I searched the forums, and couldn't really find a topic for it, discussing the upcoming Special Forces expansion pack for BF2.

Well, I was kinda bored and browsing through some screenshots, and I found/made connections of some stuff.


Hind:  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto16.html

Cool looking transport (Dont know the name):  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto19.html

New Type of tank (BMP 3?  But shows up as a tank on the screen): http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto37.html

CROSSBOW (For Spec Ops kit - previous screenshot shows same screen, but Spec Ops's AK-74U):  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto48.html

RPG:  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto57.html

The Grappling hook, Ive discovered, is probably part of the Anti-Tank kit.  I figure this because if you look in this screenshot:  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto61.html

You see the hook.  Then look in this screenshot, after the hook has been thrown - he is now holding an RPG (which I assume is part of the Anti-Tank kit, with the renewed realism on Russian weapons):  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … oto62.html

The names on the upper left corner of screen are the same too, which shows that he didn't just take a different kit.

Apache:  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … to103.html

New SAS gun? (judging by the flag the player is at):  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … to113.html

Terrorist uniform?  Just seemed interesting:  http://www.tdg.sohosted.com/battlefield … to102.html

Anyways, if you have seen any/all of these, I apologize, I just didn't see them in any threads so I decided to post them all under one main thread.  If you have any news/info/screenshots/anything please feel free to post it here.
+66|7128|Missoula, MT
Anyone seen this yet?
Control Your Environment - Capture key tactical points and then use the new ‘trigger system’ to strategically open and close gates, doors, and more.
open and close doors?  How interesting... 

Also, can't wait to run someone over with the 4-wheeler...LOL!  That's gotta hurt!

There was a video discussed before here

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-10-25 09:55:49)

I can't wait for night battles - something that's missing to this point  (*Clean Sweep is close, but not really*)
Get C4, here!

Who's the moron who called the BMP a tank.  BMP 3 is still an IFV.  just like it's predecessors.
stupid CNN recognition.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7057|AUS, Canberra
i saw a vid of it and a guy shot a line with a cross bow from a building top into the side of a comercial airliner and repeled down to it!!
looked pretty cool,
expansion isnt out in Aus till 21st nov though!!
still no chinook, sigh
Who's the moron who called the BMP a tank.  BMP 3 is still an IFV.  just like it's predecessors.
stupid CNN recognition.
That's why I was confused.....I was looking at the minimap and like oh, must be a new kind of tank, but then I saw the four empty seats and thought "Wait a sec.....that isnt a tank....."

It is the German and apparently beta version of the game, however.  Not saying Germans are stupid, but perhaps they have a different clarification as to vehicle classes (going out on a limb here - I have no insight as to that whatsoever, so no one take offense).

Anyone who is German, could you clarify whether or not it has anything to do with the German version of the game based on BF2?

Last edited by DrDestruction (2005-10-25 09:51:24)

It looks like the crossbow is the way that you deploy the zipline.
Bringing Sexy Back
This looks almost as gay as the Joint operations addon with gay quads and shit. The guns look crap they look like super soakers and the grappling hooks will make this game like half life deathmatch with everyone flying everywhere. Night time should have been a feature in the original game and I don't see why we should pay £20 for the privellage. To sum it up I would rather play 10 rounds on kubra dam with bilbo faggins than buy this shit.

(Although i probably will buy it.)
+66|7128|Missoula, MT
I somewhat concur with the above statement...perhaps EA should mail a complimentary copy of the expansion to everyone who registered their games online?    You know, to make up for the "beta" stage of BF2 in the beginning...some would argue it's still there. 

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-10-25 09:58:41)

tank is a wide description...
We're talking about the ones that show up as a tank on the minimap, as opposed to the BMP/APC shape on the minimap.
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7067|Alabama Coast, USA

<eN>Madcat wrote:

still no chinook, sigh
Marines don't fly Chinooks either (Blackhawks and F-15's really shouldn't be in the game if the team is "USMC").

Of course... why would you need one?  A real Chinook could carry an entire team on even the largest map (given balanced teams of 32 vs 32).

Hilos for USMC ought to be the Super Cobra and a Huey in place of the Army Blackhawk (yeah... they not only still use Hueys, they're still building new variants... I think the Navy has a new UH-1Y that's not going to start deploying until '08.  As is, what they use now has a crew of 4, plus room for another 6-8 Marines to drop or pick up.

Marines also use the the CH-53 Super Stallion (replacing the older Sea Stallion) and the CH-46 Sea Knight (looks like a CH-47 Chinook, but I believe it's smaller).  These may be fun to have on the map, but in reality they're just too damn big for the level of play in BF2.  A CH-53E can carry more than 50 Marines.  Oh... and if you're going to have a CH-60 on the map at all, it needs to be called a "Seahawk"... that's the Navy variant, and you're far more likely to see a Marine on a Navy bird than an Army bird (as is, you see them on a Navy ship... and LHA/LHD's carry Seahawks...).

