Okay if you can't get it here's a summary..in my own words..:
This 41 minute TV coverage of Colin Clarke of DICE. He explains some things that are going to happen in the future with DICE and the BF2 series. One thing at the beginning that I thought "Oh Noes" was the fact that he is having Interns come in and "fix" and "experience" the game to make it worse..I mean better... anyway - He is hoping people will do more "MODS"; he mainly talked about the 2142 in saying "Walkers" will be the biggest Mod builder yet.. But I don't see many mods as I do in BF42, because people are more worried about the point system than actual fun gameplay.
DICE is now doing an OPEN BETA in all their boosters and patches now, and they are aware of the problem, they are saying that anyone can download the prerelease open patch to play and give input. The Open BETA will be upon open invitation and roughly 10k to 50k people..isn't that everyone?? He really likes the Clans theme and that clans play and have better input on how the game is supposed to be played; He wants to make it better for the leaders to do clan matches to where they can freeze game and so forth, like for instance if a player disconnects from a match it will freeze the server automatically -- nah, I dont' want this feature, if the dude disconnects...be gone with him, because when it restarts it's gonna be hell when you are trying to recontrol your pixel!
Back to 2142 - he talked about how there are 4 kits that are fully customized, You wont have a pistol in a assault fight which is cool, but he did say one of the drawbacks is that the unlocks aren't going to be that great - thats the only reason I like the points system!! He said one unlock isn't going to overpower the other, like in BF2 you have the G3 that overpowers any given weapon. He said that if someone has an unlock that goes against a person that doesnt it wouldn't matter because it solely depends on whos the better shot and better player.
The Titan he says isn't going to be a GOD-Like power raining death to below, its like a Karkand, Mashtuur City for the infantry buffs, but somehow they have to get up there... So to me it's like having another map within the same map..err...2 maps in one. There are gonna be 40 unlocks; and personnel unlocks like extra sprint -- ooohh.. Like camouflage, that's my first unlock In 2142 if you knife someone you will get thier "Dog Tags" and keep a tally of all the people you've knifed. I pray there wont be any "Knife Only Servers", I can see it coming...
Squad leaders will be "Special"; they will actually be like leaders, they will have toys to dispose of - like a pod and a set down spawnpoint.
Back to BF2 --patch 1.4 --Gonna get rid of the dolphin diving...again, and says that going prone or crouch you will be a better shot. Got rid of the Karkand Hotel Exploit..yay! They THINK they fixed the "RED BUG"..Collision detectioin is improved. Bunny-Hopping is being looked at heavily. A new map supposedly the new Karkand, soldier hit points are jacked up. Infantry Only stuff. C4 throwinig is GONE!
After watching ALL of the 41 minutes some of those people in the audience need to get a life, The one in the glasses mad me get out of my chair and snort my Pepsi through my nose!