+9|6890|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!

xXGamingBugXx wrote:

I hate vehicles, theres nothing worst that a tank rolling towards you as you get out your defriberators
Bring it on lets have infantry battles. NO tanks no jeeps running me over.... i want infantry battles with nades and guns....YYYEEAAAHHH

Last edited by hilltop2bit (2006-07-19 23:40:20)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

el.fleisch wrote:

All who are against the No Vehicles Option are *** **** ** **** vehicle-whores!!! And YOU know that!

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!

Thanks EA
It's clear that you are a n00b, man!
Also, if you remove the vehicles, you "enrich" the game??? WTF???? are you mad? you turn BF2 into mindless CS, you call that "enrichment "?
you remove something and you call this "enrichment" - there is no logic in such statement.
I couldn't care less about others playing infantry mode, but I don't want their stat to be mixed up with the regular stat. Either a separate stat system should made specifically for infantry mode, or it should be unranked. Otherwise you might as well let COOP be ranked too.
I love [fiSh]

Nikola Bathory wrote:

el.fleisch wrote:

All who are against the No Vehicles Option are *** **** ** **** vehicle-whores!!! And YOU know that!

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!

Thanks EA
It's clear that you are a n00b, man!
Also, if you remove the vehicles, you "enrich" the game??? WTF???? are you mad? you turn BF2 into mindless CS, you call that "enrichment "?
you remove something and you call this "enrichment" - there is no logic in such statement.
You simply don't get it that the Infantry Only OPTION makes the game more versatile by adding one more OPTION and therefore it's an enrichment. And please, stop calling other players newb if you´re the biggest and dumbest newb on earth.

And your statement "there is no logic in such statement" - due to your lack of intelligence it's clear that you don't find any logic in this.

Please end yourself...

mjgunner wrote:

DSRTurtle wrote:

mjgunner wrote:

get on a 64 player karkland US Rush's the back MEC flag now they got 6 piece of armor that re spawn in 30 secs after they u blow them up. makes it real unfair for the mec team cause as soon as u go back and steal a US tank u get kicked for stealing vehicles. and ea is not saying they are gonna take all the shit out just server owners can choose so dont worry they will still have them
If the MEC team is too stupid to defend there rear that's their problem.
stfu ur prolly one of those team switchers so u dont have to play mec. all im saying is that mec and US should have uncappable flags to ensure that there tanks and armor dont get missing, since everyone isnt the best commander in  the world and its impossible to munity one now adays. or u get the ones that are in the armor and dont give u a call out or uav. 9 times outta 10 the fucking MEC team is out numbered so it makes getting the hotel pretty easy.
Jeez.  You don't know me.  You don't play on the same servers I do.  So don't tell me to STFU just because you don't understand the strategic importance of defense.

Oh Wait.  Your idea of defense is dying at the Hotel the entire round.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-07-20 04:12:32)

has the greatest stats on earth
u really think that only foot soldiers are skilled? i think it is a great and important skill to be a advanced heli oder aviator pilot!! if you dont want to have vehicles, please go play cs or some other games in which real weapon skills matter

el.fleisch wrote:

Look at YOUR stats in the section "Weapons": how many percent of your kills you've done with a real weapon? I'm sure it's < 50%! And now look the your K/D in the weapons section: I'm sure it's < 1! (or at least at lot of smaller than your K/D in the vehicle section)

All who are against the No Vehicles Option are *** **** ** **** vehicle-whores!!! And YOU know that!

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!
Sorry to disappoint you,but I'm definitely not a vehiclewhore (I'm the guy who gives you the tank so I can keep on sniping.) and I'm totally against the no vehicles option.

My percentage of kills done with "real weapons":66% (30% with the sniper rifle alone!)

If I wanted to have infantry only I would choose a game like one of the MoH-Series or CS:S.
I always play 64 player servers,the more players the better.
The Battlefield experience comes from having every aspect of warfare in the game,BF2 without vehicles is some bastardization of the game for whiny pussies who can't accept that there are things in the game you are helpless against.People who scream at their monitor because someone just dropped a bomb on their 1337 AK-47 skills.
Well,maybe it's the wrong game for you then.
Infantry only sucks balls,and that's coming from an infantry player.
being an armor whore need no skill what so ever point and shot that all
+190|6938|Home of the Escalade Herds
There should be light vehicles in infantry mode imo, otherwise it's just pure CS.

Light vehicles being buggies, atv's ect.

