Wow... I Derka Derka all the time...I better stop..NOT!!
But I do know BFR2r whatever they are called can nix your servers if you don't abide by certain rules but they aren't on top of it, they'd rather bitch and moan about someones stats than get rid of the pistol/knives, in which I don't care, hey people paid for the game, let them play it how they want, the problem is people are so intuned about thier precious stats that they compare to others an EA/DICE feeds off that, its that simple.
Why do you think they are making another game with the stats option? Because of the stats minded assholes. The stats are meant to be only for you to see and to compete with yourself, not everyone else -- everyone else plays different or has different qualities; there isn't two "snowflakes" alike. Its people that think they are better than the other pixel, thats why you should never compare stats, because people get them in different ways.. Listen to the Colin Clarke thing and tell me he isnt a douche. He's more intuned in personal statpadding than anyone; hell he's encouraging you to go out and knife someone to get the "dogtags"; Hell he's encouraging you to get a knife only server!!
I dont believe its entirely EA/DICE's fault, because they made animals out of all of us, we wouldn't be on this site and have servers if it wasn't for a productive game, we wouldn't know who Firestorm or |TOP| or IndianGoat or even me, they made you/us people who you/we are today. They made a good game, but it turned bad. If EA would have left it alone with the first patch and not wiped people this would be the best game ever -- they wiped people because of the asshats screaming "he's not playing fair" , "he's not earning his points" ... I say fuck you people that say that, because look around, its still going on... the people that compare or say they are better or strictly judge off others stats are the reason why those people got wiped in the first place...because really --- do you care what Firestormer and RedVolx do?? Does it hurt your pixel dude that much that when you knife him you have to gloat and post?? Anyway I agree with Cougar on this subject as I see the light, but unfortunately the servers have those rules and all I need is a dickhead to unplug it and my $$ is toilet washed.
By the way what are you people going to do with the so-called points in a year anyway?? and these badges? they are fun to they should be, but you should get them however you chose, its a game with yourself, not 5609382733983 other people that don't care.
Off my soapbox.
Have a nice day.
"The Librarian" (thanks Nastie for my new nickname
) --Out
Last edited by imdead (2006-06-30 23:32:04)