
is global warming a real threat

yes71%71% - 337
no28%28% - 135
Total: 472
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

Mackaronen wrote:

If we did not have global warming we would have an ice age about now. So by that global warming is our friend.
But i might get out of hand soon. Then it becomes our enemy.
If you've never seen the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" you may want to.  Yes it is a science fiction film, and the movie grossly overexagerated the time frame for the change, and how severe it would be, but the science behind why it happened is accurate.

Melting polar ice caps cause desalinization of the sea water that give us the temperate climate we are used to now.  It is this that causes the forming of an ice age, so global warming is not necessarily our friend, and will possibly lead to an ice age.  The fact that we have global warming preventing an ice age is completely wrong.
Capt. Foley
+155|6901|Allentown, PA, USA
Global warming-glachiers melt=ocean curents that dictace the weather stop=ice age=starts all over again.
+156|6941|space command ur anus
+52|7046|Cambridge, England
none of you look far enough back....you quote records from 1850 ooooooooooo the world is what 6.5 billion years old? (im probably wrong but close hopefully) so by looking at the last 250 years we have enough information ???? errr no if you get back a little way it is true that every 4000 years there is an ice age, then it melts then there is another, we have 4 or 5 instances on record. by lookign at this evidence we are 2000 years overdue an ice age.

This could be for two reasons:

1: all the fossil fuels we started burning 2000 years ago warmed up the globe enough to stop an ice age ^o)

2: it had absolutley nothing to do with us.

another thing. remember the news is ALWAYS biased. so quoting news sites is usless. they make money by being controvershal, e.g. you do no see all the sides of the argument.

the dinosaurs managed to live on earth without any ice caps. maybe they burnt fossil fuels too? surely they must have had al this extreme weather we are predicted. and all of the world was under water etc etc :S

another point. cows farting causes more "global warming" than car emmisions that is how dangerous fossil fuels are.

also not everywhere can turn into deserts as the water has to go somewhere. there will always be the same amount of water on earth. the more of the ice caps melt , the wetter the world will be.

also i sevearly doubt that we arent getting any closer to the sun. that must have an effect. the length of our orbit is also not a constant and nor is the distance of the moon.

i know i havent quoted much helpful evidence to back me up but i cant remember my sources sorry

main point being there is a very slim chance that we have effected the global climate in the last 2000 years but its more likely to be natural. thus there is absolutley nothing we can do about the climate change.

EDIT: it is fasionable to care about the environment. Same as its fasionable to have a hybrid car even tho they arent any better than a normal diesal.

also if we dont burn carbon where do we get our power from? wind farms? ur jokin right? they are so ineffecient you wouldnt believe, some of them actually use more power than they generate. so lets use nuclear power. that is a real alternative. but noooo nuclear waste aaaa you cant take somthing radioactive out the earth, and then just put it back again? hell no it will make the earth sick :S If you want to stop burning carbon you have to embrace nuclear power.

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-25 17:06:40)

Global warming will not affect this generation too badly but i dread to think what will happen in the next 200 years or so, especially as more and more people live the western lifestyle and use the resources it commands. Coupled with increases in life expectantcy and generally better medicine we are ultimatly fooked. Our only salvation will be technology, but were gonna have to pull off something pretty fuckin special. As resources dwindle wars will start, and we'll end up with some people living well and the rest scratching a living as best they can. Much like we live today but with the majority living in poverty.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

Cheeky_Ninja06 wrote:

none of you look far enough back....you quote records from 1850 ooooooooooo the world is what 6.5 billion years old? (im probably wrong but close hopefully) so by looking at the last 250 years we have enough information ???? errr no if you get back a little way it is true that every 4000 years there is an ice age, then it melts then there is another, we have 4 or 5 instances on record. by lookign at this evidence we are 2000 years overdue an ice age.

This could be for two reasons:

1: all the fossil fuels we started burning 2000 years ago warmed up the globe enough to stop an ice age ^o)

2: it had absolutley nothing to do with us.

another thing. remember the news is ALWAYS biased. so quoting news sites is usless. they make money by being controvershal, e.g. you do no see all the sides of the argument.

the dinosaurs managed to live on earth without any ice caps. maybe they burnt fossil fuels too? surely they must have had al this extreme weather we are predicted. and all of the world was under water etc etc :S

another point. cows farting causes more "global warming" than car emmisions that is how dangerous fossil fuels are.

also not everywhere can turn into deserts as the water has to go somewhere. there will always be the same amount of water on earth. the more of the ice caps melt , the wetter the world will be.

also i sevearly doubt that we arent getting any closer to the sun. that must have an effect. the length of our orbit is also not a constant and nor is the distance of the moon.

i know i havent quoted much helpful evidence to back me up but i cant remember my sources sorry

main point being there is a very slim chance that we have effected the global climate in the last 2000 years but its more likely to be natural. thus there is absolutley nothing we can do about the climate change.

