• No Armor, APCs, Attack Choppers, Jets.
• With Cars, but removed guns.
• With Transport Helo's, but removed guns.
• With Scout Helo’s, but removed guns.
• With RIBs, but removed guns.
• Make it possible to shoot when you are going prone but keep the delay to go from. prone -> crouch/stand. Same for going from prone to crouch.
• Make claymore destroyable by hand-grenades/explosives.
• Spec.Ops and Snipers should be able to pick up their own C4/Claymore.
• Balance the planes
• Increase explosion damage of Anti-Tank weapons by 50%, but reduce numbers of missiles.
• Make Black-Hawk guns better; give them a bit splash damage.
• For stationary AA, shorten the amount of time it takes to re-lock a plane after flares
• If you run a team mate over in a plane, the first 15 secondes it should not count as a team kill.
• Remove the ability to shoot throught a friendly cockpit with an M95.
• The missing server info on the map briefing screen still not fixed.
• Server crashes and CTD’s are still there.
• Improve hit detection!
• Rockets still go trough vehicles.
• Legs stick through walls.
• Battle recorder, If you pause the server during filming, the recorded demo will crash and wont continue
• Red/blue nametag bug still not fixed.
• Fix bug where you constantly here yourself being healed / resupplied
• When you hop into a car and quickly change suit you get knocked out of the car.
• Sometimes when you join a server its starts a kick vote.
• When you quickly switch to the C4 donator the donator disappears and you throw another C4.
• When in an Attack Helicopter your TV-Guided missile goes right trough the enemy’s chopper.
• You're flying in a jet it shows empty IGLA/Stingers as if people were using them.
• You can drive your boat underneath the Essex and statpad
• Sometimes you’ll move horribly slow when you parachute unto the water.
• When updating the favourites list, almost the whole list disappears. But it comes back when restarting the game
• Medics keep screaming "Clear, Clear, Clear...." when they should just scream "Clear." You can also sometimes hear the sound from the defibrillators many times after each other.
• Bug were your rank shows up as private, and you can’t use unlocks.
• Another form of the private bug were the rank is correct but no unlocks.
• Reloading a sniper rifle often misses the animation...and sometimes you have to reload the weapon 2 times when it’s empty (Maybe because of lag).
• Sometimes you are unable to use sprint, you have to press the button several times for it to work (Doesn’t happen to often)
• The "Play Now" button is USELESS. Get rid of it.
• The number of total squads is to many, there are people who just wants to be alone as a squad-eader with no members in it at all.
• When you are a squad-leader and are asking people to join you’re squad, you should two groups one with people already in a squad and one with people that are not in an squad so they don’t have to jumper off a squad to join your squad.
• There should be more filters in the server browser. (ff for mines/claymore etc).
• There should be more info on the loading-screen (ff for mines/claymore etc).
I will edit when I think of more..
PS. thnx to everybody who inspired me with their good idea's
• No Armor, APCs, Attack Choppers, Jets.
• With Cars, but removed guns.
• With Transport Helo's, but removed guns.
• With Scout Helo’s, but removed guns.
• With RIBs, but removed guns.
• Make it possible to shoot when you are going prone but keep the delay to go from. prone -> crouch/stand. Same for going from prone to crouch.
• Make claymore destroyable by hand-grenades/explosives.
• Spec.Ops and Snipers should be able to pick up their own C4/Claymore.
• Balance the planes
• Increase explosion damage of Anti-Tank weapons by 50%, but reduce numbers of missiles.
• Make Black-Hawk guns better; give them a bit splash damage.
• For stationary AA, shorten the amount of time it takes to re-lock a plane after flares
• If you run a team mate over in a plane, the first 15 secondes it should not count as a team kill.
• Remove the ability to shoot throught a friendly cockpit with an M95.
• The missing server info on the map briefing screen still not fixed.
• Server crashes and CTD’s are still there.
• Improve hit detection!
• Rockets still go trough vehicles.
• Legs stick through walls.
• Battle recorder, If you pause the server during filming, the recorded demo will crash and wont continue
• Red/blue nametag bug still not fixed.
• Fix bug where you constantly here yourself being healed / resupplied
• When you hop into a car and quickly change suit you get knocked out of the car.
• Sometimes when you join a server its starts a kick vote.
• When you quickly switch to the C4 donator the donator disappears and you throw another C4.
• When in an Attack Helicopter your TV-Guided missile goes right trough the enemy’s chopper.
• You're flying in a jet it shows empty IGLA/Stingers as if people were using them.
• You can drive your boat underneath the Essex and statpad
• Sometimes you’ll move horribly slow when you parachute unto the water.
• When updating the favourites list, almost the whole list disappears. But it comes back when restarting the game
• Medics keep screaming "Clear, Clear, Clear...." when they should just scream "Clear." You can also sometimes hear the sound from the defibrillators many times after each other.
• Bug were your rank shows up as private, and you can’t use unlocks.
• Another form of the private bug were the rank is correct but no unlocks.
• Reloading a sniper rifle often misses the animation...and sometimes you have to reload the weapon 2 times when it’s empty (Maybe because of lag).
• Sometimes you are unable to use sprint, you have to press the button several times for it to work (Doesn’t happen to often)
• The "Play Now" button is USELESS. Get rid of it.
• The number of total squads is to many, there are people who just wants to be alone as a squad-eader with no members in it at all.
• When you are a squad-leader and are asking people to join you’re squad, you should two groups one with people already in a squad and one with people that are not in an squad so they don’t have to jumper off a squad to join your squad.
• There should be more filters in the server browser. (ff for mines/claymore etc).
• There should be more info on the loading-screen (ff for mines/claymore etc).
I will edit when I think of more..
PS. thnx to everybody who inspired me with their good idea's
Last edited by -MIKI3. (2006-07-14 22:39:43)