
A mere Shadow|= wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

A quick question how do they get in there tho???
Stand next to the wall, hold 'alt' press 'F4' whilst hitting the leftmouse button!
OMG!!! Shhhhhh don't tell people how to do it!!!!
Damnit you guys are ruining the game!
Send that video with a ticket on this guy
+6|6690|London, England.
N1...This could be a new game mode "hunt the player"
+917|6770|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I havent played in a long time, people are trying to make Warlord a Karkand?


I hate those glitchers, but I havent played in a long time. SO yeah. When did this occur or start?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

Defiance wrote:

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

Stand next to the wall, hold 'alt' press 'F4' whilst hitting the leftmouse button!
OMG!!! Shhhhhh don't tell people how to do it!!!!
Damnit you guys are ruining the game!
Yeah no kidding...damn you liquidat0r, I thought I could trust you!


k30dxedle wrote:

Defiance wrote:

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

OMG!!! Shhhhhh don't tell people how to do it!!!!
Damnit you guys are ruining the game!
Yeah no kidding...damn you liquidat0r, I thought I could trust you!

oh noes ! you told us how

I thought alt F4 was to show frame per second.. Damn
Δ > x > ¥

StokoE wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

Defiance wrote:

Damnit you guys are ruining the game!
Yeah no kidding...damn you liquidat0r, I thought I could trust you!

oh noes ! you told us how

I thought alt F4 was to show frame per second.. Damn
That's why you gotta press the LMB at the same time.
Another lame ass doing the same thing on the same server by the name of david1515.

Warlord was my favorite SF map, but at this rate, I won't play it at all.
yay? take ss's and report him then.
There are 2 guys in SpeedyGameServer warlord 24/7 wall glitching atm.  They are both wearing tags [TOP]

One guys name is Nexar and the other is C0l0ny.  We have screen shots to prove it.
ironically, i found Colony (thread maker) doing it,
Two images Deleted as they clearly showed how to accomplish said glitch. - Mod.
nice pics,jeesus why dont you tell people how to do it and ruin another map? Now we're gonna have idiots trying to mimic the pic and do it........FFS
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
What a fucking shit for brains pus neck pencil dicked motherfucking asshole

I don't get why people think if someone gets their stats reset they're automatically going to stop glitching.

Getting reset might make them mad for... oh, maybe a second, but then they'll just keep glitching.

Server ban is the only way, and stick to that server.

shadow18alpha wrote:

What a fucking shit for brains pus neck pencil dicked motherfucking asshole
+41|6665|Infiltrating the Smurf Village
Dont worry when ea notices it, it will be patched out....yet another flaw in their program that we have found.

Get on with playing the game boys.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings

Colony wrote:

shadow18alpha wrote:

What a fucking shit for brains pus neck pencil dicked motherfucking asshole
Did I give you permission to speak?

:p heh

shadow18alpha wrote:

Colony wrote:

shadow18alpha wrote:

What a fucking shit for brains pus neck pencil dicked motherfucking asshole
Did I give you permission to speak? … wrD1Pw.jpg

:p heh
Yes Sir! you did....
+1,128|6794|Burmecia, Land of the Rain


Dont worry when ea notices it, it will be patched out....yet another flaw in their program that we have found.

Get on with playing the game boys.

spawnofthemist wrote:


Dont worry when ea notices it, it will be patched out....yet another flaw in their program that we have found.

Get on with playing the game boys.
I feel betrayed.

How long has the hotel glitch been around? Loooong time. EA has surely noticed it.

When was it patched.. hmm, never?
thats sweet, wonder how he got there
+1,128|6794|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Defiance wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:


Dont worry when ea notices it, it will be patched out....yet another flaw in their program that we have found.

Get on with playing the game boys.
I feel betrayed.

How long has the hotel glitch been around? Loooong time. EA has surely noticed it.

When was it patched.. hmm, never?
Its been around since after the 23rd of may.. i'll say beginning of june to make it fair as it wouldn't have been discovered on the first day..

so june.. then a month later.. a BETA patch comes out that fixes it slightly (i wouldnt know as i've not tried it)

now.. to me.. a month is pretty good for a whole new patch..

if anyone thinks otherwise.. i'd like to see them fix the whole problem in less than a month.. without fucking the game up to unplayable standards..

and no Defiance.. i'm not calling you out specifically on this one.. i'm sorry if it comes across this way

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-07-15 22:47:11)


No, the hotel glitch was around many months ago. The vodnik method is what your referring to, where the problem is that a method of entering inside of the hotel building has been around for a long long time, not yet to be fixed.

It doesn't take a month for someone to program a brush in a map to function as such "VEHICLES CANNOT CLIP INTO THE BRUSH!" Which the ability to makes it possible to enter the hotel. That does not take a month.

If that cannot be done, it's a matter of programming the ability for brush X to resist vodnik collision mesh no matter what X, force, is.

That wouldn't take a month either.

So, either way, assuming a month or many months Dice has yet to start playing catch up.

I just wish dice would fix this damn game before moving on, one studio or not.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-07-15 22:52:04)

+1,128|6794|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Defiance wrote:

No, the hotel glitch was around many months ago. The vodnik method is what your referring to, where the problem is that a method of entering inside of the hotel building has been around for a long long time, not yet to be fixed.

It doesn't take a month for someone to program a brush in a map to function as such "VEHICLES CANNOT CLIP INTO THE BRUSH!" Which the ability to makes it possible to enter the hotel. That does not take a month.

If that cannot be done, it's a matter of programming the ability for brush X to resist vodnik collision mesh no matter what X, force, is.

That wouldn't take a month either.

So, either way, assuming a month or many months Dice has yet to start playing catch up.

I just wish dice would fix this damn game before moving on, one studio or not.
You sir, get +1 for not blaming EA like every other little noob. You at least get the developers name right before you state your opinion.

spawnofthemist wrote:

You sir, get +1 for not blaming EA like every other little noob. You at least get the developers name right before you state your opinion.
Hey! Intelligence finally pays off!

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