Ok guys at least we can all agree that wars are bad and no one like seeing others dieing and we all hope that the war will end soon and we all hope that one day every 1 will live in peace.
This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-22 14:34:25)

-=NHB=- Bananahands

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.
OK!??! What's your point? You have 500h play time in bf2. Big deal.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

mafia996630 wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.

CameronPoe wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.
OK!??! What's your point? You have 500h play time in bf2. Big deal.
Ha ha!
    I give props to Poe.
The forums require more thinking than the game.
You kinda pwned him though.

Last edited by Alexanderthegrape (2006-07-22 15:57:21)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
All I can say is A LOT of repetition  . I don't think people read every post, just a few and they usually and up saying what has already been said.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Microwave Man
Things are kind of repetitive in here . I'm not sure but I don't think most people read all the posts . They probably just skim through real fast and read the ones that capture their eye or something . Most of this stuff has already been said like a millions times . Stop repeating stuff !!!!!!
+11|7128|California, USA

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes.  That is correct.  Where your analogy fails, however, is that you compare an empty bag with one which contains ball bearings, rather than a bag that contains nails with one that contains ball bearings.  As the ball bearings are smaller than nails, medical personal have trouble finding and removing them.
Bubbalo, wtf? You are talking about people who would be outside the kill radius. We are talking about those inside the kill radius. It doesn't matter that they are hard to remove when there is only chunks of body and not a living victim.

Edit: Oops, I'm repeating. Something different.

Question 1:
If a group of male teenage Israelis were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Lebanese or Palestinian would they help them?

Question 2:
If a group of male teenage Lebanese/Palestinians were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Israeli would they help them?

Last edited by rawls (2006-07-22 18:37:44)


rawls wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes.  That is correct.  Where your analogy fails, however, is that you compare an empty bag with one which contains ball bearings, rather than a bag that contains nails with one that contains ball bearings.  As the ball bearings are smaller than nails, medical personal have trouble finding and removing them.
Bubbalo, wtf? You are talking about people who would be outside the kill radius. We are talking about those inside the kill radius. It doesn't matter that they are hard to remove when there is only chunks of body and not a living victim.

Edit: Oops, I'm repeating. Something different.

Question 1:
If a group of male teenage Israelis were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Lebanese or Palestinian would they help them?

Question 2:
If a group of male teenage Lebanese/Palestinians were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Israeli would they help them?
I believe that would depend on the individuals and happens to be independent of creed in general.
-=NHB=- Bananahands

CameronPoe wrote:

-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This thread is now officially COLOSSAL. Over 40 pages, 10,000 views and all this in just 11 days!
You have 200h play time in bf2. I bet you have over 600 hours in the forums.
OK!??! What's your point? You have 500h play time in bf2. Big deal.
I just think its funny that you spend so much time on forums for a game you arent even good at.

Last edited by -=NHB=- Bananahands (2006-07-22 20:16:59)

The Lizzard
That's a  cheap shot.  Either debate or don't, but don't go insulting people just because you don't like what they say.

rawls2 wrote:

Getting shot with a ping pong ball traveling at 3500 ft/sec as opposed to bieng  shot with a bowling ball at 3500 feet/sec. What would you rather have happen to you?
Except that in this analogy the ball bearing is the ping pong ball, as a ball bearing is smaller and lighter than a nail.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-07-22 22:32:16)

The Lizzard

rawls wrote:

Bubbalo, wtf? You are talking about people who would be outside the kill radius. We are talking about those inside the kill radius. It doesn't matter that they are hard to remove when there is only chunks of body and not a living victim.
All anti-personnel explosives that I know of have shrapnel, a fragmentation grenade being one example.

rawls wrote:

Question 1:
If a group of male teenage Israelis were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Lebanese or Palestinian would they help them?

Question 2:
If a group of male teenage Lebanese/Palestinians were walking down the street and came upon a sick/dying Israeli would they help them?
The answer to both questions is probably no.
+12|7068|Kansas City, MO, USA
Maybe if Lebanon had the balls/power to kick Hezbollah out of their country Israel would stop bombing and attacking it.
The Lizzard
So now the Lebanese deserve it because they aren't militarily strong enough?
Dutch Delight

Bubbalo wrote:

So now the Lebanese deserve it because they aren't militarily strong enough?
Nobody deserves it, but you dont have to be military strong, the government hasnt done anything to stop hesbollah.
Syria is the big arms suplier to hesbollah, they did not stop that either.
12000 rockets I can tell you you wont be able to store that in your house.
Dutch Delight
this is something foreveryone pro or con

Bubbalo wrote:

So now the Lebanese deserve it because they aren't militarily strong enough?
u cant use word "deserve" becouse no one punish them! no one targeting them! and no one trying to hurt them!  (i mean civilian lebanones)

its verry simple! for example: viladge in south lebanon... mosad found group of hezbolah members using one of the houses like a hiding place! mosad gives an order to idf to destroy that house! idf - cople hours before operation, warning all people of that viladge "if they want to stay alive - leave the area"... now answer me! WHY THEY DONT DO THAT? thay know that israel going to bomb the place and choice to stay? why? whats the reason to stay there? if they realy civilians they should take theyr stuff and run away from there... am i  wrong? its the think that any normal human will do! OR MAYBE they not leaving becouse they found hezbollah as a "good guy"??