EDIT: it is fasionable to care about the environment. Same as its fasionable to have a hybrid car even tho they arent any better than a normal diesal.

also if we dont burn carbon where do we get our power from? wind farms? ur jokin right? they are so ineffecient you wouldnt believe, some of them actually use more power than they generate. so lets use nuclear power. that is a real alternative. but noooo nuclear waste aaaa you cant take somthing radioactive out the earth, and then just put it back again? hell no it will make the earth sick :S If you want to stop burning carbon you have to embrace nuclear power.
1. No one has said that we are the sole result of global warming, but by virtue of the fact that we are generating green house gasses, we are a contributing factor.

2. The only reason that there are as many cows as there are now is because of human breeding of cows, so we are indirectly responsible for that as well.

3. Due to our polluting of the oceans and clear-cutting of many forests, some times for those farting cows, we reduce the amount of trees/plants.  Plant life takes in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and produces oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.  So again, we have indirectly reduced the planets natural ability to remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.

As for power generation, I don't know where you heard that wind farms consume more power than they generate, but that is just flat out false.  Since these windmills are powered by wind, they don't consume any energy at all, so it is impossible for them to consume more energy than they provide. 

Nuclear power is not necessarily the right answer.  It may be a NIMBY response, but I don't was the waste from power plants, from which I do not benefit, being buried in my back yard.  One of the reasons that Yucca Mountain. is currently on hold is because they found evidence that the geologists that surveyed the area falsified information about the stability of the ground in relation to ground water.  Yes it is the desert, but people don't realize that Utah and Nevada have massive water aquifers under the ground.

We have the ability to produce cleaner power from coal plants, but that requires an investment in the technology, and GWB recently rolled back EPA mandates on such measures.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-06-25 17:30:12)

+156|6941|space command ur anus
I've noticed a certain i don't give fuck attitude her.
here's the facts the world is warming up and WE ARE responsible. It ain't noting natural about this and if your saying that it is your WRONG.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/s … limate.stm

here's a quote i found
The fact that so many scientists think it's likely a truck is heading for us means that the last thing we want to do is close our eyes and lie down in the road
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
Omg It's The End Times!!!11
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
it has been repeatedly noted that "Greenhouse Gases" are most predominantly from natural sources and always have been.  Volcanos and termites (seriously) continue to be leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions.  As was noted previously, the Earth is billions of years old and has endured far greater swings in global temperature means than we've ever seen.  Do I think we're raping the planet from a resource perspective?  Absolutely.  Do I think we should use the fact that global warming is more an issue of spin than actual danger as an excuse to ignore human emissions?  Certainly not.  I firmly believe that we should behave as more responsible stewards of this Earth regardless of how our presence here thus far has impacted global mean temperature.
+52|7046|Cambridge, England

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

" fact that we are generating green house gasses, we are a contributing factor."

2. The only reason that there are as many cows as there are now is because of human breeding of cows, so we are indirectly responsible for that as well.

3. Due to our polluting of the oceans and clear-cutting of many forests, some times for those farting cows, we reduce the amount of trees/plants.  Plant life takes in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and produces oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.  So again, we have indirectly reduced the planets natural ability to remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.

As for power generation, I don't know where you heard that wind farms consume more power than they generate, but that is just flat out false.  Since these windmills are powered by wind, they don't consume any energy at all, so it is impossible for them to consume more energy than they provide. 

Nuclear power is not necessarily the right answer.  It may be a NIMBY response, but I don't was the waste from power plants, from which I do not benefit, being buried in my back yard.  One of the reasons that Yucca Mountain. is currently on hold is because they found evidence that the geologists that surveyed the area falsified information about the stability of the ground in relation to ground water.  Yes it is the desert, but people don't realize that Utah and Nevada have massive water aquifers under the ground.

