+38|6819|Phila, PA

BudyFX wrote:

moongamers servers sucks.. go to tv2 rankend servers
And get kicked for high ping???? Thanks, but NO thanks. I hate TV2 servers, i got kicked twice for having a high ping of 200.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

8==== wrote:

moongammers blows me and all my frineds have been kicked and ban so many times just for owning firestorm and many other fagz MOONGAMMERS IS FOR FAT NOOBS
p.s. cizorz said 8==========================================
Grow up bitch.

I think that all online forums/chats should have a STRICT age verification process, and give people a SPELLING TEST before they can post/reply.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

Intheshadows wrote:

Whats so hard about just not playing on their server? If you have been on bf2s for any amount of time you would have seen the 40 or 50 post on this same subject.  Granted I dont like the server and refuse to play there but just move on, there are plently of servers I get 900+ when I click on join internet.
+1 for you.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

T0rr3nt wrote:

yeah you know, in war, you arent allowed to camp anything. war has rules like; no spawn camping, no base raping, no spamming a carrier. ask the armed forces if you dont believe me, i believe its someplace in the small print.

just because you cant out smart the camper/spammer you have to make retarded rules. you know, so your precious score wont get ruined.
yeah you know, in war, YOU CAN SPAWN AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WISH.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
It's ok if you do it but if someone else does it to try and take the hotel,they get kicked.
From what i've heard your a loser statpadding karkand whore.lolololololololololololololol
No proof, NO CARE
+38|6819|Phila, PA

specialistx2324 wrote:

if you tea bagging noobs dont like moongamer servers or that fool of a twit firestorm, dont play in it.. i know i dont play there anymore.. I got kicked like twice because i killed him twice with c4.
Get with a programm slick.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

OpsChief wrote:

I joined this thread because of they way moon admins were disrespecting by flaming the poor guy who in distress started this thread. He has a right to complain and look for answer, do you agree? The thread topic was expanded by the moon admins to include what rules, how they are enforced and whether they are evenly enforced, and finally whether a couple of the rules are even Ranked ROE legit.
Poor guy in distress? First, he got kicked, not banned, its not the end of the world, i kicked myself once for being idle. Second, come on man, the guy posted what he did, and he knows why he got kicked.So what was the point of starting this thread? I'm sure he did spawn camp, and thats what he got kicked for. We had a guy (not going to mention his name) post an unban saying he is trying to join server, but cant, because he is banned and doesnt know why. We looked into it and i was the one that banned his CD-Hash for blatand TK. Turns out he had a TK account, i banned him under one name, he came back under another, but his CD-Hash is still the same. Point of this is that 99% know why they where kicked/banned, they know they broke the rule(s), yet they still come on here and bitch about it. I can understand bitching if you were kicked for high ping of 50 or even 300, thats just plain fucked up, because ISPs have signal spikes, and its not exactly your fault.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

mntranger wrote:

I had an issue with moongamers as well. My clan mates and I would play moongamers 2-3 times a week and the same admin would sit in the tank and command the whole damn round. People would ask for the tank and he would tell them, too bad get to before I do. I emailed (I didnt post in there forums becasue only crying ass babies post in others forums about this stuff) there leader and explained to him what happened and mentioned that it is against EA ROE (rule 2.3) for commanders to command from vehicles). I told him that the admin kicked my "for complaining". He emailed me back and said it is not aganinst the ROE and that it is there server and they can do what ever they want. Needless to say, we dont paly on there server any longer and tell everyone we talk to the same thing. It's to bad becaseu there are some good gamers there but there are PLENTY of other good servers to play in. Try the SSH server. I dont have the IP but great games and great admins. NO, I am not a SSH member.
I read all this accusations and yet no one has proof to post.
Kolhozik, not to be rude in any way, but your posts are irrelevent to the thread. If you read all 6 pages, you would understand why you are irrelevant. Its not a matter of "I got kicked" "their server sucks" ect. The thread is basicly questioning why Moongamers has implanted so many rules into their server. A lot of us have really enjoyed playing on Moongamers back in the day where the rules were basic. Many clans started there and it was a friendly community. Now when the rules have been added, a lot of people disliked the additions and got kicked for breaking a rule thus 'venting' and saying why a server is bad. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I'll speak for most people on this thread and they are probably wondering "Are the rules necessary? If so, why?"

