
bad-card wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Ppl now care about ROE since it can get ur stats wiped for no reason... what if a person didnt do any padding and a n00b has enough proof that he was padding but he wasnt? but sumtimes ppl dont stat pad all day, probly once in a week but rest is legiment play.
i have my doubts that adults who a paid *i assume* go around persecuting kids who play bf2 for no reason. i doubt theyd take the time out of thier day to fuck with people unless it was warranted.

i am curious however how you could go about having proof of padding even tho they werent. it doesnt really matter if it was once all day once a week ..ever is good enough. you seem to still have your stats how has the roe exactly bothered you?
You know why ROE pisses me off? a friend of mine got his account wiped for absolutely no reason. they didnt have enough proof to persecute him, the noob who sent the e-mail just said ok he padded on my account blah blah blah
+24|6852|GREAT Britain

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bad-card wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Ppl now care about ROE since it can get ur stats wiped for no reason... what if a person didnt do any padding and a n00b has enough proof that he was padding but he wasnt? but sumtimes ppl dont stat pad all day, probly once in a week but rest is legiment play.
i have my doubts that adults who a paid *i assume* go around persecuting kids who play bf2 for no reason. i doubt theyd take the time out of thier day to fuck with people unless it was warranted.

i am curious however how you could go about having proof of padding even tho they werent. it doesnt really matter if it was once all day once a week ..ever is good enough. you seem to still have your stats how has the roe exactly bothered you?
You know why ROE pisses me off? a friend of mine got his account wiped for absolutely no reason. they didnt have enough proof to persecute him, the noob who sent the e-mail just said ok he padded on my account blah blah blah
exactly why it pisses me off, the ROE hangs over everyone! and theyre is no fucking need for it, we cant play the game without those pricks trying to police us all

ericcartmanisbest wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

bad-card wrote:

i have my doubts that adults who a paid *i assume* go around persecuting kids who play bf2 for no reason. i doubt theyd take the time out of thier day to fuck with people unless it was warranted.

i am curious however how you could go about having proof of padding even tho they werent. it doesnt really matter if it was once all day once a week ..ever is good enough. you seem to still have your stats how has the roe exactly bothered you?
You know why ROE pisses me off? a friend of mine got his account wiped for absolutely no reason. they didnt have enough proof to persecute him, the noob who sent the e-mail just said ok he padded on my account blah blah blah
exactly why it pisses me off, the ROE hangs over everyone! and theyre is no fucking need for it, we cant play the game without those pricks trying to police us all
Community Modder
BFMP should not show us the error of our ways! [/sarcasm]

Last edited by xstax981 (2006-07-06 16:27:27)

The Cereal Killer
+201|6971| United States of America
BF2ROE are just a bunch of sad twats who have nothing better to do than to report to EA they are the wannabe police of the game.
BF2ROE= the guy in my sig
=CDN= AndrewGood
Bf 2 is a game, if you find somthing that is fun to do, ie spawn camp and piss people off go ahead. I agree that if you are not hacking everything else is %100 legal, Yes dolphin diving is annoying but if somone is doing it.... do it back and pwn that biznich. suck it up and play the GAME.
+224|6997|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
huh, wow this has gotta be the 3rd topic on this...and its a pretty good one! yay
Raiders of the Lost Bear

*touches your tush*
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6987|Canberra, AUS

=CDN= AndrewGood wrote:

Bf 2 is a game, if you find somthing that is fun to do, ie spawn camp and piss people off go ahead. I agree that if you are not hacking everything else is %100 legal, Yes dolphin diving is annoying but if somone is doing it.... do it back and pwn that biznich. suck it up and play the GAME.
Of course, its not so cool when you're on the other end...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+18|6960|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I don't care about base rapers....yes it's annoying when you're getting PWNT over and over again but it's your fault that your sitting on the flight deck jet/helo/tank camping just BEGGING to be blown away...spawn somewhere else or spawn there and run like hell

I don't like people who tk...but I don't bitch about it...thats why we have the "punish" feature...sometimes I even get lucky and be the guy who punishes the guy who subsequently gets kicked/banned...then I LMGDAO

I don't like stat padders...and most of the time I don't care....but I do care when it's interfering with the course of the game (like in servers with few people and ticket bleed)...then I take screenies and am ready to report them

the ONLY thing i despise is a runway blocker...whine/complain/bitch about it all you want...but dont force me to tk you just because you have no fucking talent and you must use a J10 in order to get points.
+224|6997|Some where huntin in Wisconsin

polarbearz wrote:

*touches your tush*
not again!
+31|7136|St. Louis, MO

pure_beef_69 wrote:

If there is one thing i hate about this game its the rules, Rules on an online game. Why do we have them? If you think long and hard there is really no need for them in BF2 apart from the no hackers Obviously.