We have the ability to produce cleaner power from coal plants, but that requires an investment in the technology, and GWB recently rolled back EPA mandates on such measures.
1.The greenhouse effect is just a theory. It could easily be 100% true but it could easily be wrong. So if its wrong, and we arent causing global warming, then they wouldnt b greenhouse gases after all. As has been mentioned there has been much more co2 in the air without a much higher temperature. (look at the co2 percentage 10,000 years ago, its higher than today and the temp isnt much diff)

2. well obv if we ddnt eat them and skin them then there wouldnt be any alive / very few. the point i was making there was how ineffective co2 really is. apprently the issue is the amount overall pah tonne it is very weak the problem supposedly is the volume.

3. several points here. firstly the vast majority of 02 is from algae, so chopping down a few trees doesnt really matter.

Next photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. due to collision theory the higher the temp the faster it occurs, the higher the concentration of CO2 the higher the rate of reaction, thus the more CO2 in the air the more O2 is made in the same amount of time as previously.

and you would benefit if you were using electricity. also if your bothered about carbon emissions you would benefit by the reduction there. and however "clean" a coal power plant is, its still burning coal. also you need cleaner coal, as coal is very dirty, it has lots of sulphur in it. which is where acid rain comes from.

Agreed we need to invest in technology. obviously im for cleaner alternatives, and i think if you take into account the London smog of victorian times we must be improving at some point. (and i dont see how we make more pollution now than we did then but nevermind)

Some people propose to stop using cars / building road (the green party) as this will stop climate change, but even if this is true i think its better to find an alternative first.

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-26 04:18:44)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

Cheeky_Ninja06 wrote:

none of you look far enough back....you quote records from 1850 ooooooooooo the world is what 6.5 billion years old? (im probably wrong but close hopefully) so by looking at the last 250 years we have enough information ???? errr no if you get back a little way it is true that every 4000 years there is an ice age, then it melts then there is another, we have 4 or 5 instances on record. by lookign at this evidence we are 2000 years overdue an ice age.

This could be for two reasons:

1: all the fossil fuels we started burning 2000 years ago warmed up the globe enough to stop an ice age ^o)

2: it had absolutley nothing to do with us.

another thing. remember the news is ALWAYS biased. so quoting news sites is usless. they make money by being controvershal, e.g. you do no see all the sides of the argument.

the dinosaurs managed to live on earth without any ice caps. maybe they burnt fossil fuels too? surely they must have had al this extreme weather we are predicted. and all of the world was under water etc etc :S

another point. cows farting causes more "global warming" than car emmisions that is how dangerous fossil fuels are.

also not everywhere can turn into deserts as the water has to go somewhere. there will always be the same amount of water on earth. the more of the ice caps melt , the wetter the world will be.

also i sevearly doubt that we arent getting any closer to the sun. that must have an effect. the length of our orbit is also not a constant and nor is the distance of the moon.

i know i havent quoted much helpful evidence to back me up but i cant remember my sources sorry

main point being there is a very slim chance that we have effected the global climate in the last 2000 years but its more likely to be natural. thus there is absolutley nothing we can do about the climate change.

EDIT: it is fasionable to care about the environment. Same as its fasionable to have a hybrid car even tho they arent any better than a normal diesal.

also if we dont burn carbon where do we get our power from? wind farms? ur jokin right? they are so ineffecient you wouldnt believe, some of them actually use more power than they generate. so lets use nuclear power. that is a real alternative. but noooo nuclear waste aaaa you cant take somthing radioactive out the earth, and then just put it back again? hell no it will make the earth sick :S If you want to stop burning carbon you have to embrace nuclear power.
However - you have to see the timescale that these were over. One of the most recent ice ages were caused by a massive increase in CO2 levels, yes. That took, what, 10 000 years? And we've got a similar increase - in just 150 years.

Bit too quick for me.

