I will grant that Hamas was elected (murderous and charter-bent on destroying Israel, but elected) , but Iran is a theocracy - the grand ayatollah Khomeini approves all political parties in the elections and overrules their laws regularly (i.e. women were to be allowed at soccer games until he forbade it) - and Hezbollah's "contribution" to Lebanese democracy is (as stated previously) free reign in the South and the launch of kidnap and murder raids as follows:jonsimon wrote:
Hamas was elected. Iran is a democracy (it was only a dictatorship under the US implanted regime) and Lebanon is a democracy which Hezbollah contributes to.
2000 - disguised as UN personnel, kidnapped three Israelis
2002 - attacked kibbutz, firing on school bus, killing six
2000-2005 - over 1,000 rocket attacks on Israel
UN resolution 1559 called for the disarming of all foreign militias (namely Hezbollah) in Lebanese territory, for it is rightly seen as a proxy agent of Iran. Had this been enforced by the Lebanese or UNIFIL, no dead Lebanese.
The point is - Hezbollah attacks civilian targets to kill/maim as many civilians as possible; Israel attacks militant hideouts while doing whatever possible to minimize casualties. Just this week, for example, they send a commando raid to destroy a Hezbollah rocket crew which was holed up in a civilian apartment, sustaining casualties when a 1000lb bomb would have done the job but killed Lebanese.PRiMACORD wrote:
Ball bearing-filled...where as the Israeli 1000lb bombs are filled with what, hugs and kisses?
Tellingly, nobody has been able to answer my question - what should Israel do when attacked by one of the hateful mobs bent on its destruction?