Missing, Presumed Dead

EF is by far the best.
If you like to whore Armour...Smoke Screen is for you.
If you like to whore AA...Smoke Screen is for you.
If you like to whore Helis and TV missiles...Smoke Screen is for you.
If you like to whore Jets...Smoke Screen is for you.
If you like to whore Jihad Jeeps...Smoke Screen is for you.

The map itself is very well done, and I agree that the EU do seem to get a slight advantage (in terms of the Wind Farm CP - they seem to get it faster and quicker than the MEC ever do), but I often see the MEC winning. So it works out.

Great Wall is an awesome map on either 16p or 32p. On 16, the action is fast and quick paced (when played on a 64man server that is ). The fights along the ramparts is great fun. Claymores do tend to get a lil annoying, but with the amount of medics around, its not a problem. Armour whores also get to like this map, but if there are a few AT's on the Walls - they aint got no chance.
Even heli whores would have liked it...but they didnt include them on the map but left the helipads in! (nice finds them HelloGoodSir )
If you ask me, this can easily be the best Infantry map in the game. But...its part of a booster and a part of the "dreaded EF" - so it will never live up to its potential, as this is probably the best map in the game in terms of design and gameplay.

Taraba is an ok map - its like Kubra, but with less CP's and just as big and open. Its way too big, the terrain is all but flat, boring and the map is brown. Horrible. Jets and LGM's tend to rule it really.

Oh yeah, the EU is the only army in the whole game to have 2 types on main battle tank - the Challenger 2 and the Leopard. Which makes for some good fun
And the EU weapons are superb.
A Beneli 1014 for the engineer, FAMAS for medic (awesome weapon), L96A1 for the sniper and a P90 for AT.
I cant remember the names of the other weapons, but the Support and Spec Ops classes also have superb weapons.

1 final note....64player maps. They made 16player and 32player size. Taraba and Smoke on 32 player size are the same size (if not bigger) as Daqing or Dalian. Just because they are "32 player size" means jackshit.
The maps are colossal for a so called 32player map. Try them, you will see what I mean.

Last edited by Snake (2006-07-21 17:03:24)

+632|6929|do not disturb

Snake, the Hornet's nest is soon to be sent, just to let you know.

Yes, Smoke Screen = fun for a plenty of people's taste. I remember when EF came out, the EU would lose almost all the time. After a month (even more), EF started to whoop ass. On Smoke Screen, if the EF have Windfarm, MEC is pretty much screwed. Migs can't do crap to the Euro Fighter, so their goes the air support.

More to add! I'm feeling very ill right now.
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6898|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
All booster packs must die, vanilla ftw.  Maybe SF can stay, because i like the unlocks.
Kratos Aurion
Snake: Couldn't agree more. I played on a nice server before. It was a strange name so I don't remember it, sorry. But it played Great Wall Only.
Don't know if it just was for the day or not. The server was in Europe, a German speaking country.

Very short review of the maps.
Great Wall: This is my favorite map, it's the best map in the whole game. Armor don't dominate, even if there are two tanks and a apc per team. Inside the walls there are a lot of houses to hide in, TOWs to take out armor. It's great on both 16 and 32 sizes.

Operation Smoke Screen: First of all, I got to say that I love the thick black smoke. It's unique, it's awesome.
Like Snake said, this is the map for you if you like big tank battles, helicopters and airplanes.
Snake, you said that you mostly saw the MEC team? When I play Smoke Screen (often on Jolt Smoke only) the EU team almost wins every round. It's a great and cool map. Better than many of the regular bf2 maps.

Taraba Quarry: The worst map in this booster, it can be horrible. If you like to whore planes this is the map for you.
Like Snake said, "its like Kubra, but with less CP's and just as big and open. Its way too big, the terrain is all but flat, boring and the map is brown. Horrible. Jets and LGM's tend to rule it really."

But it's overall a great booster, i think it's better than AF. The EU army is awesome and got some really great weapons and vehicles.

Off Topic, I made a new account before, just for fun.I played EF and got 100 points. Then I take a look at my stats and there's a strange thing. I have Assault Rifle as favorite weapons but the medic at the picture is holding a pistol. :S
As you can see,

Sorry if my grammar is bad, it's late and I'm tired.

