I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

I can see your point, and you are certainly correct as far as the forum rules are concerned, but if I'd try to do that, I'd have no social life left. I sanction the violations I see while browsing through these forums in the time I have, and apart from that, I depend on people reporting posts they consider to be against the forum rules.

We cannot be everywhere.

as far as this thread is concerned, it has come a long way. I have no worries closing it though, if no one objects. As you have said, nearly eveything that cousl have been said about this isssue has been said anyway.
smells like wee wee

JahManRed wrote:

Yeah I think this thread has went as far as it can go. Its degraded to childish insults and name calling.
no it has not, just cos you smell like wee wee
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA
+5|6804|New Brunswick, Canada

kr@cker wrote:

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

cosmichippo wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

yep. Hence the new forum title....
+86|6962|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

tnt_dynamite wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

Is ther enough server space to list the violations of palestine and other nations against israel? Oh, that's right, the UN doesn't care, the jews are just supposed to sit there and watch their families get slaughtered.
You really need to get a clue...

If Israel had not stolen the land and murdered the people who were there for the last 60 years, there wouldn't be any fighting.  The only people who have been getting slaughtered are the people in the countries around Israel.

Israel is the SINGLE LARGEST AGRESSOR in the middle east.  They are at the root of everything that is wrong with that area.

You need to read the resolutions, most of them deal with Israel murdering the people who were there and then stealing their land...
Are you a fucking retard? Are you a fucking retard?

Israel did not steal any fucking land, the U.S. gave it to them after WWII. Help yourself to a fucking history book, cause your talking like a fucking retard.

Israel murdering people? What the hell are you talking about?! They are only defending themselves. Get it straight that Hezbollah attacked Israel. The Six day war saw Israel ATTACKED. The Arab's don't want them there so they provoke shit to get Israel involved and consequently the U.S. involved. Anyone would defend themselves.

They are the agressor, they are the roots of everything? Are you mentally unstable?

Resolutions...my ass.

Go cry all of us a river.
So blinded by your ignorance you are...we gave Israel NOTHING.  It wasn't ours to give.  Israel took it by force, murdering people and displacing them along the way.  The took the fertile land, they took the water, they forced the displaced people to live elsewhere.  When they outgrew their settlements, they called in the military, pulled out the bulldozers to level the palestinian homes and took more.

Then they cried when the palestinians fought back by blowing themselves up in crowded restaurants, or buses.

How could they do that to us? Israel said..."All we did was murder their families, steal their land, make them live in landfills, build a fence to keep them in like animals, and deny them the basics for a healthy life (food, water, shelter).  "Why is everyone out to get Israel?  The whole world is against us!"

Sound familiar idiot? 

Get a clue, you sir are the one who is a fucking retard.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

let go off the personal attacks, gentlemen. I don't care who started it, it needs to stop. Stick to arguments, pls.

HM1{N} wrote:

tnt_dynamite wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

You really need to get a clue...

If Israel had not stolen the land and murdered the people who were there for the last 60 years, there wouldn't be any fighting.  The only people who have been getting slaughtered are the people in the countries around Israel.

Israel is the SINGLE LARGEST AGRESSOR in the middle east.  They are at the root of everything that is wrong with that area.

You need to read the resolutions, most of them deal with Israel murdering the people who were there and then stealing their land...
Are you a fucking retard? Are you a fucking retard?

Israel did not steal any fucking land, the U.S. gave it to them after WWII. Help yourself to a fucking history book, cause your talking like a fucking retard.

Israel murdering people? What the hell are you talking about?! They are only defending themselves. Get it straight that Hezbollah attacked Israel. The Six day war saw Israel ATTACKED. The Arab's don't want them there so they provoke shit to get Israel involved and consequently the U.S. involved. Anyone would defend themselves.

They are the agressor, they are the roots of everything? Are you mentally unstable?

Resolutions...my ass.

Go cry all of us a river.
So blinded by your ignorance you are...we gave Israel NOTHING.  It wasn't ours to give.  Israel took it by force, murdering people and displacing them along the way.  The took the fertile land, they took the water, they forced the displaced people to live elsewhere.  When they outgrew their settlements, they called in the military, pulled out the bulldozers to level the palestinian homes and took more.

