Dc*Landaxe, little bastard has had his stats reset once and plays VERY dirty. Spawn camping, old school C4 chucker, etc.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6781|Melbourne, Australia
nitro92 lol gave us aussies a bad image by creating a forum thread about him finally getting 50k points and the screenshots included sum lovely hax in the background ROFL IT STILL BRINGS A SMILE TO MY FACE.... the best part was when he edited the pic with paint an had the wall hax removed with white sqaures CLASSIC!
Im going to have to go with dhoar4 even tho ive Never played with him, just viewing his posts on here is bad enuff.

Beer_Ranger wrote:

Im going to have to go with dhoar4 even tho ive Never played with him, just viewing his posts on here is bad enuff.
lol, I came here to post pretty much the same thing.
Sad isnt it? +1 for you.
I'm pretty sure dhoar is probably going to beat you up now....

ShEpArD_oF_rOt wrote:

I'm pretty sure dhoar is probably going to beat you up now....
lol prolly. He needs to take a rage dump.
Destroy Noob Cannons
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

I'm surprised no one has said noobmurderer yet.
+224|6747|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i think my secondon would probly be, no offense but have to say pure beef 69 sorry but it had to  happen i am sure ur a great sniperb ut you talk sooo much shit!
+69|6771|th3 unkn0wn

G3157 wrote:

You got grounded.. lol.
That is to say PARENTAL PWNAGE!
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6736|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
The most annoying player I came across was Nastie_Butler, not due to the cheating issue but due to the "hard" way he and his mates played.  You come across this bunch and you will be in trouble, but not as much trouble as they found themselves in.  Other than that there was a fella known as Snake2005 who would join myself and mates and contiune to take over the squad, "lets go here and lets go there" and then critisising others with "your pretty shit really".

A few people have annoyed me on this website but if you click the "x" at the very top right, the prolem seems to be left here and dosen't stay with you for the rest of the day.
+557|6795|Oslo, Norway
[[[@LPH@]]]Omega, revives people in teh middle of arty strikes...
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6748|Hell's prison
+8|6816|Battlefield in australia
in high school i pissed a few people off. and since thne i have pissed off a few more, just like most people have....

but dhoar4 has people hate his ass from counties he doesnt even know exist.

dam thats funny.
+1,716|6794|St. Andrews / Oslo

[[[@LPH@]]]Cobra... What a n00b
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6656|Las Vegas, NV USA
DoNotTK or whatever other form he may be running around as nowadays.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

By far over the past year I have never ever ran across anyone as bad as FYMYoHighness.
I watched him kick several people on his clan server because he got killed by them.  I seen him in three other servers as well and in every case he flames people and uses profanity as the only means to express himself.

On at least five occasions he accused someone of calling him a "N i _ _ e r" , no one ever used the word.
He would accuse people of using the word as a reason to kick them or ask for people to be kicked because he said they used it against him.  The guy is a racist wannabe internet thug.

Seconded, he and all FYM are banned across all servers I admin. Absolute flith, the lot of 'em.
mad scotsman
lol poor usmarine2005 seemed to get a lot of votes ;(. i think hes cool,

i dont really dislike anyone on these forums, (except the tards that leave -karma with no name) but im sure iv seen a few asshats in game , just cant remember their names,

aaahhhh i remember, ...when i first started playing this game , the biggest asshats were nexar , effe and co, few of them ok now though, grew up maybe but nexar as far as i gather is still a fuktard
+1,153|6693|Washington, DC

-The negative karma wimps

-DoNotTK and Noobmurderer

-Plane TKers

-TK inducers (they should all be wiped)

But there's one guy who stands out from the lot. He was in an old clan of mine. His username:


He was an annoying, self-absorbed kid from Connecticut who warranted his own removal from the clan after he banned me from my teampseak and removed my SA. Then he threatened me over XFire that he would 'fucking kick my ass' and that he would do some retarded shit like ship me off to Mexico. When I told him to settle this like a civil being, he proceded to curse and insult me. Dumbass. Later on he got reset for padding (his original name was -=WsK=-KiLL3R). Oh and the best part was after that: one day one of my clan members told me he tried to recruit them into his clan. I went into his TS and started asking him why the fuck he can't get his own members and has to recruit others. Can't remember what he replied with, but then he challenged my clan to a 5v5 saying "I'll finally beat you" because apparently I think I'm "always right". We were gonna use the standard TWL 5v5 Infantry rules, it was on Karkand. They ended up using unlocks AND arty, and we still kicked their asses back to the stone age. He accused one guy of mine of hacking, and another guy of mine who said "gg" over xfire somehow provoked the kid into verbally assaulting him. It was quite funny...
ikillyou9090 is the most annoying guy I know besides purebeef...
Finnish commander whore

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

-The negative karma wimps
Make that -The annonymous negative karma wimps.
+127|6720|WPB, FL. USA

<KoS>Audio wrote:

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

By far over the past year I have never ever ran across anyone as bad as FYMYoHighness.
I watched him kick several people on his clan server because he got killed by them.  I seen him in three other servers as well and in every case he flames people and uses profanity as the only means to express himself.

On at least five occasions he accused someone of calling him a "N i _ _ e r" , no one ever used the word.
He would accuse people of using the word as a reason to kick them or ask for people to be kicked because he said they used it against him.  The guy is a racist wannabe internet thug.

Interesting.  He has actually been on our server before and was fun to play with.  Seemed like an alright guy.  Maybe he behaves differently when he is on his own server, and with admin control?
I would hope he's not like that everywere he goes - I can only relate to my experience.
It would be interesting to know if only has a meltdown when things aren't going his way.

+2,187|6630|Mountains of NC

usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

HA HA HA funny one, anyone that kills me - which seems to be quite a few ppl

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