And, HelloGoodSir, "krya på dig" as we say in Sweden. (It's something like, "cheer up" or "hope you'll get better soon")

Last edited by Kratos Aurion (2006-07-22 17:03:43)


daffytag wrote:

they should make it free. It would tempt me more to buy 2142
no they shouldn't,  sooner you realize that dice makes game s to MAKE money sooner you'll shut up about getting something for free
+632|6929|do not disturb

I agree with a lot with what Kratos said. I've played on Jolt UK 24/7 Smoke Screen, and MEC gets spanked hard. The Jolt server sucks because... everyone moves to the EF side, especially the high ranking and experience Smoke Screen players, leaving us to get raped. Plus my lag sucks, so I can't utilize the TV missile on the Havok at all.

If any of you have played Great Wall on the 16 player version, you know how fun it is inside the castle walls. Those points needed to be included in the 32 version, or maybe the theoretical 64 player version. While it's not impossible to infiltrate the walls when one team holds it, it can be very hard, especially with good defenders who mine the gates and put claymores on the cracks. I've gotten plenty of claymore kills that I made some pesky invaders so mad, they all t-bagged me when they killed me. I was laughing my butt off. Not at them being mad, it's just being t-bagged looks funny I'm not arrogant is what I'm saying.

More flags on Taraba could have made driving to the enemy shooter, thus less time is wasted on driving and more on fighting, which equals more points! The map is notorious for people to average out with maybe 30-40 points a round for some, and only the elite/lucky tankers, AA whores, and jets get the decent scores. The rounds are long to, so in reality the SPM from the map just sucks. The dam could have been made with an entrance or something to walk in, giving infantry a chance to duke it out without worrying about jets or tanks. The dam and the landscape around it is pretty much useless. Not to mention there isn't a whole lot of landscape that is helpful in battle. Since it's so flat and only has minimal buildings around flags, it's very boring for infantry, and simply just a pain in the ass to play. I've played the 16 player version with computers on Taraba, and it's very fun. Plenty of flags, and smaller distances in between make infantry battles more prominent. Smoke Screen on the 16 player version is basically the same but no jets, but smaller.

EF weapons are well done! One problem may be the scopes on some of the weapons. If you look at the L86, SVD, M24, and Type 88, you can tell the scope looks more realistic. The FAMAS and L96 scope look a little clumsy, so maybe a nice touch up would be in order. Anyways, EF weapons give the army different and distinctive strengths over other armies. FAMAS = the best assault weapon for CC. Insane gun.

And why did people laugh at the voices? How was Dice supposed to please everyone? Some people wanted one class to have an accent from a country origin, others just didn't care. I've listened to Europeans and I can say they did a good job of trying to make it sound authentic. I'm not European, but it sounds alright to me. Other people may not think so because they have never listened to any Europeans speak. They don't all speak posh like our media likes to present. Ahh, oh well.

Kratos, good friend, thank you for the hospitality. I'm really not sure why I'm feeling ill, so I'm seeing a doctor Monday. My PC is having problems too, so I'm not sure if I can play BF2 any time soon It's quite an accomplishment for any person to have learned a second language, and be able to engage in it comfortably. I can't say that myself, and I've got a lot of respect for Europeans who can. I'm trying to learn Mandarin (Chinese), but it's hard. Probably not the best language to start out with, but I want to visit China some day, so go figure

Support is Hk21, but the spec op slips my mind as well. I haven't played Spec Ops on EF very much, ever since I got 100 hours for it.

So yea, if someone made an EF fan club, I'd join.
Kratos Aurion
Hellogoodsir: Thank you, we've a lot of English in school.
Good luck with the mandarin, it seems like a difficult language. Hope you and your PC get better, so you can be back on the battlefield soon
I agree with almost everything you wrote. It would be nice with an other scope to the FAMAS, or just have iron sight. Or, maybe the same scope but with a dot in the middle, because it can be hard to aim good at long distances.

But most of all I want new vehicles to replace the Humvee, APC and Linebacker. Other mouted machine guns and an AT4 for the Anti-Tanks kit.
Link to Hellogoodsir terrific thread,

btw, the spec ops weapon is HK53A3 (According to I understand why everyone forgot what it's called.