Then they cried when the palestinians fought back by blowing themselves up in crowded restaurants, or buses.

How could they do that to us? Israel said..."All we did was murder their families, steal their land, make them live in landfills, build a fence to keep them in like animals, and deny them the basics for a healthy life (food, water, shelter).  "Why is everyone out to get Israel?  The whole world is against us!"

Sound familiar idiot? 

Get a clue, you sir are the one who is a fucking retard.
If by your thoughts Israel took the land by aggression.  Isn't it theirs until they are defeated.  Last I looked that's how we got our land. (USA)

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-07-28 09:07:21)


GATOR591957 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

tnt_dynamite wrote:

Are you a fucking retard? Are you a fucking retard?

Israel did not steal any fucking land, the U.S. gave it to them after WWII. Help yourself to a fucking history book, cause your talking like a fucking retard.

Israel murdering people? What the hell are you talking about?! They are only defending themselves. Get it straight that Hezbollah attacked Israel. The Six day war saw Israel ATTACKED. The Arab's don't want them there so they provoke shit to get Israel involved and consequently the U.S. involved. Anyone would defend themselves.

They are the agressor, they are the roots of everything? Are you mentally unstable?

Resolutions...my ass.

Go cry all of us a river.
So blinded by your ignorance you are...we gave Israel NOTHING.  It wasn't ours to give.  Israel took it by force, murdering people and displacing them along the way.  The took the fertile land, they took the water, they forced the displaced people to live elsewhere.  When they outgrew their settlements, they called in the military, pulled out the bulldozers to level the palestinian homes and took more.

Then they cried when the palestinians fought back by blowing themselves up in crowded restaurants, or buses.

How could they do that to us? Israel said..."All we did was murder their families, steal their land, make them live in landfills, build a fence to keep them in like animals, and deny them the basics for a healthy life (food, water, shelter).  "Why is everyone out to get Israel?  The whole world is against us!"

Sound familiar idiot? 

Get a clue, you sir are the one who is a fucking retard.
If by your thoughts Israel took the land by aggression.  Isn't it theirs until they are defeated.  Last I looked that's how we got our land. (USA)
What you are saying effectively gives carte blanche to any militarily strong power to do whatever it is capable of doing, irrespective of whether their actions are morally wrong or morally right. If Hitler had consolidated and not attacked Russia would you have applied said logic to Poland, France, the Czech Republic and other occupied nations?

CameronPoe wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

So blinded by your ignorance you are...we gave Israel NOTHING.  It wasn't ours to give.  Israel took it by force, murdering people and displacing them along the way.  The took the fertile land, they took the water, they forced the displaced people to live elsewhere.  When they outgrew their settlements, they called in the military, pulled out the bulldozers to level the palestinian homes and took more.

What I am saying is throughout history wars have been fought for land.  The fact that Israel was the last to fight a war for land seems to make them criminal.  I don't believe there is a country that has not been involved in a war for land yet we ridicule Israel because I guess we are supposed to be more sophisticated.

Then they cried when the palestinians fought back by blowing themselves up in crowded restaurants, or buses.

How could they do that to us? Israel said..."All we did was murder their families, steal their land, make them live in landfills, build a fence to keep them in like animals, and deny them the basics for a healthy life (food, water, shelter).  "Why is everyone out to get Israel?  The whole world is against us!"

Sound familiar idiot? 

Get a clue, you sir are the one who is a fucking retard.
If by your thoughts Israel took the land by aggression.  Isn't it theirs until they are defeated.  Last I looked that's how we got our land. (USA)
What you are saying effectively gives carte blanche to any militarily strong power to do whatever it is capable of doing, irrespective of whether their actions are morally wrong or morally right. If Hitler had consolidated and not attacked Russia would you have applied said logic to Poland, France, the Czech Republic and other occupied nations?
Mr. Bigglesworth
Your All A Bunch Of Fucking Slaves!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
I am all that is MOD!

rawls2 wrote:

Your All A Bunch Of Fucking Slaves!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Ignorance is bliss....No wonder you are so happy.
Mr. Bigglesworth


rawls2 wrote:

