hasnol963 wrote:
Guys...Wth is your probleme the stupid israliens made the iran and syrian thing up just to find a reson to attck libanon and then syria these guys are stupid and i'm actualy proud of hizboullah cus there actualy fighting for there country not like the stupid americans who fight only for money. this whole terorist thing wouldn't have started if USA haven't attcked Iraq for the oil. And why when peps fight for there country there automaticly terroristes. USA and Israel killed hundreds of peps and muslims (plenstine,libanon,iraq and afganistan) there the terroristes they started every thing and they seriouslt found a stupid reson to attck libanon. OMG they captured 2 isralien soliders so we must bomb the whole freackin country! NO! that's stupid! and guys what's that prob with and muslims? they didn't do any shit there the ones who are loosing there kids and family because the gouverments can't stop the stupid war... it's unfair and useless wars don't solve anything.
Wars are not fair.
"Iranian thing made up"?
Um their (Iranian) names are pretty much written on the missiles they shot into Israel.
"Iraq for oil"
Have you seen the price of oil these days?
"OMG they captured 2 Israeli soldiers."
And I guess they are supposed to wait until the entire military is abducted or allow them to keep shooting missiles into their 3rd largest city.
"And why when peps fight for there country there automatically terrorists"
They target and try to kill innocents while hiding behind them. Lebanon is not "their country". They would get rid of them if we had a UN with some balls.
"didn't do any shit there the ones who are loosing there kids"
Didn't do shit? This one doesn't even deserve a response, check the news every once and awhile
You know there are plenty of people who have somewhat the same opinion as you but they make a sensible argument. Yours need a lot of help. Stuff like "I am proud of Hezzbalah" is just insane. I hope you do realize that pretty much the entire world regards them as terrorist. Maybe you should think about what you are proud of. I understand what Israel is doing, in no manner am I proud of it.