Last edited by Kratos Aurion (2006-07-23 03:25:56)

+24|6853|GREAT Britain

ToXiC888 wrote:

All booster packs must die, vanilla ftw.  Maybe SF can stay, because i like the unlocks.
ice cream for the win?

euro force is good, just not a fan of having to download it, thats a stupid idea. but i did anyway, and its not bad, i like it, specially great wall and smoke screen and the euro fighters. i feel like a mug for payin for a "booser" though, unreal developers gave away new maps and vehicles for free, and have done throughout the series, and cs get new maps. its a con. but whatever. like i say, its good, nothing special just an ok "addon"..........
Alt+F4 For God-Mode

TokyoJoe wrote:

great wall is the best china map imo
or the best map in the game.
Missing, Presumed Dead

The Spec Ops gun is a HK53A3 (its pretty much an MP5, but with a better sound and a 40round clip..its a pretty decent weapon). Assault class has an L85A2 with an AG-36 (nade launcher).
And, I actually quite like the Famas scope, its pretty decent. Although, nothing compared to my L85A1, but then again, no gun does really

The L2A6 (Leopard Tank) is my favourite tank in the game, with the C2 and M1A2 in a close second.
Im no jet whore and never use them, so Ive no idea on the Eurofighter, all I hear is that its bloody hard to shoot down?
And personally, I think the Tiger is complete pwnage

With regards to Smoke Screen - that is true that most people tend to swap to EU on the map, but before all that started to happen, MEC would win that map a LOT. There were loads of times when I was EU and they sat outside our uncap with god knows how many tanks pounding us to a pulp
But it seems to have reversed now, or at least, on that server anyway.

Ive actually found a TV2 64man EF only server, which runs all 3 maps. Its in my favourites and have had it for about a week or so, but not once have I seen anyone in the damn thing

Btw hellogoodsir, whats your PID so I can check out your stats
Kratos Aurion

Snake wrote:

Ive actually found a TV2 64man EF only server, which runs all 3 maps. Its in my favourites and have had it for about a week or so, but not once have I seen anyone in the damn thing
I've got that TV2 server in my favorites too, but as you said, I've never see anyone one it. TV2 got some nice servers anyway. Like Sharqi Only, Mashtuur Only.
And I think they are based in Norway so that gives me a nice ping
But I really would like to see a server that runs, Great Wall, Sharqi Peninsula, Mashtuur City, Smoke Screen, Oman and Songhua Stalemate.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Take out Oman (not a big fan of that map) and replace with Dalian, Daqing, Road Rage or Midnight Sun...perfect. But then again, it hasnt got Karkand in it, so it would be perfect

Ive got about 10 TV2 servers in my favs, so I got a good choice for good 24/7 maps on low ping servers that are often full up. Even the Clean Sweep and Zatar ones are often full
Jolt is a pretty good server to go to get some chopper and fighter time in. If you need to get some time oin for your medal you can camp on that server for a couple of days. I do like Wall but I think it is far from being the best map in the game but for the Chinese maps it is the best.
Kratos Aurion

Snake wrote:

Take out Oman (not a big fan of that map) and replace with Dalian, Daqing, Road Rage or Midnight Sun...perfect. But then again, it hasnt got Karkand in it, so it would be perfect

Ive got about 10 TV2 servers in my favs, so I got a good choice for good 24/7 maps on low ping servers that are often full up. Even the Clean Sweep and Zatar ones are often full
Yeah, there is way too many Karkand servers :S
I have karkand as my most played map, but I really don't like it. It's all about tank whoring, nadespam and spawncamping
The best city map is IMO Sharqi

But I want more maps to EF or maybe some new maps in Vanilla BF2 with EU vs MEC or PLA. Then maybe more people like the EU and want more maps with them, so they buy EF and then we'll have more servers that runs EF
+632|6929|do not disturb

EA should have released a PLA urban map with the EU. Everyone could now play the EU, and have their infantry crazy fun. Another MEC urban map? Oh wow, great.
+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
I liked it for a little while but the fad soon wore of and i stopped playing it just like SF and Af .

like alot of other people on here my centiments towards EA are the same (not buying anymore stuff from them) but i know am gonna get 2142 . Damn it i just cant resist them .
=LSR= EddieNI

Talon wrote:

Great Wall - Excellent map in 16p mode, not so great in 32 but the wall fights are very well done. Nice to have large map without choppers/jets.

Smoke Screen - The real Armored Fury map. Has more tanks than any other and very fast paced. EU tend to have an advantage though.

Taraba Quarry - Pretty terrible. Map is too big and not enough jeeps are around. Needs the Hummer TOW from SF.
Couldn't agree more with this. One thing that really puzzles me on 16 man Great Wall are the bloody chinese AA vehicles. What is the point in having them in there? No air assets to start with and just gives rise to the early end of otherwise excellent infantry battles!
Missing, Presumed Dead

Well, we think that the AA is there for either

1) Shooting down EU parachutists

2) The helis that might have been in the map (you can find helipads on the 32size great wall, out in the next village due south and north of the PLA and EU uncaps respectively)

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Uh, which one?  More information in your posts would be helpful, thanks.
Well it is in the euro force booster pack section.

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