Please do not waste my time or your time flaming me for what I believe. I'm not too eager to waste time in reading so. My feelings on the matters are what are posted.

Edit: Spelling

Last edited by BlackstoneV1 (2006-07-11 02:10:21)

Yes, give us your basis for the rules Kolhozik...why in your mind does it even the playing field (This was the only answer I got from the moon close to what I was looking for) elaborate?
Perhaps finally I will get an answer to my original post at moongamers. I gave you my thoughts on why they shouldn't be in the game on earlier threads.
I play yesterday Moongamers GULF OF OMAN.. we are mec.. and we have all spawns.. but i was in the aviator and attack the base from USMC... get kicked for baserape :S fools they are...

Kolhozik wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

I joined this thread because of they way moon admins were disrespecting by flaming the poor guy who in distress started this thread. He has a right to complain and look for answer, do you agree? The thread topic was expanded by the moon admins to include what rules, how they are enforced and whether they are evenly enforced, and finally whether a couple of the rules are even Ranked ROE legit.
Poor guy in distress? First, he got kicked, not banned, its not the end of the world, i kicked myself once for being idle. Second, come on man, the guy posted what he did, and he knows why he got kicked.So what was the point of starting this thread? I'm sure he did spawn camp, and thats what he got kicked for. We had a guy (not going to mention his name) post an unban saying he is trying to join server, but cant, because he is banned and doesnt know why. We looked into it and i was the one that banned his CD-Hash for blatand TK. Turns out he had a TK account, i banned him under one name, he came back under another, but his CD-Hash is still the same. Point of this is that 99% know why they where kicked/banned, they know they broke the rule(s), yet they still come on here and bitch about it. I can understand bitching if you were kicked for high ping of 50 or even 300, thats just plain fucked up, because ISPs have signal spikes, and its not exactly your fault.
I can understand why people want a place to complain and get an answer...I know of three people that were kicked from a server....never got an answer for why they were kicked. One for a unintentional team kill (he ran over the commander lying beside the road at the gas station) By the way...he was the admin at this server (no need mentioning the admins name).

Sgt.Davi wrote:

All I can say is with the spawncamping taken out then the MEC actually have a chance of winning

All you guys complaining about the rules and they are there for your benefit.

If you want to be killed everytime you spawn at the hotel by the same person in armor, fine, go to another server.
Why is there a need to go to another server...if your about to lose your flag (by armour/infantry) dont be a fool and respawn into enemy fire over and over...respawn further back. Only noobs/or gamers with no understanding of the BF2 game repeatedly respawn into enemy fire. Make sense?

Last edited by canadarocks (2006-07-11 04:12:04)


canadarocks wrote:

Why is there a need to go to another server...if your about to lose your flag (by armour/infantry) dont be a fool and respawn into enemy fire over and over...respawn further back. Only noobs/or gamers with no understanding of the BF2 game repeatedly respawn into enemy fire. Make sense?
Indeed. If I am not mistaken, the game was rated T for Teen. We assume that everyone has common sense at this age otherwise we wouldn't give them games where they can kill people. As you stated canadarocks, it really is common sense to not spawn repetedly into enemy fire. Whether it be into spawn campers, or at your base the second before it gets capped. Either way, your chances of survival are slim. If you are 13 or older cannot understand that concept, you really shouldnt waste your time only to see the screen "You have been critically wounded: Responing in 15" over and over.

I do in fact have yet to see answers which is kind or suprising. There have been numerous questions to be answered about moongamers yet their answers remain a mystery. All of the moon admins that come on refrain from answering - why? Interesting. The answer "We try to make the game fun for everyone" really isn't cutting it. I went in depth in my first post in this thread and thoroughly explained each question and added my opinions to it. I have yet to see a response.

It would be nice to know why a place so sweet went so sour.

