+11|6737|Cape Town - South Africa
You can legally fit your car with flame throwers to torch ppl who try to car jack you. You can electrify the body of your car to fry car thief's. Its an extreme country created by extremists.
what the hell ? We don't have that it was invented but the courts would never allow that to be installed it was to dangerouse to use... and If u did use it you would be charged with murber...

What Speedy said is correct the crime is bad but u can live with it, and it is the poverty that perpetuates the situation. We do have a extreamly high rate of violent crime but again that is related to poverty and education... We suberbians think that we feel the crime but I know a friend that lives in a township (squater camp) and I have heard first hand accounts of the crime level in the squater camps. And trust me its a dream to live in the suberbs...
Ok, this is crazy.

First of all, To this "Uncle" who owns a bar on Cape Town where all these deaths are happening. I want the area where this bar is. I lived in SA 15 years and I frequent the bars around the city more than anyone I ever met. I have NEVER seen a shooting. Not once. So this upmarket bar is more than likely in a dodgy area where crime is an everyday occurence.

Next, the flamethrower nonsense! They are not legally allowed to be used since they pose too major a crime risk. See Icenflames post above.

South Africa does not have bad crime at all. Certain areas have ridiculous amounts of crime that bring the country down statistically. The Johannesburg CBD is a definite no entry zone unless you are feeling suicidal. The squatter camps (townships) outside Johannesburg and Cape Town are exceptionally bad as well. These townships are where the "baby-raping" happens.

If you live in the city a large proportion of the city has low crime rates. Certainly low murder rates. Of course there are areas where you shouldnt go at night but that is true in any American major city. Somewhere like Detroit isn't exactly crime free but you have enough other major cities with low crime rates to render it negligable. South Africa is smaller. Johannesburg's crime rate will have an impact on the entire country's stats as a result.

Kemosabe, my friend, you get a paragraph just for you.

First of all how can you claim to have authority on South African crime when you live in Port Elizebeth. I lived there for 3 months and it is the deadest most boring place in the country. The little backwater you call home does not give you the right to pass judgement on the real cities in this country.  Your comment about burning the continent to the ground... You remind me of the old racist whites who long for the good old apartheid days where everything was so much easier for white people and there was no crime cos you "controlled" the Swart Gevaar. Thank god most of them left for Australia back in the mid nineties, why didnt you go too? South AFrica is one of the few countries in Africa who changed governments without bloodshed. There was no bloody revolution. I'm sure your Oom is pissed about that hey kemo? I encounter South africans like you all the time and you make me sick. The foreigners on this thread don't know better, many of them haven't been here. You really should.

Finally, to everyone else. i suggest you come and visit here before you pass judgement, its a beautiful place and your pounds and dollars will go very far here. Spend two weeks here then pass judement. Maybe you will see what it is that makes this place so wonderful to those of us lucky enough to call it home.
+11|6737|Cape Town - South Africa
for sho! my brother ! General I can always rely on your exceptional writing skill to win the day ! people that see this Read above post !
ROFLMAO Ice. Well, I am glad you feel that way. Writing is my profession after all! But I am deadly serious with the points I mentioned above. This kind of stuff has to stop if South Africa is to ever move forwards.

PS: Ice, i am still waiting for that PM!!!!

+14|6778|South Africa
and what did we learn from this post guys ?
+9|6782|Jhb, South Africa

DoNER90 wrote:

You are making that up, you are South African dont makeup storys

Kimosabe-sa wrote:

. I am not making this up, witchdoctors are now part of the national health care services, well they fall under it at least.

