Wow, I thought mine was bad..... 78 hrs and 45/27/19....of course I don't fly and dont' get into vehicles much.
Was you the one who killed me on a karkand 24/7 Cos i was shoting ur APC with a mounted a machine gun?Ryan_Mercury wrote:
1.) Shooting my vehical because you have nothing else to do. This includes shooting my APC from your tank turret.
Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage 51 / 25 / 28 after 66 hours playtime and almost 2.000 kills
I have shot a couple of guys (on distance) when the blue tag failed to show up in time... The vehicle damage thing is annoying though, as the game is full of bugs...
I have shot a couple of guys (on distance) when the blue tag failed to show up in time... The vehicle damage thing is annoying though, as the game is full of bugs...