaged, resulting in financial loss and lost opportunity. What point is there in doing the hard yards, and getting the rank cleanly? If EA want people to buy and play their game based on the ability to rank up, then why isn't their system transparent? I could photoshop a fake picture easily, and I suspect that is what has happened. All the people he has reported for cheating are not happy with him and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a disgruntled banned player. How can we defend the accusation when they won't release whatever it is he is supposed to have done?
People named Ben FTW!!!!!!
Body Skater
+28|6799|Berra - Aus

Poisongirl wrote:

It's not just about getting the stats back, it's about being labelled a cheater. If it can happen to crim it can happen to anyone, so for those who are thinking I'll be fine, I don't cheat, well think again. If he doesn't get them back then it just invalidates the entire ranking system and makes it worthless, and even worse, you get falsely accused.

This has other repercussions, he was offered a job based on his high rank and legitimate play, his reputation will be damaged, resulting in financial loss and lost opportunity. What point is there in doing the hard yards, and getting the rank cleanly? If EA want people to buy and play their game based on the ability to rank up, then why isn't their system transparent? I could photoshop a fake picture easily, and I suspect that is what has happened. All the people he has reported for cheating are not happy with him and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a disgruntled banned player. How can we defend the accusation when they won't release whatever it is he is supposed to have done?
I totally agree!!!!!

Plus 1+
Raiders of the Lost Bear

NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo KC!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
omg its bearz. Where've you been, or am I just blind?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Raiders of the Lost Bear

No, you're not dreaming. The bearz has been mobilized to help KC.

And KC We both are bens Now that just shows how awesome bens are. Poisongal... Damn I wish I had a girlfriend/boyfriend like you.

DOWN WITH EA. Suck on my furry dick you wankers.
No place like
+76|6849|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
yeah put me down, i know you play clean, <3
U can turn this into a novel crimson
Saw, played with and played again Kontrol quite a few times, mostly in SF. Saw no reason for him to be wiped. Tough luck bro..
ya know...if i was a gen...and i got my stats reset...oh well :-) still got rank and unlocks
+31|6977|St. Louis, MO
I,ve read a few of those reset emails in my time on this forum and the one you got Kontrolcrimson seemed like a general form letter except the part about selling accounts.I can only assume thats what you were accused of.If that is a blatant lie or mistake as you claim then EA should provide you with a screen shot of the Ebay web page at least.

I've never played with you or watched you for the 2,000 or so hours you've played so I won't be one to pass judgment on you.You seem like a decent legit player from your post but you'll have to forgive some for being skeptical.Many players with that much time on an account will say or have others say anything to get their stats back.I don't want to believe your one of those people.Best of luck to ya man.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2006-08-17 03:05:16)

+3|6787|Central Coast, NSW Australia
Put my name down as well.

rootbeer73 wrote:

Spark wrote:

Shit. That sucks.

EA has something against us Aussies. ALL the top aussie players who have made it into the top 20 (plus.Smiley, {ARK}DJJeffro and now kontrolcrmson) have been reset.
ark clan r all padders



But srsly. I don't have anything more to add to this matter.
+1|6617|Brisbane, Australia
I can only imagine your frustration at such an unfounded accusation Crimson. Hopefully it works itself out in your favour, as I have played alongside you online on more than a few occasions and do not see how they have come to the conclusion that they have, from what I have seen of your gameplay you have never put yourself into a position that would make you appear to be cheating, statpadding or otherwise breaking the rules. 

That said, I believe you've been delt a rough blow, and deserve more than the BS that you have just had thrown your way. 

All in all, I believe that the burden of proof lies with EA, if they are going to reset peoples stats, then they should provide evidence to support any accusations they may have.  As accusing someone of doing something that they have not (with / without evidence) is liable in print, and would believe to be putting oneself at risk of being charged with slander/defamation.

In anycase, best of luck in this situation.  Can only hope it works out for you mate.
(Add me to your list)
Body Skater
+28|6799|Berra - Aus

Dodoextinct wrote:

rootbeer73 wrote:

Spark wrote:

Shit. That sucks.

EA has something against us Aussies. ALL the top aussie players who have made it into the top 20 (plus.Smiley, {ARK}DJJeffro and now kontrolcrmson) have been reset.
ark clan r all padders



But srsly. I don't have anything more to add to this matter.
Dude shut up, are you jealous about them?
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6872|Melbourne, Australia

polarbearz wrote:

No, you're not dreaming. The bearz has been mobilized to help KC.

And KC We both are bens Now that just shows how awesome bens are. Poisongal... Damn I wish I had a girlfriend/boyfriend like you.

DOWN WITH EA. Suck on my furry dick you wankers.
im discusted yet strangly arowsed any chance of picking up what e.a dont finish off

kontrolcrimson wrote:

Service Stat Reset For Battlefield 2 Account(s): Kontrolcrimson may not use features of the Battlefield 2
service for any reasons other than what each feature is designed to do...
How the hell are we supposed to know what EA/DICE designs the game to do? With all the f*ckin glitches, we have no idea!
+98|6811|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
ive played with kontrol nothing suss about him.
Un Moderador

I think his stats are back
On BF2S they show they are.

Not here, he kept the rank but lost the points and badges/medals.
+1 support kc
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
You got to be joking.

If they on't give your stats back go on a tk rampage and get banned off every single server in the world. Gawd thats fucked. I have seen stats with people having 255 as their worst enemy.  NO they can't be stats padding, KC is!!!!!!11

+1 supprt,
+1 for support of KC.

He is a good, honest player.
He is also a clan mate.
I have played with him many times & i've never seen him break any rules or exploit the game in anyway.


hilltop_skater wrote:

Dodoextinct wrote:

rootbeer73 wrote:

ark clan r all padders



But srsly. I don't have anything more to add to this matter.
Dude shut up, are you jealous about them?
Yes. I'm jealous. I am so jealous I'm going to lmao to sleep tonight. If you didn't say I was jealous, I never would have known.

Jealous about what? Jealous that I don't have as much time to play? Or that they care about stats and i don't?
You are reading but the cover of any book and knowing the story. Unless you have played with and against me on the battlefield, you wouldn't know how good/shit I am. Stats don't mean much. You can have a good round, you can have a bad round.

I have some statistics for you:

A statistician is a person who draws a mathematically precise line from an unwarranted assumption to a foregone conclusion.

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