Or is someone gonna say those are overpowered
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
BF2 infantry mode = CS.
+11|6835|4856 Karkand,Hellstreet 4
I´m so happy about this infantry-option! I´ve played it with the 1.42 patch and had sooo much fun!
but the pity is that the classes anti-tank and engeneer will not be so usefull anymore
medics and supporter will rule! u´ll see ...
but i was so lucky to see boats on some maps... (enjoy swimming from the carrier! )

vehicle whores go Armored Fury! and leave us "real" fighters alone...
+11|6835|4856 Karkand,Hellstreet 4

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

el.fleisch wrote:

Look at YOUR stats in the section "Weapons": how many percent of your kills you've done with a real weapon? I'm sure it's < 50%! And now look the your K/D in the weapons section: I'm sure it's < 1! (or at least at lot of smaller than your K/D in the vehicle section)

All who are against the No Vehicles Option are *** **** ** **** vehicle-whores!!! And YOU know that!

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!

My percentage of kills done with "real weapons":66% (30% with the sniper rifle alone!)
ha! ok, ur a sniper whore. what´s the difference between veh. whores and u? lay down on a f**king hill and snipe the shit out of everyone, claymores: set them and forget them. hooo, u are a real good fighter (especially one on one, right?! ) nOOb!
lol this thread is funny, where is the problem guys? if u don't like the infantry only option, then don't play it, it is ur decision.
maybe u r afraid, that probably the community will separate into two groups, one that enjoys vehicle game play and the other goes for infantry style. the flipside will be the game play will be more challenging to all of us, because vehicle newbies will evade vehicle servers, the skill levels will be more balanced, even on the infantry servers, there are enough out in the field, that think they own everyone, and they will enjoy that without getting raped by a j-10 or some cobra, they will enjoy to run through the streets of karkand, without getting a hit and run by some insane jihadjeeper. pilots can focus more on dogfighting instead evading stingers.
+632|6929|do not disturb

el.fleisch wrote:

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!

Thanks EA
For infantry, but not for vehicles. Hmmm, doesn't modern warfare include vehicles? Isn't that what BF2 is about? I'm not an armor/heli/jet whore, but they are part of the game. The problem is some maps tend to favor some of these vehicles and it just sucks.

If you want infantry only, please go play Call of Duty. Try being a well-rounded soldier instead of being only, well, fine at infantry combat but a nub at everything else.

Infantry only should be unranked, square deal.
+6|6819|international waters
i think in infantry mode severs half team only will throw grenades and the other use claymores. so i will prefer normal servers.

mjgunner wrote:

being an armor whore need no skill what so ever point and shot that all
being a claymore whore or grenade spammer requires less skill than an armor whore,because u dont need to aim,o u are more unskilled

vehicles are the essence of  battlefield saga, but they could balance the infantry vs chopper or plane, because what is more difficult,hit 3-5 times a tank with an at or hit 2 a chopper with the same kit?,or hit 1 a plane

Last edited by aqempty (2006-07-21 07:28:00)

I mainly play infantary but dont think i will spend much time on infintary only i live for twating helis and tanks lol nothing betta than c4tastic fun lol
+632|6929|do not disturb

aqempty wrote:

i think in infantry mode severs half team only will throw grenades and the other use claymores. so i will prefer normal servers.

mjgunner wrote:

being an armor whore need no skill what so ever point and shot that all
being a claymore whore or grenade spammer requires less skill than an armor whore, noob
I agree, especially with claymores. LAWL! Nice shot with the gaymore!
well stat padding will be through the roof and that was the only reason i have this game cause of the vehicles. Now all of those german and american pistol knife only servers will get there way and ea is a dumbass fro it and it needs to be unranked
Back in battle after 3-year break

I remember, when BF 1942 was released. All were totally excited about the possibilty, to ride every vehicle in the game. We was throwing our Medal Of Honor CD's in a corner and start playin' BF.

And now? Exactly what we liked so much is bullshit? C'mon, that's ridicoulus...

I have no problem with ground pounding, even if I suck, because it's real fun. But please, dear server owners and admins, don't switch all your servers to infantry only... Thanx!
mostly afk
+480|6863|CH/BR - in UK


i would love to see a no vehicle option but the one 1.4 is suppose to change everything - up the sprint, up the personal armor, theres more just can't remember what else
agreed...or just leave the buggys or take away the guns on them
edit: I don't want to have run for 5 minutes to get to the fight, that's lame!!!