Kolhozik, you are quoting threads, and replying "I read all this accusations and yet no one has proof to post.
", well I'd like to see proof of all our clan mates breaking the rules. When I say proof, it is proof in Screenshots/Videos, it seems it is something you cannot do, since each time I post this... *silence* ... Like Firestorm said, "I take screenshots right before the end of the round and at the beginning of next round, and I ban those that teamswitched", so how about posting those screenshots of us teamswitching.

MoonGamers is a community, means: we listen to our members. When majority of members is asking for same thing to be changed, we look into it.
Thereby contradicting yourself by closing canadarocks' threads. Unless his threads were deemed "inappropriate" as posted, then I have nothing else to say.

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet... but spawning at the same knowing you will get killed and respawning there over and over knowing you will get killed over and over is against the ยง2.3 of the ROE.
+32|6779|British Columbia, Canada
The Best Server to go ever for Karkand is Insomnia365 24/7 Karkand.

diglow~Flow wrote:

The Best Server to go ever for Karkand is Insomnia365 24/7 Karkand.
*Cough*Cough* Off topic and seriously, all of the insomnia servers are pretty bad for numerous reasons. Read the thread before you post..
+32|6779|British Columbia, Canada
well not me i get the Best ping and the best registration there...
Your computer is just a piece.

Last edited by diglow~Flow (2006-07-11 08:17:46)

+101|6829|Southern California

Kolhozik wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

I joined this thread because of they way moon admins were disrespecting by flaming the poor guy who in distress started this thread. He has a right to complain and look for answer, do you agree? The thread topic was expanded by the moon admins to include what rules, how they are enforced and whether they are evenly enforced, and finally whether a couple of the rules are even Ranked ROE legit.
Poor guy in distress? First, he got kicked, not banned, its not the end of the world, i kicked myself once for being idle. Second, come on man, the guy posted what he did, and he knows why he got kicked.So what was the point of starting this thread? I'm sure he did spawn camp, and thats what he got kicked for. We had a guy (not going to mention his name) post an unban saying he is trying to join server, but cant, because he is banned and doesnt know why. We looked into it and i was the one that banned his CD-Hash for blatand TK. Turns out he had a TK account, i banned him under one name, he came back under another, but his CD-Hash is still the same. Point of this is that 99% know why they where kicked/banned, they know they broke the rule(s), yet they still come on here and bitch about it. I can understand bitching if you were kicked for high ping of 50 or even 300, thats just plain fucked up, because ISPs have signal spikes, and its not exactly your fault.
I didn't say or even suggest he was legit just that he was in distress - I considered that he may be in the wrong and may know it or not, and I did a search to find so many such threads, 4 pages of threads and many are complaints, are they all wrong? What got me going is mg admins flaming him when a simple respectful answer would have earned peoples respect for mg admins, calmness in the face of flames. So here in BF2s are your first round of screenshots showing admins being abusive, it is not much different in the game m8. Complaints get answered with flames or the boot. Since I have about 50 hours on moongamers I can say I have seen more evidence first hand but you may choose or not to lend an ear.

I am sure some of the complainers have no clue. But after 6 months of seeing or hearing of an increasing amount of kicks and bans and finding the rules have exceeded game design and personally experiencing very inconsistent admining which can't be screenshot very well. The pic always needs an explanation and witnesses. I know many people who have also seen admins play favorites and how could that be screencapped? Many of our experiences have only detected the abuses (in some cases) after the fact when we compare war stories in threads such as this - too late to grab that shot.

You have a mountain of data here in BF2s to add to your active internal quality process improvement efforts.