Last edited by Spark (2006-06-26 04:13:38)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+52|7046|Cambridge, England

Spark wrote:

However - you have to see the timescale that these were over. One of the most recent ice ages were caused by a massive increase in CO2 levels, yes. That took, what, 10 000 years? And we've got a similar increase - in just 150 years.
Bit too quick for me.
again im going to dissagree. Ill give you a timescale of the last billion years. unfortunately as i stressed before we dont have the information. its been said before, if you bring up a proper graph showing the avg temp adn the co2 conc. then you can see both temp and co2 have gone up and down much quicker than they are today, and the most irregular feature about todays stats are that we are abnormably consistant, usually temp fluctuates everywhere but in the last couple of thousand years it has been pretty consistant. I would say the rate of change atm is one of the lowest ever.

http://www.whoi.edu/cms/images/oceanus/ … n_8722.gif

you right global temp change is at its most rapid.........^o) and this is only 3000 years ago

scientist(http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/nercEUROPE.html) wrote:

Sudden warm and moist phases occurred during the timespan of the last glacial phase, often taking the European climate from full-glacial (stadial) conditions to a climate about as warm as at present. Between 115,000 and 14,000 years ago, 24 of these warm events have so far been recognized from the Greenland ice core data (where they form part of a warm-cold pattern known as 'Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles'), although many lesser warming events also occurred (Dansgaard et al. 1993). From the speed of the climate changes recorded in the Greenland ice cap (Dansgaard et al. 1989), and by observation of the speed of change in sedimentation conditions on land, it is widely believed that the 'jump' in climate occurred over only a few decades. The interstadials lasted for varying spans of time, usually a few centuries to about 2,000 years (though the earliest ones, at Marine Isotope Stages 5a and 5c, lasted rather longer), before a rapid cooling returned conditions to their previous state. From ocean and ice-core evidence, it seems that most interstadials cooled by a series of decade-timescale steps, followed by one large terminal cooling event. The most recent 'interstadial', by the traditional European stratigraphy, is the late-glacial warm phase that ended in the Younger Dryas cold phase 11,000 14C y.a.
over a few decades, wow so the maximum 2 degree increase over the next 100 years that we are making isnt that big then huh?

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-26 04:43:07)

EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Cheeky_Ninja06 wrote:

none of you look far enough back....you quote records from 1850 ooooooooooo the world is what 6.5 billion years old? (im probably wrong but close hopefully) so by looking at the last 250 years we have enough information ???? errr no if you get back a little way it is true that every 4000 years there is an ice age, then it melts then there is another, we have 4 or 5 instances on record. by lookign at this evidence we are 2000 years overdue an ice age.

This could be for two reasons:

1: all the fossil fuels we started burning 2000 years ago warmed up the globe enough to stop an ice age ^o)

2: it had absolutley nothing to do with us.

another thing. remember the news is ALWAYS biased. so quoting news sites is usless. they make money by being controvershal, e.g. you do no see all the sides of the argument.

the dinosaurs managed to live on earth without any ice caps. maybe they burnt fossil fuels too? surely they must have had al this extreme weather we are predicted. and all of the world was under water etc etc :S

another point. cows farting causes more "global warming" than car emmisions that is how dangerous fossil fuels are.

also not everywhere can turn into deserts as the water has to go somewhere. there will always be the same amount of water on earth. the more of the ice caps melt , the wetter the world will be.

also i sevearly doubt that we arent getting any closer to the sun. that must have an effect. the length of our orbit is also not a constant and nor is the distance of the moon.

i know i havent quoted much helpful evidence to back me up but i cant remember my sources sorry

main point being there is a very slim chance that we have effected the global climate in the last 2000 years but its more likely to be natural. thus there is absolutley nothing we can do about the climate change.

EDIT: it is fasionable to care about the environment. Same as its fasionable to have a hybrid car even tho they arent any better than a normal diesal.

also if we dont burn carbon where do we get our power from? wind farms? ur jokin right? they are so ineffecient you wouldnt believe, some of them actually use more power than they generate. so lets use nuclear power. that is a real alternative. but noooo nuclear waste aaaa you cant take somthing radioactive out the earth, and then just put it back again? hell no it will make the earth sick :S If you want to stop burning carbon you have to embrace nuclear power.
1. No one has said that we are the sole result of global warming, but by virtue of the fact that we are generating green house gasses, we are a contributing factor.

2. The only reason that there are as many cows as there are now is because of human breeding of cows, so we are indirectly responsible for that as well.

3. Due to our polluting of the oceans and clear-cutting of many forests, some times for those farting cows, we reduce the amount of trees/plants.  Plant life takes in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and produces oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.  So again, we have indirectly reduced the planets natural ability to remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere.

As for power generation, I don't know where you heard that wind farms consume more power than they generate, but that is just flat out false.  Since these windmills are powered by wind, they don't consume any energy at all, so it is impossible for them to consume more energy than they provide. 

