So at work today i hear somebody ask "jose you half-jewish right?" (nobody ever asks if i'm half christan and puerto rican but anyway) and i said "yeah my father is a jewish" then i was asked my opion on the great isreal/lebanon turf war.
so here is my opion! lets start with the definition.
terrorism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
you see that? i don't see anywhere in that definition that says once you have the buying power to purchase a tank or a jet fighter you are no longer to be a terrorist group.
judging by that definition above if country A has fleet of jet bombers and flew them over country B's capital with the bombay doors open with the intent intent of striking fear OR "TERROR" into the population that would be terrorism. am i wrong?
everyone cried foul at the saudies and threw around the phrase "state sponsered terrorism" i don't disagree with that if the facts merret it
everyone cried foul at Iran for traning hezbola. I agree with that too.
But where do you draw the line if hezbola could afford f-16 humvees, and abrams tanks would you still call them a terrorist group or an army?
from what i gather isreal can hardly afford the military hardware they have in there arsonal. billions of our US tax dollars gets funneled into into the IDF.
So when america trains and eqiups we train and equip an army
when nations unfriendly to the united states train and equip they train and equip "terrorist groups"
in the 80's we "trained and equiped" the contras in south america which turned out to be nothing more then roaming death squads. that killed anyone in there path thought to be friendly to the socalist movement. the U.S. goverment refered to them as "freedom fighters"
these freedom fights sound more like a terrorist group to me
in the end my heart does bleed for those in isreal and in lebanon who are caught in the middle of this. but in the end this its spin. one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist.
please forgive the nurmous spelling and grammar mistakes i'm not a writer. i'm just trying to put a thought out there.
i welcome any feedback positive or nagative
so here is my opion! lets start with the definition.
terrorism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
you see that? i don't see anywhere in that definition that says once you have the buying power to purchase a tank or a jet fighter you are no longer to be a terrorist group.
judging by that definition above if country A has fleet of jet bombers and flew them over country B's capital with the bombay doors open with the intent intent of striking fear OR "TERROR" into the population that would be terrorism. am i wrong?
everyone cried foul at the saudies and threw around the phrase "state sponsered terrorism" i don't disagree with that if the facts merret it
everyone cried foul at Iran for traning hezbola. I agree with that too.
But where do you draw the line if hezbola could afford f-16 humvees, and abrams tanks would you still call them a terrorist group or an army?
from what i gather isreal can hardly afford the military hardware they have in there arsonal. billions of our US tax dollars gets funneled into into the IDF.
So when america trains and eqiups we train and equip an army
when nations unfriendly to the united states train and equip they train and equip "terrorist groups"
in the 80's we "trained and equiped" the contras in south america which turned out to be nothing more then roaming death squads. that killed anyone in there path thought to be friendly to the socalist movement. the U.S. goverment refered to them as "freedom fighters"
these freedom fights sound more like a terrorist group to me
in the end my heart does bleed for those in isreal and in lebanon who are caught in the middle of this. but in the end this its spin. one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist.
please forgive the nurmous spelling and grammar mistakes i'm not a writer. i'm just trying to put a thought out there.
i welcome any feedback positive or nagative