Jets... they ought to keep the JSF for the fighter role, and use the F/A-18F for a dual-seat bomber role.

Of course... I'd love to pilot an LCAC out of one of the LHAR's (what most people think is an aircraft carrier), but those are too big too, really.  It's a hover craft, you can put a bunch of troops, or several vehicles up on it, drive it out of the dock of the LHAR, drive it up on the beach, let everyone off, and repeat.
I wish they would let you try and sink the carrier, imagine C4 boats blowing holes in the sides, planes droping bombs on the deck and blowing holes in it,  and then since they add that, what would really be good is adding smoke and fire, so you can see the whole thing buring and then add a "fire-crew" class, that lets you put out the fires and have damage control.  Engineers could of course repair the deck and holes in the side.  But if it was too damaged, it would start to list to one side and then go under after a few mins.  Also a neat idea would be to allow the pilots to choose which types of weapons their plane is equiped with.  Like missles, bombs and perhaps even torpedos for using against the carrier.  That would be fun.  Too bad the game doesn't have  a really good particle system for smoke.  Imagine all the things buring acroos the map...   buildings too should be damagable, with smoke and fire. Having bombs deform the map would be cool, leaving creater holes and what have you.  You could make tank traps using C4 to cut trenches around your base.  Oh, and how about the ability to dig a fox hole anywhere on the map.  Also, having the ability to blind shoot your gun over a wall would be cool.  You can't see the enemy, but you could put down random suppressing fire, like I'm sure is done in real life

Um.. yea, these are just my random thoughts.


Last edited by MattCicioni (2005-10-25 17:29:34)

+1|7059|Brisbane, Australia

pinky_81 wrote:

tank is a wide description...
Tank was a codename for the new armoured vehicles. As in a tank of water. 8)
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7067|Alabama Coast, USA
Erm... again, it's not an aircraft carrier, it's an amphibious assault ship.  And I just noticed tonight on Wake (because I swam up to it), it's LHD 2 (I had always kind of thought it was the still-in-design LHAR).  That makes it the Wasp Class amphibious assault ship, USS Essex.

For a comparison, Wasp Class LHD's displace about 41,000 tons fully loaded, While Nimitz Class CVN's displace about 97,000 tons.  LHD's are powered by two gas turbine powerplants, CVN's by two nuclear powerplants.  CVN's can launch and land jets like the F-14, and Props like the E3...   LHD's operate mostly rotary winged aircraft (helicoptors), will soon operate tilt-rotor aircraft (like the Osprey), and STOVL (or better) aircraft like currently the Harriers (and in the future JSFs... but I don't know that they plan to use them on LHDs... they may need the longer deck of the newer LHARs for take-off).

LHA = Landing, Helicoptor, Assault.  LHD = Landing, Helicoptor, Dock.  LHAR = LHA Replacement.  LHA, LHD, and LHAR are just three generations of the same ship type: "Big Deck Amphib".  CVN = Carrier Vessel Nuclear.  STOVL = Short Take-Off, Vertical Landing.  Better would be VTOL, and such... Vertical Take-Off and Landing.

Last edited by Lazarus Tag'lim (2005-10-25 23:19:31)

what, no jet packs?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7128|Cologne, Germany

what would be cool if in addition to picking your class you could also pick different sets of equipment on the spawn screen. I'm not talking about the weapons, rather the additional stuff that we are going to see in the expansion, like tear gas, the grappling hook, crossbow, etc...

But I am afraid this stuff will be restricted to certain classes only.
Have a nice day!
How about,     adding a apple,   with the crossbow;  for target practice...?   think EA; better present this expansion for free.        lil plaster         for all the troubles and bugs we have or had..imho.  think i wait for the  Forgotten Hope mod is here...

Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2005-10-26 02:47:41)

Will we keep our stats with the expansion?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7128|Cologne, Germany

the answer to that is one of the most eagerly awaited issues here...

but I suppose we will...
yes according to the ea webby it will use global rank and have new unlocks and such.
Bringing Sexy Back
I'm sure you'll have 'special forces points' or something which will probably go alongside your regular stats and you'll need SFP's to get the SF unlocks and shit something like that.... I think some people here might actually die if their stats didn't count. Boo hoo :'(
I would be quite pissed myself to tell you the truth.I didnt put all this time in for nothing.And about the sfp I doubt that because theres still flag cappin.....Another cool thing in the expansion in my opinion is being able to shoot through some objects.
+76|7063|Antwerp, Flanders
Time for a little chauvinism...

We'll get to play with more Belgian firearms!

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