Israel do all posible to protect death of civilians! but its looks like civilians dont want to help to themselfs! WHY?

thay cant destroy hizbala by themselfs, they dont want israel destroy hezbolah! so WTF?

israel have to get 2 kiddnapet soldiers bocause someone DO NOTHING?

Lebanon goverment is the one who responsible in what is going on in theyr country! NOT ISRAEL! If Lebanon ask for help, israel is ready to help! if Lebanon whant to go the same way with Hezbolah... its even sad to think about what will happens!

and all thouse who say israel targeting civilians - its sick ppl!

Last edited by Lisik (2006-07-23 00:59:55)

The Lizzard

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

Nobody deserves it, but you dont have to be military strong, the government hasnt done anything to stop hesbollah.
But the point is if they tried it would likely result in the government being overthrown.
The Pain Train's Comin'
damn this is a gd topic, with 41 pages. damn guys. I think that i shall take my hat off to Cameron! Congrats man, for making a truly great and now Colossal thread. I think that everyone has to agree it sparked some controversy and got everyone interested, whether on one side or the other, whether u are annoyed by this topic or just plain enjoying it. i think that we are all interested and debating our sides of the topic. I love this thread!
The Lizzard

Lisik wrote:

Israel do all posible to protect death of civilians! but its looks like civilians dont want to help to themselfs! WHY?
Then how come the civilian casualties are so much higher than in other countries anti-terrorism operations?

Bubbalo wrote:

Lisik wrote:

Israel do all posible to protect death of civilians! but its looks like civilians dont want to help to themselfs! WHY?
Then how come the civilian casualties are so much higher than in other countries anti-terrorism operations?
didnt got a point of your question! what other countries are u talking about?
+102|7015|New York

hasnol963 wrote:

Guys...Wth is your probleme the stupid israliens made the iran and syrian thing up just to find a reson to attck libanon and then syria these guys are stupid and i'm actualy proud of hizboullah cus there actualy fighting for there country not like the stupid americans who fight only for money. this whole terorist thing wouldn't have started if USA haven't attcked Iraq for the oil. And why when peps fight for there country there automaticly terroristes. USA and Israel killed hundreds of peps and muslims (plenstine,libanon,iraq and afganistan) there the terroristes they started every thing and they seriouslt found a stupid reson to attck libanon. OMG they captured 2 isralien soliders so we must bomb the whole freackin country! NO! that's stupid! and guys what's that prob with and muslims? they didn't do any shit there the ones who are loosing there kids and family because the gouverments can't stop the stupid war... it's unfair and useless wars don't solve anything.
YOU seriousely need to Think for yourself and stop relying on the Bias news in your country feeding you the shit it does to you. Its people like you that will be the cause of the end of the world. Yah, we went in for oil, STFU dude, If that was the case, then i wouldnt be paying $3.20 a fucking gallon! The OIL you are talking about is Iraq's, Im not seeing ANY benefit from the socalled Oil defense you speak of.

Please, go back and read your missinformed newspaper now, I have other things to do than try and educate  Yet another Sheep.
+102|7015|New York

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

Don't ever put words in my mouth or try to define what I say...you obviously aren't intelligent enough to do so.
In response to your original post, The Jews were the ones displaced, They got there RIGHTFUL land back. The Arabs Were the occupiers. According to the bible, the Jews were there first. I dont think the Rest of the world would have annihilated Israel if the US didnt back them, Maybe Uncompromising Arab states might have, but there ARE countries that do Understand Israel has a right to exist on there Own ancestral lands.
Excuse you, the bible was written THOUSANDS of years AFTER rightful claim to the land took place.  The land was never "originally" the Jews.  I'm not going to give another history lesson here, I suggest you do your homework.

Oh, and as a Christian myself, you can't use the bible as the definitive source of information.  It was written with an agenda in mind.
Believe me i dont need a history lesson. Im not a Big follower of the Bible, But one thing is for sure, It teaches MORALS, something half the people on this site LACK. The way some think Sickens me. Sickens me because Immoral Idiots like these are the future leaders of countries.
+102|7015|New York

Lisik wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Lisik wrote:

Israel do all posible to protect death of civilians! but its looks like civilians dont want to help to themselfs! WHY?
Then how come the civilian casualties are so much higher than in other countries anti-terrorism operations?
didnt got a point of your question! what other countries are u talking about?
Do you really have to ask why???? Well maybe because those chicken shit bastards are hiding in grandmas basement, running out to fire a rocket, then run and hide again in grandmas neighborhood. With complete dissregard for the inocent people living in the neighborhood.

Edited for a typo

Last edited by <[onex]>Headstone (2006-07-23 04:52:23)

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