1. Stat padders - Do they affect you? No, do they affect your e-penis? For some of the sad fuckers it does, thats why you get so mad because they get there badges the "easy" way, Why do you care if they have at least your know you got yours the proper way. If you are a victim of stat padding its so easy to get out of. Your not going to be fucking traumatised are you?

2. Glitchers - Yes can be annoying, the only thing that stops you from getting that gold medal, oh no who cares. Just change server or avoid the places where they glitch.

3. Base rape/spawn rape - Spawn somewhere else if your getting fuked, dont complain and if they are attacking your uncap because all your teams flags are taken then tough shit, its your teams fault for being wank. Go change server. 

4. TK- Oh no you shot me out of my jet, oh no you shot me for no reason. Go ground pound, that bloke wanted the jet more than you as he was willing to go greater lengths for it. If you dont want a TK go on FF off servers rather than come on here and whine. NO ONE CARES.

Ok there the most popular ones, you pay money for this game, everyone does so play how you want to play i know i do. BF2ROE are just a bunch of sad twats who have nothing better to do than to report to EA they are the wannabe police of the game. AND you faggots who report things to them are the little snitches nobody likes.

I,m with you on the spawn/base rape thing but TKing, gliching and padding are ok?If your gonna play a game with a rank and point system there has to be some kind of rules.I don't agree with all of the ROE but there has to be some kind of checks and balances.Otherwise everyone would be a general and servers would have nothing but people throwing ammo bags and med packs off in the corner of the map.

If you don't like the rules and don't care about stats as many claim then play on unranked servers.Saying"what are you the BF2 police?" seems to be the cheaters new battle cry.
It's funny how stats and rules don't seem matter to many after they have been exposed for the cheating lying pieces of crap that they are or after they have been reset for cheating.

So I'm supposed to feel guilty for reporting some one for shooting me from inside of a wall or abusing their server to boost their score?I guess should just sit and wait through the loading time,find a server full of glichers and padders shake my fist, disconnect and wait again.Screw that,being called a snitch isn't any worse than some one that has to cheat at a video game.
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6897|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
I dont like how they reset for "suspicious" stats, half of the top 10 have been reset for stupid shit.  My friend played his ass off to get to the top 10 and he just got reset because of very general reasons like "stat padding".
what is rgr nyte?
Time to Die Kids!
roger maybe?...
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

pure_beef_69 wrote:

If there is one thing i hate about this game its the rules, Rules on an online game. Why do we have them? If you think long and hard there is really no need for them in BF2 apart from the no hackers Obviously.

1. Stat padders - Do they affect you? No, do they affect your e-penis? For some of the sad fuckers it does, thats why you get so mad because they get there badges the "easy" way, Why do you care if they have at least your know you got yours the proper way. If you are a victim of stat padding its so easy to get out of. Your not going to be fucking traumatised are you?

2. Glitchers - Yes can be annoying, the only thing that stops you from getting that gold medal, oh no who cares. Just change server or avoid the places where they glitch.

3. Base rape/spawn rape - Spawn somewhere else if your getting fuked, dont complain and if they are attacking your uncap because all your teams flags are taken then tough shit, its your teams fault for being wank. Go change server. 

4. TK- Oh no you shot me out of my jet, oh no you shot me for no reason. Go ground pound, that bloke wanted the jet more than you as he was willing to go greater lengths for it. If you dont want a TK go on FF off servers rather than come on here and whine. NO ONE CARES.

Ok there the most popular ones, you pay money for this game, everyone does so play how you want to play i know i do. BF2ROE are just a bunch of sad twats who have nothing better to do than to report to EA they are the wannabe police of the game. AND you faggots who report things to them are the little snitches nobody likes.

1. Does it effect you if they get reset? If they padded to get it the first time they can do it again. Are you scared of being reset? IF so your only going to lose what you dont diserve.

2. EA's codes fault your able to glitch but glitching is the same as hacking, just without the 3rd party program.

3. Server rule, deal with it or change server (you use that excuse alot)

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Just change server or avoid the places where they glitch.
Go change server.
If you dont want a TK go on FF off servers
Now im telling you to do the same thing so stop complaining.

4. You have to be fucking joking right??

pure_beef_69 wrote:

that bloke wanted the jet more than you as he was willing to go greater lengths for it.
That statement alone makes everything else pointless as you lose all creadability due to your fucked up logic.

