none of you look far enough quote records from 1850 ooooooooooo the world is what 6.5 billion years old? (im probably wrong but close hopefully) so by looking at the last 250 years we have enough information ???? errr no if you get back a little way it is true that every 4000 years there is an ice age, then it melts then there is another, we have 4 or 5 instances on record. by lookign at this evidence we are 2000 years overdue an ice age.
This could be for two reasons:
1: all the fossil fuels we started burning 2000 years ago warmed up the globe enough to stop an ice age ^o)
2: it had absolutley nothing to do with us.
another thing. remember the news is ALWAYS biased. so quoting news sites is usless. they make money by being controvershal, e.g. you do no see all the sides of the argument.
the dinosaurs managed to live on earth without any ice caps. maybe they burnt fossil fuels too? surely they must have had al this extreme weather we are predicted. and all of the world was under water etc etc :S
another point. cows farting causes more "global warming" than car emmisions that is how dangerous fossil fuels are.
also not everywhere can turn into deserts as the water has to go somewhere. there will always be the same amount of water on earth. the more of the ice caps melt , the wetter the world will be.
also i sevearly doubt that we arent getting any closer to the sun. that must have an effect. the length of our orbit is also not a constant and nor is the distance of the moon.
i know i havent quoted much helpful evidence to back me up but i cant remember my sources
main point being there is a very slim chance that we have effected the global climate in the last 2000 years but its more likely to be natural. thus there is absolutley nothing we can do about the climate change.
EDIT: it is fasionable to care about the environment. Same as its fasionable to have a hybrid car even tho they arent any better than a normal diesal.
also if we dont burn carbon where do we get our power from? wind farms? ur jokin right? they are so ineffecient you wouldnt believe, some of them actually use more power than they generate. so lets use nuclear power. that is a real alternative. but noooo nuclear waste aaaa you cant take somthing radioactive out the earth, and then just put it back again? hell no it will make the earth sick :S
If you want to stop burning carbon you have to embrace nuclear power.
Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2006-06-25 17:06:40)