Last edited by Konfusion0 (2006-07-21 07:41:05)


Schlusi=[GER] wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

el.fleisch wrote:

Look at YOUR stats in the section "Weapons": how many percent of your kills you've done with a real weapon? I'm sure it's < 50%! And now look the your K/D in the weapons section: I'm sure it's < 1! (or at least at lot of smaller than your K/D in the vehicle section)

All who are against the No Vehicles Option are *** **** ** **** vehicle-whores!!! And YOU know that!

The No Vehicles Option is an enrichment for the game!!

My percentage of kills done with "real weapons":66% (30% with the sniper rifle alone!)
ha! ok, ur a sniper whore. what´s the difference between veh. whores and u? lay down on a f**king hill and snipe the shit out of everyone, claymores: set them and forget them. hooo, u are a real good fighter (especially one on one, right?! ) nOOb!
Yeah,right...sniper whore...that's cute.
Everybody has at least something fully automatic or a tank and I choose a bolt-action rifle,which makes me a "whore" in the BF2 sense that I have to rely solely on this skill to get my points.Which is not the case.

What's the difference between vehicle whores and a sniper?
Maybe you should spend more time with the sniper kit and less time on Karkand and maybe you'll find the difference.
And maybe shut the f*ck up about something you have no real concept about(in this case sniping).
Get a 3.0 K/D ratio with the sniper rifle first,then you can call me a nOOb or a sniperwhore or whatever...

But if you are so convinced I'm such a nOOb - come onto TV2 24/7 Wake and I show you how I own you little bitch.

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-07-21 07:49:28)

Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA
If you dont like the vehicles, go play counter strike.  the end.  go away.

Its not supposed to be just an FPS.  Im serious, BF2 without the vehicles is just another no name FPS.
Back in battle after 3-year break

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

If you dont like the vehicles, go play counter strike.  the end.  go away.

Its not supposed to be just an FPS.  Im serious, BF2 without the vehicles is just another no name FPS.
Right. Just can repeat my opinion:

I remember, when BF 1942 was released. All were totally excited about the possibilty, to ride every vehicle in the game. We was throwing our Medal Of Honor CD's in a corner and start playin' BF.

And now? Exactly what we liked so much is bullshit? C'mon, that's ridicoulus...

I have no problem with ground pounding, even if I suck, because it's real fun. But please, dear server owners and admins, don't switch all your servers to infantry only... Thanx!
+1|6804|Miami, FL, USA
I agree with the idea that infantry only should be unranked only. I don't have anything against it and in fact will probably play a few rounds myself, but IMO it's not "true" BF2. The theme of this game is modern combat, and whether you whiners like it or not, modern combat has vehicles (tanks and aircraft included!). The problem is, ppl whine about getting swatted like flies by a tank, but a simple practice to stop this (and one that not many ppl in this game practice) is to take cover! Trust me it works, and not just for tanks! If you see a tank, or don't clear an area before running thru it, and run out in the middle of the street like a moron, you will get ended like a moron.

Second, you want to not be defenseless against vehicles? Play this game as it was intended and SQUAD UP! Get one or even better 2 AT guys on your squad and have a support and medic guy help out. If you play it right, with 2 AT guys (who know what they're doing, and don't complain about it being underpowered when in reality they just don't know how to aim for the weak spots), not even engineer convoys will stand up to you.

But that's just my opinion. Oh, and I do tank whore on occasion, but look at my stats, and you'll see I also "medic whore", "AT whore", "support whore" and all the other shit you whiners can come up with.

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

I agree that vehicles make BF2 what it is.

That said I'm all for the infantry only option, if people want to play without vehicles let 'em, at least it'll stop people with silly 'no tank' servers etc. - what I'm against is servers with stupid rules, 'ohhh don't do this, don't do that.....' If you can do it, you should be allowed to (I'm not keen on excessive base rape tho, but people who winge about bombing runs on carriers - get the fuck off the carrier and stop standing around on runways waiting for vehicles) one server I was on the other day didn't allow you to use grenade launchers on infantry, wtf?!?!

What I would love to see in a new patch would be many more spawn points around the flags, to try and cut down on spawn rape.

People need to stop whinging about this shit and just take it like men - If you getting killed all the time, just go and kill them back and if you can't, just go and cry quietly in the corner and stop all the bloody whinging. Armour whore, sniper whore, medic whore, karkand whore - where does it fucking end!!! Just let them get on with it.

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