+13|6691|California, USA
*Begin Rant*

Seriously, I've had it with EA/Dice. You know I was ok with all the patches and all the crap everyone else complained about but now I'm just pissed. The connection problems, the random CTD's, and now my VOIP not working is just making this game unplayable. I can live with the red-name glitch, the overpowering AA, hell even the cartillery. But when you can't even join a freaking server without crashes, get randomly kicked out because of "connection problems", and are unable to talk...its just to much.

EA/Dice, you can take your computers and shove them up your asses.
They are better off there than making these crappy patches.

*End Rant*

- Andrew
+18|6820|Your six is my twelve
Right with ya buddy, except I typically can't live with the aforementioned.
I only get CTDs while loading maps, so I usually play 24/7 Karkand and it's fine.
I have been getting more CTD's also.  It really sucks when you get them before the end of a round or when you almost capped a flag.  DOH!
I am with you on the VOIP annoyance - I have just spent the evening with my 2 mates, going round a series of servers and getting no VOIP with them anywhere.  This was the first time we all squaded up, but not being able to speak to them sucks - it takes so much of the fun out of it. 

Never thought I'd find myself whining on a forum, but there we go....
Death StatPadder
+228|6807|Human Meat Shield
Well unfortunately the BF2 world has seen a 50% decreased playing field with this 1.3 patch and the longer they wait to release the new one, the more people will leave or temporarily get into another game. If you look at Game-Monitor you'll see the decreased activity, once was 5mil Karkand there are now 114 and only 36 of them are filled. SF servers had actually improvement from 45 servers to 63 full servers, seems like mommy gave some allowance or people finally saw the light in SF>vBF2 . AF took all of the EF people as EF has officially took a nose-dive 7 full servers.

Alot of people are doing something else now, like paying attention to loved ones, partying on the beach, or going to AA counseling, whatever the case, people are impatiently waiting, EA should have fixed this Server crash the next day! At least people would still be playing, but the numerous server crashes its just unbearable!

Basically if this new patch isn't released soon the dropoff will continue and EA will be wondering "what did we do wrong?" Or just make another game for Xbox...
PHPR Hunter
For all the money they have made, they have screwed it up royally.  With their upcoming release of 2142, this is not a good time to be losing customers.  It makes me wonder if EA/DICE will be the Edsel of the gaming industry.
Mass Media Casualty

You call that a rant? Pathetic dude, only one paragraph. My rants exceed 1000 words sometimes, you should see my World of Warcraft one.

Your points are well taken and widely felt, but think how amazing it is that EA and DICE have been able to do what they have. It's pretty damn amazing really, and sure it's not a perfect product, but we have fun when it does work don't we?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Aspiring Objectivist
I'll reserve judgement until the next crazy patch , good post tyferra.
I knife Generals
+278|6575|Search Whore killing fields
If the next patch is worse, im going to start spending my money on mary j other then ea's shit

Last edited by DirtyMexican (2006-06-22 18:33:53)

+18|6820|Your six is my twelve

Tyferra wrote:

Your points are well taken and widely felt, but think how amazing it is that EA and DICE have been able to do what they have. It's pretty damn amazing really, and sure it's not a perfect product, but we have fun when it does work don't we?
LOL..amazing?  You haven't seen amazing, when you play CoD2, CS:S, or any other FPS shooter you will be amazed, amazed that you were in the server for a full half hour and it hadn't crashed yet. Amazed that you didn't hit your usual 10 CTD's per day quota.  Amazed that the makers of those games don't charge money for maps, and allow you to run your own server for FREE!! You'll be amazed that there aren't glitches that allow you to be a god (Hotel glitch on karkand, Neo glitch on warlord, building glitch that's the same as they hotel glitch that can be done on at least 25% of the buildings in BF2.  You'll be amazed that there isn't a motivation to be a spawn raping tank whore, and the game is actually fun when that motivation doesn't exist.  You'll be amazed that there are more than three good servers to choose from, and be amazed that they aren't being rented out for $8 a slot.  Those 5,000 server that you have to choose from are servers that are being run in some kids garage, and those servers are infinitely more reliable than those of EA and it's subordinate companies.  The day you play one of the aforementioned FPS's, you WILL be amazed.

EDIT: I for the most part do not have fun when it (BF2) works, as I get spawn raped for five minutes due to the ranking system, then the server goes down.

Last edited by [PHPR]-SpecialOps (2006-06-22 20:52:15)

just wait till bf 2142 comes out and thy stop supporting bf2 stats feeds, 5 ppl will still be playing
Mass Media Casualty

@ [PHPR]-SpecialOps, I have played CoD2 and CS and whatever, and yeah it's nice that they don't crash, but honestly, in terms of gameplay BF2 leaves them all for dead. CoD and CS are just run-of-the-mill first person shooters, which is great and a lot of fun, but BF2 is bigger, FAR bigger and offers way more than these relyable other FPS games. Teamwork for one is next to zero for most CS games, aside from someone sometimes suggesting "Rush 'em down the left side".

Battlefield 2 is a masterpiece. A buggy, crashing masterpiece, but a masterpiece nonetheless.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6832|Idaho, USA / Age 30

DirtyMexican wrote:

If the next patch is worse, im going to start spending my money on mary j other then ea's shit

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