Good Luck m8
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
stop your whining please, this thread has turned into a place where people are bitching at eachother its seriously an eyesore. some of you bring up good points like blackstone and others like the retard with the dick for a name needs to be shot. so i am humbly asking everyone to let the thread die its just a big flamewar that noone will win
+101|6829|Southern California

seymorebutts443 wrote:

stop your whining please, this thread has turned into a place where people are bitching at eachother its seriously an eyesore. some of you bring up good points like blackstone and others like the retard with the dick for a name needs to be shot. so i am humbly asking everyone to let the thread die its just a big flamewar that noone will win
yes the flaming sux true but what about the issues?  Trolling to deraill this thread only adds to the confusion. This thread with the flaming removed has some value for us admins to consider.
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
i know that, it would be fine if the flamers stopped flaming like idiots
Ah yes, another Moongamers Karkand thread. The fact is that Karkand has always been a spawncamper's dream for those who use APC/Tanks. The USMC can camp the Hotel like no other, and the MEC still spawn there to get killed. Rules are put there for a reason, and spawncamping rules are perfectly legal.

Karkand has always been a tricky server to run, and it attracks some of the lesser-quality players that Moon does not want playing on their server. By this, I mean the abusive, ignorant, and downright offensive people. The game is meant to be a fun place to play. Karkand can be fun at times, when there are no rule-breakers in there. The sad part of online gaming is that there will always be rule breakers to ruion people's fun.

There are 54 slots on the server, and people come and go every round, every hour, every day. The number of players that cycle in and out is astronomical when you really count it up. If somebody has a bad experience, that's when they post it here, which really is not the best place to be putting it anyway. There have been no more than 10 topics about Moongamers on here, and how many players cycle through in a day, nearly thousands. I don't have any specific numbers here, but I can tell you that is a very good estimate.

If people have a problem with Moongamers, their best place to discuss this would be the Moongamers Forums, or on the Moongamers TeamSpeak. Doesn't that seem like a good place? Problems with Moongamers - Go to Moongamers. The TeamSpeak IP is right there on the frontpage at Moongamers.com, no password needed. Feel free to stop by and talk to us.

For those who say that we are not obeying the ROE, I would like to point out that Moongamers (along with myself) have a very good relationship with the people at BF2RS, along with the people directly at EA. Our server host at WOLF also has a good relationship with EA, and together they make sure that every choice that is made at Moongamers is 100% compliant with the ROE, EULA, and any other offical rule-sets there happen to be. Rules are not made up on the whim of the admin, if an admin is caught doing so, they are stipped of the administrative abilities and further reviewed. Believe me on this one.

I've been with Moongamers for nearly 2 and a half years, since day 19 of it's conception. The people there are very fun to be around, and work very hard to run fun, clean, and FUN servers for all ages. Rules, as stated above, are set there for a reason. Karkand is a difficult server to run, as stated above, because of the types of players.

I can not say that this thread at BF2S has been the most constructive, but I believe that if the words and facts get out there enough, people will start to accept them. Servers are not perfect for all. Karkand is a strictly no equipment camping server, if you like to camp, then please play elsewhere. For those who like the rules the way they are, then please continue to play. Do not let the words of the few contradict the feeling of the masses. The few complainers are the few, not the majority feeling.

Chinesemaster, and your post about the rules: The only "additional" rule I see there, that is unlike most other server, would be the spawncamping rule. Many servers even have those rules too. Things like clan solicitation, racism, and teamkilling are usually not allowed on almost all servers. Same thing with whoring vehicles/commander position.

Remember, Moongamers has a total of 10 servers spanning 4 games, including a Mostly Oman server for BF2. I notice that there are literally no complaints for that server. Karkand itself is a different feal than what most other maps are like, because of the layout of the maps and the types of people it can attract.

I feel those are words enough for myself.

Disclaimer: I am not an admin at Moongamers.

Last edited by RyanVeltidi (2006-07-11 11:21:18)

lol I am BANNED BY MOONGAMERS SERVERS.. and by tv2ranked servers.. what i did :S.. lol
I Want a New Duck
+43|6720|Up a tree

iamtheoneneo wrote:

lol, moongamer servers are soo funny when firestorm comes on. you get like a ton of people going 'high firestorm' , 'hows it going firestorm', can i suck your cock firestorm. fracking idiots, why people insist on going on these servers i will never know, the admin does shit and to be honest all the rounds iv ever been in result in a complete lack of points (due to grenade tossers) that i get better scores on nearly any different server out there.
Your not in the firestorm fan club, i gather!!

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