Guys I have no file anywhere please help!
Never heard of that one. Did you use the Search ?
Looked on the forums and saw someone mention that they had the same problem but didn't see anyone give a solution.
searched my whole H/D as well
Looked on the forums and saw someone mention that they had the same problem but didn't see anyone give a solution.
searched my whole H/D as well
have you tried the official EA forums ?
My guess would be if no one from our community comes up with a solution, you'll have to try the EA forums anyway.
My guess would be if no one from our community comes up with a solution, you'll have to try the EA forums anyway.
moved to BF2:Help
It's a information directory on the best Gay Porn sites, wrote:
WTF is a file?
Actually, I think it's the file with your user data.
I need around tree fiddy.
I believe it's a representation of the data stored in your gamespy/BF2 account, including your PID.