Nuclear power is not necessarily the right answer.  It may be a NIMBY response, but I don't was the waste from power plants, from which I do not benefit, being buried in my back yard.  One of the reasons that Yucca Mountain. is currently on hold is because they found evidence that the geologists that surveyed the area falsified information about the stability of the ground in relation to ground water.  Yes it is the desert, but people don't realize that Utah and Nevada have massive water aquifers under the ground.

We have the ability to produce cleaner power from coal plants, but that requires an investment in the technology, and GWB recently rolled back EPA mandates on such measures.
Nuclear powert is the answer, it is the only answer, nuclear power is now extremely clean, all power staitions in use now are almost 40 years old when the technology was extremly new, we now understand it, plus it is now almost imposible for a nuclear power plant exploding as the have fail safe mechenisms in them, this means if it fails,the temperature caused by the radioactive rods cause the plant to place lead or other metal rods that reduce the amount of radiation pasing from one rod to the other thus preventing a core going any where near critical, there are both computer and mechanical devices to stop the melt down.

on the point of wind farms, cheeky is on the whole truth full, beacause the wind farms are not a stable source of power sop when wind levels are low power must be created wastefully else where to compensate the demand as the electricity is not stored so at the moment wind power can at some points be counter productive, but not always.

oh and i like to point peoples attention tyo volcanoes, these natural, " natural means good right" things produce volumes of co2 only on pa to billions of cars power stations, if the world is going to end due to global warming it will do it like venus, all by its self.

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2006-06-26 04:47:15)

+156|6941|space command ur anus

jimmanycricket wrote:

on the point of wind farms, cheeky is on the whole truth full, beacause the wind farms are not a stable source of power sop when wind levels are low power must be created wastefully else where to compensate the demand as the electricity is not stored so at the moment wind power can at some points be counter productive, but not always.
there are more ways to produce zero emission energy then windmills.
we have  geothermal, solar, hydroelectric to name a few and withe newer better generators these ways are better then the polluting, coal oil and gas power plants that we have now.
+52|7046|Cambridge, England

herrr_smity wrote:

jimmanycricket wrote:

on the point of wind farms, cheeky is on the whole truth full, beacause the wind farms are not a stable source of power sop when wind levels are low power must be created wastefully else where to compensate the demand as the electricity is not stored so at the moment wind power can at some points be counter productive, but not always.
there are more ways to produce zero emission energy then windmills.
we have  geothermal, solar, hydroelectric to name a few and withe newer better generators these ways are better then the polluting, coal oil and gas power plants that we have now.
all of the above methods are crap. quite honestly they are too expensive and not effecient enough. (yet) we can power the whole of the uk with abotu 8 nuclear power plants, whereas 8 windturbines power your computer. hydroelectric, that soudns like a good idea, lets run all our river water inc the fish etc etc through a big turbine  now theres a good idea hey. and your right the uk is full of mountains and big rivers?? i know there are a few plants in wales and scotland which make up 3% of the national grid, but its not possible for the whole of a flat country e.g. England.  Solar depends on the sun obviously. and as we cant store electricity what happens when it is cloudy? i know it not purely the sun its the heat. so what do we do in winter, when we need to be warm and cosy, sorry no heat the solar powerplants arent working its too cold. Geothermal i dont know how exaclty they work but i assume the drill huge holes into our poor dying mother earth, and then ram huge metal pipes in there as spin turbines off of the earths heat. so lets take the heat out of the earths core and put it into the atmosphere.......that will help global warming

the best solution to carbon emisions is nuclear power. nuff said

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-26 06:59:27)

+6|6845|Maryland, USA
What makes Al Gore and other scientists so sure of global warming to the degree when next week's weather forecast can't be predicted that accurately?  Last Friday when I went camping they predicted a thunderstorm at 4pm.  It was clear and sunny until 10pm.  Keep in mind that was the forecast from the same day, not weeks or months or years in advance.

What about the scientists who believe the earth is actually cooling not warming?
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Scientist, David Bellamy made a really good point when he asked "if tempretue change is man's fault" then what cause the ice age?  The toxic fumes of camp fires I suppose....
+6|6845|Maryland, USA

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Scientist, David Bellamy made a really good point when he asked "if tempretue change is man's fault" then what cause the ice age?  The toxic fumes of camp fires I suppose....
That's a very good point.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Before I give in to the hysteria of the various 'chicken littles', I would like it sufficiently explained why it is that other planets in our solar system are also undergoing 'global warming'.