To all those who dont care about stats what there to worry about, If you get reset you lose nothing. Or go play on non ranked servers. If you dont think game play is as good on non ranked thats because ranked servres have rules which many people obey to make it more fun. Then play on ranked servers but when you get reset dont FUCKING complain because you a) dont care and b) knew it was comming anyway.
Member since 1984
+113|6992|Denver, CO
It's been said over and over, but some of the people just fail to see the point.  The ROE brings structure, it makes the game playable.  If there were no rules you probably wouldn't even be playing it for as long as you have.  Because it just simply would be playable.  ROE stops most of all the people who consider padding 'for fun' and stops some of the hardcore padders.  Without ROE it would be a 70% smacktard environment, and the only places you could have a decent game would be some password protected Clan servers.  Great thats the game i want to play.  Try loading one of the 'Freeforall' servers and playing a decent game on it, GL.  Thats exactly what it would be like. 

The general BF2 community is already pretty crappy and it's becoming more and more difficult to find a good smacktard free server.  That's why more and more people are joining PPM BF2 Communities, for serious gamers only.  I don't want this to turn into WoW... I like to have a serious game FREE.  I like to mess around as well, but thats why there are UNranked servers. 

Why do you need to mess around on ranked servers?  Because you like to piss off other people? Because you get off on aggravating others?  Maybe you just want to monitor of how much of an idiot you are and want to see your degression over the months.  Did you ever play chess... did you just move your pieces all over the board... its war right... go straight for the king baby!  These are not normal behaviors, you should consider seeing a therapist.  The reason these servers are ranked is because people want to monitor  their PROGRESS, competing with their fellow players for RANK.  Once again the ROE provides structure for that competition, think of it as an ongoing tournament.  In an unranked game you can do ANYTHING you want... TK, PAD, GLITCH, HACK ... wtf ever floats your boat. 

To sum it all up for the lazy readers:
If you play a ranked game... follow the rules.  Otherwise play unranked or suffer the consequences.

Edit: this is not directed at anyone specific... just the general complainer about ROE.  But if you feel like i was refering to you directly, then you probably fall into taht general category and should consider my advice.

Last edited by INCSOC (2006-07-11 09:37:46)

+224|6997|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
hey bearz i am E-Sueing u if thats how u spell it..confangled computers
I just got attacked by a player on my team repeating Play how you want to play, play how you want to play. I can only assume it was a long grudge he had with me from this posts. It was a Tk fest
1: How about you get your own server and statpadd your ass off on it. Why enter another server just to take up usefull slots in team when you only gonna statpadd your own stats.

2: Ok it's fun to for the one who do it but everyone else who's trying to have fun is not having as much fun as the guy who abuse the glitches.

3: Agree

4: You said this game is about having fun but shooting someone out of the airplane only to get is not gonna be that fun anymore. Why defend those TKs assholes?

As for those who report. Well if you don't Statpadd/Abuse Glitch and other things you shouldn't need to worry. Otherwise I would happily report everyone who did it with purpose. Why? Well maybe it's time someone show them how it feels when someone ruins the fun for them.
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands

pure_beef_69 wrote:

If there is one thing i hate about this game its the rules, Rules on an online game. Why do we have them? If you think long and hard there is really no need for them in BF2 apart from the no hackers Obviously.

1. Stat padders - Do they affect you? No, do they affect your e-penis? For some of the sad fuckers it does, thats why you get so mad because they get there badges the "easy" way, Why do you care if they have at least your know you got yours the proper way. If you are a victim of stat padding its so easy to get out of. Your not going to be fucking traumatised are you?

2. Glitchers - Yes can be annoying, the only thing that stops you from getting that gold medal, oh no who cares. Just change server or avoid the places where they glitch.

3. Base rape/spawn rape - Spawn somewhere else if your getting fuked, dont complain and if they are attacking your uncap because all your teams flags are taken then tough shit, its your teams fault for being wank. Go change server. 

4. TK- Oh no you shot me out of my jet, oh no you shot me for no reason. Go ground pound, that bloke wanted the jet more than you as he was willing to go greater lengths for it. If you dont want a TK go on FF off servers rather than come on here and whine. NO ONE CARES.

Ok there the most popular ones, you pay money for this game, everyone does so play how you want to play i know i do. BF2ROE are just a bunch of sad twats who have nothing better to do than to report to EA they are the wannabe police of the game. AND you faggots who report things to them are the little snitches nobody likes.

+70|6628|Newcastle UK
clear !

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