Your All A Bunch Of Fucking Slaves!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Ignorance is bliss....No wonder you are so happy.
Its from a movie. I cant remember though. There really isnt anything else to be said on the subject. I tried but if I havent said it someone else has.

rawls2 wrote:

Blah blah blah islamist. Blah blah zionist. Blah blah civilians blah guerillas blah. Blah occupation blah. blah peace blah blah rejected blah United States. Blah Iran blah Syria blah blah blah blah. Blah blah Bible blah blah Koran. Blah blah IDF blah blah Hezbollah. In conclusion, blah blah blah, blah blah.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-07-28 17:00:04)

Zee Tank Skank
+80|7018|MoVal So-Cal
im just gonna run on in here and make a post that has to do with the topic and not bashing anyone....

I used to think that isreal was the good guy here, I thought that they were attacking a terrorist organization that was bombing them for no reason beside the fact that they were Jewish. I was wrong. After looking into the matter a bit more before making a post i found that the Hezbolah (might be spelled wrong) are actually fighting a just war. Everyone soak that up for a second....I am someone that completly supports the war on terror and the war in Iraq so please dont confuse me with a liberal weenie. This whole thing was apparantly started when the Irealis (spellcheck...again) captured 3 Lebanese and have had them detained in Isreali prisons for years. The Hezbolah decided to "strike back" if you will by capturing 2 Isrealis which started this whole mess. The Lebanese government hasn't gome to the aid of southern Lebanon and the people of southern Lebanon view the Hesbolah as their protectors that have shielded them from the Isrealis for over 30 years. Isreal fires on suburban housing and public roads and bridges. Frankly, IMHO this war is Isreali heavy-handedness because they have land that is claimed by Lebanon and wont return it. They are the bad guys here and i hate to say it but the Hezbolah are actually the "good guys" here.

flame on

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-07-29 23:35:58)

Mr. Bigglesworth

Pernicious544 wrote:

flame on
Mmmm. I fell like eating a Whopper now. Anyone that has a Burger King in town knows what im talking about.
+86|6962|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."

Did anyone else catch that?  Sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

That was his response to claims of genocide in Lebanon.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6899|SE London

HM1{N} wrote:

I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."

Did anyone else catch that?  Sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

That was his response to claims of genocide in Lebanon.
Not entirely sure you'd call that genocide - it's close, but I'd just call it appallingly brutal beligerance. Don't get me wrong it's almost as bad - but they're not (claiming to be) targeting civilians in areas where they don't believe terrorists to be.
Mr. Bigglesworth

HM1{N} wrote:

I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."

Did anyone else catch that?  Sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

That was his response to claims of genocide in Lebanon.
Thanks to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, good people are forced to do things they dont want to do or say.

rawls2 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."

Did anyone else catch that?  Sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

That was his response to claims of genocide in Lebanon.
Thanks to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, good people are forced to do things they dont want to do or say.
I wouldn't describe the Israeli defence minister as a 'good person'.
+86|6962|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."

Did anyone else catch that?  Sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

That was his response to claims of genocide in Lebanon.
Thanks to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, good people are forced to do things they dont want to do or say.
I wouldn't describe the Israeli defence minister as a 'good person'.
Amen brotha', preach on!
Junglist Massive
When fighting groups who advocate terrorism, if it's not heavy handed to flush entire populations out of areas and declare those who don't leave as terrorists and bomb the shit out of them, then let's use it everywhere... remind me, which country allows the KKK to exist again?

(EDIT: by allow, i mean that the KKK still exists, so the government must not have done enough to prevent people holding views and voting for political parties with similiar aims, and therefore must 'allow' them to continue their activities)

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-07-29 18:12:56)

smells like wee wee

HM1{N} wrote:

I'm watching CNN right now.  They just interviewed the Israeli defense minister who said "we will kill everyone in an area where we think terrorists are..."
Imagine if Iran or North Korea made that statement. They would be condemned by the rest of the world and probably wiped off the face of the earth.
smells like wee wee
Keep up the good work Irsael!

U.N. peacekeepers injured by Israeli airstrike
Post in southern Lebanon hit, official says

And what about the kidnapped soldiers?? who is thinking of them?

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