I just want to step in and congratulate CamPoe (oops...typed CamPee first time around) for an appropriately named and interesting thread, even though he dropped in an did that himself. I'd like to add I'm enjoying the discussion.
So why is this thread appropriately named?
Israel has always had a hornet's nest mentality. How many times can you poke the nest before the hornets swarm? Whether you assess the blame on Israel, Hamas or Hezbollahs...Israel is REALLY moving in. Ever since I was a kid I heard that Israel would be fighting the Arabs at some point, so are we really that suprised?
2nd Point: Why has this thread lasted so long?
Simply put - both sides are fighting based on irreconcilable differences. You can stop reading right here if you want.
The interesting thing is some of the answers are the same...
Here's some clarity:
Who country is justified in their actions?
-Palestians/Hamas/Hezbollahs - this is our land.
-Israel - this is our land.
Who initiated this issue?
-Israel - the Hamas/the Hezbollahs/years of terrorist attacks due to the unwillingness to accept Israel as a new neighbor.
-Hamas/Hezbollahs - years of inequalities, mistreatment via agressive Israeli defense posturing and action.
Targeting civilians?
-Hamas/Hezbollahs - Yes - shooting unguided rockets with ball bearings as an antipersonnel shrapnel into cities is NOT attacking the Israel Defense Force...it's attacking the citizens.
-Israel - Yes - not DIRECTLY targeting civilians, but have been indirectly targeting them by not reducing collateral damage.
Fighting dirty?
-Hezbollahs - Yes - shooting rockets at a civilian population is generally frowned upon.
-Israel - Well, Yes - this is a one-side affair. Jets, tanks, etc. They have to pound the area to quell guerrilla tactics, which is why you see so much damage. The argument for yes is they have gotten a yellow card from the UN.
Is Religion part of this?
Nope - this a long running border dispute. Religion in this case intensifies the problems by increasing discriminatory behavior and providing everyone with "my fight is just" for motivation, but it's not the cause.
Now, here's the rub:
What makes this so interesting is that everyone knew an Arab-Israeli confrontation would eventually happen. All arguments supporting one side can be countered with almost the identical argument from the other side. The only thing left is DEGREES - who's more wrong. Well, both sides are wrong in my opinion, so I will continue to watch the unresolvable debate thread develop.
I've seen "put them in a box and let them fight it out". Here's another one just as impossible - combine Israel, Gaza, & Lebanon into one country. The ownership of the area then becomes everyone's...
So why is this thread appropriately named?
Israel has always had a hornet's nest mentality. How many times can you poke the nest before the hornets swarm? Whether you assess the blame on Israel, Hamas or Hezbollahs...Israel is REALLY moving in. Ever since I was a kid I heard that Israel would be fighting the Arabs at some point, so are we really that suprised?
2nd Point: Why has this thread lasted so long?
Simply put - both sides are fighting based on irreconcilable differences. You can stop reading right here if you want.
The interesting thing is some of the answers are the same...
Here's some clarity:
Who country is justified in their actions?
-Palestians/Hamas/Hezbollahs - this is our land.
-Israel - this is our land.
Who initiated this issue?
-Israel - the Hamas/the Hezbollahs/years of terrorist attacks due to the unwillingness to accept Israel as a new neighbor.
-Hamas/Hezbollahs - years of inequalities, mistreatment via agressive Israeli defense posturing and action.
Targeting civilians?
-Hamas/Hezbollahs - Yes - shooting unguided rockets with ball bearings as an antipersonnel shrapnel into cities is NOT attacking the Israel Defense Force...it's attacking the citizens.
-Israel - Yes - not DIRECTLY targeting civilians, but have been indirectly targeting them by not reducing collateral damage.
Fighting dirty?
-Hezbollahs - Yes - shooting rockets at a civilian population is generally frowned upon.
-Israel - Well, Yes - this is a one-side affair. Jets, tanks, etc. They have to pound the area to quell guerrilla tactics, which is why you see so much damage. The argument for yes is they have gotten a yellow card from the UN.
Is Religion part of this?
Nope - this a long running border dispute. Religion in this case intensifies the problems by increasing discriminatory behavior and providing everyone with "my fight is just" for motivation, but it's not the cause.
Now, here's the rub:
What makes this so interesting is that everyone knew an Arab-Israeli confrontation would eventually happen. All arguments supporting one side can be countered with almost the identical argument from the other side. The only thing left is DEGREES - who's more wrong. Well, both sides are wrong in my opinion, so I will continue to watch the unresolvable debate thread develop.
I've seen "put them in a box and let them fight it out". Here's another one just as impossible - combine Israel, Gaza, & Lebanon into one country. The ownership of the area then becomes everyone's...
Last edited by Pug (2006-07-26 11:14:51)