Space.com wrote:

Mars Ski Report: Snow is Hard, Dense and Disappearing

Global warming on Mars?

In the other study, led by Michael C. Malin, features at the south pole were observed to retreat by up to 10 feet (3 meters) from one Martian year to the next.

http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/s … 206-2.html

Space.com wrote:

The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.

The study was led jointly by Imke de Pater and Philip Marcus of University of California, Berkeley.

"The storm is growing in altitude," de Pater said. "Before when they were just ovals they didn't stick out above the clouds. Now they are rising."

This growth signals a temperature increase in that region, she said.
http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/0 … ed_jr.html

Not to mention that 30 years ago, the hysteria of the day was that man was causing 'global cooling' by his introduction of aerosols into the atmosphere.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2006-06-26 08:07:49)

+156|6941|space command ur anus
we got a hole in the ozone layer thanks to the aerosols
+156|6941|space command ur anus

Cheeky_Ninja06 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

jimmanycricket wrote:

on the point of wind farms, cheeky is on the whole truth full, beacause the wind farms are not a stable source of power sop when wind levels are low power must be created wastefully else where to compensate the demand as the electricity is not stored so at the moment wind power can at some points be counter productive, but not always.
there are more ways to produce zero emission energy then windmills.
we have  geothermal, solar, hydroelectric to name a few and withe newer better generators these ways are better then the polluting, coal oil and gas power plants that we have now.
all of the above methods are crap. quite honestly they are too expensive and not effecient enough. (yet) we can power the whole of the uk with abotu 8 nuclear power plants, whereas 8 windturbines power your computer. hydroelectric, that soudns like a good idea, lets run all our river water inc the fish etc etc through a big turbine  now theres a good idea hey. and your right the uk is full of mountains and big rivers?? i know there are a few plants in wales and scotland which make up 3% of the national grid, but its not possible for the whole of a flat country e.g. England.  Solar depends on the sun obviously. and as we cant store electricity what happens when it is cloudy? i know it not purely the sun its the heat. so what do we do in winter, when we need to be warm and cosy, sorry no heat the solar powerplants arent working its too cold. Geothermal i dont know how exaclty they work but i assume the drill huge holes into our poor dying mother earth, and then ram huge metal pipes in there as spin turbines off of the earths heat. so lets take the heat out of the earths core and put it into the atmosphere.......that will help global warming

the best solution to carbon emisions is nuclear power. nuff said
good luck living in a radiation shit hole
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Another thing that gets me is the main grren house gas we all hear about is carbon dioxide.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the stuff trees and plants "breathe" as we breathe oxygen?  Thus more CO2 = more trees = more oxygen. 

Besides, a cow's fart contains loads of CO2 and I don't see the Green moaning about that...
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Another thing that gets me is the main grren house gas we all hear about is carbon dioxide.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the stuff trees and plants "breathe" as we breathe oxygen?  Thus more CO2 = more trees = more oxygen.
You are exactly right Esteban. Perhaps more screaming should be directed at those countries ravaging the tropical rainforests than at the generation of 'plant food'.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6864|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

Darth_Fleder wrote:

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Another thing that gets me is the main grren house gas we all hear about is carbon dioxide.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the stuff trees and plants "breathe" as we breathe oxygen?  Thus more CO2 = more trees = more oxygen.
You are exactly right Esteban. Perhaps more screaming should be directed at those countries ravaging the tropical rainforests than at the generation of 'plant food'.
You'll like this then,

http://www.junkscience.com/july04/Daily … ellamy.htm
EBC Member
+56|6968|Cambridge, England

herrr_smity wrote:

good luck living in a radiation shit hole
you really do not understand do you this is a simple picture of how it works
http://static.howstuffworks.com/flash/n … eactor.swf
note how the radioactive water is in a closed cycle, the radioactive water never leaves the plant.

and for your information

as quoted from howstuffworks.com

A coal-fired power plant actually releases more radioactivity into the atmosphere than a properly functioning nuclear power plant.

look things up please.

oh and the uranium is radioactive anyway we are just letting of some of its energy.

radioactive is cleanest  effective type of powerr.

screw this im gonna go watch war of the worlds, it makes more sense then what half of you are saying.

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2006-06-26 09:06:33)

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