South Africa is strange strange place.
I hope that you found that site informative
DoNER90 - Havent you ever heard of "Traditional healers"? Thats just a fancy cover for witch doctors. And yes, they are a recognized medical service, you can actually take a day off from work if they say you should.
+0|6731|Kempton Park - South Africa
amen... can we please start the braai now, i really need to get some beer aswell while the party is still on
Too much Africa and South Africa Bashing happening here.  Leave my country alone now, and go eat some Burger King

EDIT:  Kimosab, You've made quite a stir on the South African Battlefield forums.  How can you shit all over your very own country like you've done?  Maybe your an Australian in disguise (Australians and South Africans have a bitter rivalry in all sporting aspects for those who dont know)

Last edited by RD_The_Dog (2006-08-10 18:29:14)

+108|7003|In the hills

4king_Brilli@nt wrote:

You guys are what we call here in South Africa "typical Americans". You don't have a clue on what is going on and make stereotypical judgements on maybe one tiny rumor. Yes there is crime in South Africa but it is just the same anywhere else in the world. Get your facts straight. If your country had the AIDS problem then you would find the exact same stories of people trying to 'cure' AIDS by the means mentioned in the topic. Do us a favour, stop stereotyping our wonderful country. The best thing of all is that our local BF2 players 99% of the time don't punish, unlike you American smacktards.
I am sorry dude, but we have aids here as well.  Not nearly as widespread but yes, we do have aids in America.  And by you calling most Americans or all Americans stereotypical, means that you yourself are stereotypical.  It sounds like the bad parts of south Africa are like LA, and there are a bunch of bad parts of south Africa... however there are more safehavens then dangerous areas.

Last edited by specops10-4 (2006-08-10 18:38:42)

ok ladies and gentleman were talking about africa not america here, crime in south africa is 100% not needed

i think instead of the army going all out on iraq and shit, fuck them and go help africa, instead of sending money and little needles
+11|6949|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Ok the idea that South Africa has bad crime in certain area, is true in some respects. However at the same time its also a load of shit. Crime is everywhere here in South Africa, so much in fact that reading about someone getting killed in the paper, envokes little emotion or outcry at all.
And yes PE is an Insanely boring place to live, why do you think i choose to play battlefield?
I've lived here for a good number of years, and seen so many crimes happen its not even funny. Smash and grabs, people being mugged on the street, even my self being mugged! Waking up one night to find 2 guys in the yard trying to steal my car. So if thats your idea of crime being in certain areas, then ja i guess it is, if its in all areas.

I dont think we make number one in the world for murders and rapes, for being such a great place to live!
+0|6731|Kempton Park - South Africa

Kimosabe-sa wrote:

for being such a great place to live!
Hey what happend did you get some last night? why the change of heart?
I live in South Africa.  Lived here all my life.  I love my country.

I've been reading this thread, and i think i'll add my thoughts here as well.

South Africa is a beautiful country.  Google and you will find the most stunning pictures of wildlife, sunsets, places like "God's Window"...it's truely something to experience.  I really would recommend SA as a holiday destination.  You will not regret it.  But with that i got to add the following.  Rather wait a couple of years.  Let us first sort out the crime here. 

I see a bunch of South Africans climbing down a fellow-South African's throat for speaking the truth about crime and what goes on in this country.  Maybe these ppl have been spending too much time infront of their pc's.  They really should go out more.

Serious crime, ie Farm Murders do not get reported on.  The Government decided it's in the nation's best interest to censor all reporting i.t.o Farm Murders.  My mom got a call from her brother around 8am in the morning, and said to her "Do you realise that 5 farmers have been murdered last night".  That afternoon he died.  She has lost 3 brothers (in 4 months).  They stayed on farms and plots.  We do not know about these killings because it doesn't get reported on.  Period.  I have come across two sites who have done so.  [url=http://www.crimexposouthafrica.org/?q=/taxonomy/term/8/]CrimeXpo Farm Murders[/url] & [url=http://www.genocidewatch.org/BoersSlain01.htm]And More..[/url].   What gets to me is the torture beforehand.  Most of these criminals don't even take anything from the house. 

[url=http://www.africancrisis.org/Photos45.asp]Another Site[/url] - This site explains it  best.  Note tho, there are some really bad pictures toward the bottom of the page, be warned.

Every country has crime.  What sets South Africa apart from the rest of the world is the manner in which it is done.   Our biggest problem?  Zero value for life.  Criminals will not hesitate to kill you for your car, cellphone or a mere R100.   

