This is a long read but I urge you to get through it if you can. This is after all the Serious Debate and Discussion section.
kr@cker wrote:
the alternative research he refers to is research obtaining stem cells from placental blood
from the CNN article itself:
Bush signed the "fetal farming" legislation and urged Congress to fund alternative research.
"I'm disappointed that the House failed to authorize funding for this vital and ethical research," he said. "It makes no sense to say that you're in favor of finding cures for terrible diseases as quickly as possible and then block a bill that would authorize funding for promising and ethical stem-cell research."
again, bush has not banned stem cell research, reading comprehension is your friend
Correct. He is not banning stem cell research. He vetoed a bill in which scientists could obtain more stem embryonic stem cells for research. These specific type of stem cells are difficult to obtain and are in very small quantities. This bill would have increased the supply and hence increased the amount of research that could be done on this very important type of stem cell. Yes there are multiple kinds of stem cells. More on that below.
This is a long read but I urge you to get through it if you can. This is after all the Serious Debate and Discussion section.
kr@cker wrote:
can we close this now that it's obviously baseless and grounded in fallacy?
No. We can't and you need to try harder than that.
topthrill05 wrote:
Thank you Kracker.
Some of you are so quick to jump on the bash Bush band wagon that you haven't a clue what Bush vetoed. Whats better this is his first veto and look how many people bitch and moan. Even people calling our president names from other countries. Where does this fucking affect you. Thats right no where. So keep your mouth closed if you can't make an intelligent comment against it.
On top of that some of you act like this is the end of the world. As stated above if you read you will see how idiotic some of you are.
Now I will re-read this thread and laugh at the pointless and groundless bashing of Bush.
This is true some people indeed join in the bashing of Bush simply because it's Bush. While I have to raise my hand and chant with the masses to remove this president, I have to also be able to demonstrate "Why" this president should be removed. And this thread, or at least the core of it, is a very good reason why Bush needs to run out of office tared and feathered.
For those unaware of the actual Bill that was passed, here is a link to the final version that was passed by Congress. I suggest reading it and notice it's careful verbage on what kind of stem cells could be harvested. If the search fails start another search from that site on 810 or HR 810.Now on to the differences of stem cells and why the vetoing of this bill was so very bad for the future of medical research and the possible cure for many illnesses.
Now this might be above the understanding capacity of many who read these forums so I'm going to make it as simple an explanation as possible. If you want a more in depth explanation of all of this then please do a bit of research on stem cells, like I have, and read for yourself what it's all about. This is a good place to start but there is much more than what is explained there. You can also read the minutes on the H.R. 810 Bill and read even more about the process and what was thought on the issue. I have given you the link above. If you read through it's many pages (I read some not all because it's just damn long.) then it might make more sense to you. Please again make special note at the verbage and realize the deliberate limiting of the words to only embryos slated for destruction NOT embryos donated from humans for the purpose of research. Embryonic harvesting from humans for the purpose of research is still outlawed by International Consortium of Bioethics. However this can only be enforced by each countries government as they see fit.
The key word here is
pluripotent cells or cells that are unformed by DNA and hence can latch onto existing DNA sequences and form themselves into new cells for whatever sequence it is mimicing. If attached to bone marrow cells they can generate new bone marrow in cancer patients after kimo and allow them to generate white and red blood cells again. If attached to nerve tissue it will reform into new nerve tissue perhaps fixing breaks or tears that might cause paralization. The uses go on and on. But first you need a pluripotent cell.
Embryonic stem cells are by their very nature pluripotent cells. They are the cells of a very very young embryo which have not formed into any sort of functional cell yet. These are plentiful in an embryo of early conception and hence are easily harvested. The result of such research on using embryonic stem cells is unrealized, hence the need for more research. Theoretically these type of stem cells could be used on anyone, anywhere and hence their versitility is why research needs to be done.
Adult stem cells are stem cells that exist in the human body after birth. They are labeled Adult but they don't really mean Adult in age but more in the age of the cell itself not the human in which the cell exists. A fully developed stem cell exists in varying quantities within the human body. As the body gets older the amount of adult stem cells decreases until older age when none exist and the body begins it decaying process which of course ends in death. These adult stem cells only exist in certain forms and can only repair either muscles and tissue, bones and bone marrow, brain cells and in some cases nerves. They must exist, they must be found and then harvests from various locations in the body. The methods in which to harvest are extremely evasive and is only used in extreme circumstances. The most common type of adult stem cell harvestation comes from Bone Marrow. This requires finding a match for the patient, drilling into a large bone, harvesting fresh stem cells and then injecting them into the bone marrow of the patient. Do more research on cancer if you want to learn more about this procedure.
Cord blood is human blood from the placenta and umbilical cord that is rich in hematopoietic stem cells. Cord blood is collected after the umbilical cord has been detached from the newborn, and utilized as a source of stem cells for transplantation. These hematopoietic stem cells are more commonly used to regenerate tissues, bone marrow and repair organs. Cord blood has at most a 25% chance of matching other family members and could also be used on them.
Placenta cells are specifically cells harvested from the 3 cell deep layer wall of the placenta after birth. It's a difficult procedure that is often done under desire from the parents and then stored for large fees just in case their child requires stem cells in their early years do to lukemia or other childhood life threatening illnesses. Currently it can only be used on the child from which the placenta was attached.
There is already a Bill passed that supports alternative research of stem cells that includes the usage of Adult, Cord Blood and Placenta stem cells. Their attempt is to create a pluripotent cell that can be used on any person of any age with a compatible DNA sequencing to the donor of the cell. This requires a nationwide doner network much like they have for organ transplants or bone marrow doners.
The reason why Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act H.R.810 was so important was due to increased ability to research embryonic stem cells and hence perhaps find a link between them and the other stem cells. An understand between all stem cells would lead to a better direction in how to implement cultured artifictially created stem cells within medicine and hence lead to curing many illnesses in humans. Perhaps through this research it might have been possible to harvest pluripotent cells from many different non-embryonic sources because of our knowledge to introduce them into new patients.
However that is not going to happen now because of the "theological" morality of it all. Religion has blinded much too many to much too many things.
This is why I am angry at the village idiot for being my president and for vetoing this bill.
Last edited by kilroy0097 (2006-07-20 07:49:01)