There are many people who believes everything is just dandy in this country.  Why would they believe otherwise?  Newspapers just don't bother to report everything.   After all the bad publicity South African got, the ANC Government are now trying to censor the news papers too.  See this [url=http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/topstories.aspx?ID=BD4A248504]BusinessDay Article[/url].

Poverty gets blamed for the high crime rate.  I seriously doubt that is the case.  There are many other countries that has it worse off than SA.  And they don't even feature in the top 10 Crime List. 

And then you get this kind of mentality here.  [url=http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_1501852,00.html]BusinessDay Article[/url]

Another good read...[url=http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?we_cat=9&art_id=24161&sid=9121667&con_type=3&d_str=20060803]The Standard[/url]

Here are some stats to think about...

*2.5mil arrests made for the year 2004-2005.  Of that 60% went to court, but only 18% convicted (Antony Altbeker from Institute for Security Studies SA)
*between 1 400 and 1 700 children were reported missing in South Africa each year and only 11% were found (Democratic Alliance's Mike Waters in Parlement)
*Pretoria - Forty percent of all rape cases reported in the past financial year were child rapes.
Police statistics show that more than 22 000 children were raped in the 2004-'05 financial year, more than 1 000 murdered and more than 30 000 assaulted. (Christel Raubenheimer, Beeld NewsPaper - 17/05/2006)
*[url=http://www.crimexposouthafrica.org/?q=node/247]South African Police (SAP) Stats[/url].  Make no mistake...many of us do not even bother reporting crimes unless we need a case number for insurance purposes for break-in's, smash and grabs etc.
*SAP reported 52,733 rapes in 2004. 
National Institute for Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation (NICRO) said the situation is more serious.  They estimated that only one in twenty rapes are reported to the police. On the basis of this estimate, it is calculated that one rape occurs every 83 seconds.

There are many people that have left this country already.  And many more will leave.  Last year November, 15 000 South Africans immigrated to Sydney, Australia alone.  We are experiencing a Brain Drain, as they call it.  Many want to leave but do not have the qualifications needed to immigrate.  I am fortunate.  I got excepted and are in the process of getting all the paperwork in order.  You might call me a coward for leaving this beautiful country, then so be it.  But untill you have experienced the absolute terror that i have, and look into your 4yr old eyes...and not being able to protect your child at that moment... I will NOT be putting my child throuth that again.  Having a family changes your perspective in life. 

As i said before, SA is a great country.  But i do not think it wise to visit us now.   Not until crime's brought under control.

Last edited by BoB (2006-08-11 07:36:01)

Doe those long sausages (I think they're called Boerwors??) have a different recipe to ordinary sausages or are they just long?

Any nation that likes beers and BBQs is alright with me
Yes, different recipe..and yes, Boerewors.
You call it BBQ, we call it Braai
+11|6949|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Ok Pubic, you live right now in NZ, what is the worst crime you've had as of late?
The Lizzard
$10 says bestiality
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6810|Southeastern USA

Bubbalo wrote:

$10 says bestiality
+1 but is it actually illegal there?

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-11 08:06:22)

+23|6758|Me Dad's Wilkins

kr@cker wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

$10 says bestiality
+1 but is it actually illegal there?
Yeah but it's $10 Aus which is like $7.60 US.
The Lizzard
Actually, it's $10 French.
+23|6758|Me Dad's Wilkins

Bubbalo wrote:

Actually, it's $10 French.
Even Worse... $1.94 US
The Lizzard
uh.........French $ don't exist
As a side note I would just like to comment on my situation in the RSA. I live in the Northern Cape of South Africa (the platteland or countryside) and I have never experienced a single crime over here. Honest. It just goes to show that several regions are much more susceptible to crime than others.

I also love my country and my region (beautiful flowers during August in Namakwaland) and I would never dream of leaving it for another.
+11|6949|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFN8WDEe … mp;search=

Hey every one watch this, so you can see what a great place South Africa is

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