
Which weapon would you like to see in future patches?

H&K (X)M8 (Contract Cancelled by U.S. Military)51%51% - 113
The MR-C6%6% - 15
Mk-48 LMG6%6% - 14
M-99 (No point, looks like the M95)2%2% - 6
M-40 (Current USMC rifle)13%13% - 30
H&k G1119%19% - 43
Total: 221
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6838|Hell's prison
I like the HK416, but dont ya think its a little similar to the M-4?
+108|6896|In the hills
maybe, I just sorta saw it then saw this topic and posted it.  I think they should have like different variants of the same gun.  Like a modified M16 sniper or like box fed assault rifle, like you get one of those like every 5000 points.  But that would be too complicated yet add a huge variety of new guns.

What about an AUG.  I am not sure if it has been adopted by any armies...

Last edited by specops10-4 (2006-06-18 23:00:53)

[PED] soul76
hand me the gun and ask me again
+18|6685|Mülheim a.d.R. | Germany

specops10-4 wrote:

hmm why has everyone skipped over my idea? A new weapon from H&k, the HK416....
nahhh you´re seconded, i just didn´t get out tof bed until 10 mins ago. as my sig shows this finely crafted piece of hardware, i´d be all for it in BF2 too.

i know i said it before, but the xm8 is a G36 with some rounded parts for more appealing futuristic looks, so it would kinda look different but be the same.

is it true that they actually can´t add any more guns for tech reasons? that´s sad but i guess i rather live with that than have them try to change lots of code to make room for more guns - it would take them years to mkae the game playable again.

HK416 FTW!!!eleven!one

Last edited by [PED] soul76 (2006-06-18 23:03:26)

+60|6873|Sacto, CA
I vote for a game without bugs, wall glitches, and CTDs. That would be the best thing that could ever happen to this game.
+65|6846|las vegas
the G11 is a pos for sure

i vote the PSG-1, and XM8 out of your list

what about side arms though?

i wouldnt mind seeing some non tradtinal sidearms



In the meantime it is a widely recognized symbol, and source of bragging amongst hunters and other firearm enthusiasts. Currently deer, elk, black bear, grizzly bear, kodiak bear, wild boar and african elephant have all been taken with this firearm.

or at least a DE .50 cal

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-06-19 00:21:17)


The PSG1 pwned in DCX
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6838|Hell's prison
Apparently those assheads at the battlefield 2 forums on EA's site have sticks up their asses or something, because my post there was no different.  Its almost like the maturity level there is equivalent to an autistic, ADHD kid with down syndrome on speed.  I mean not even 5 minutes on the forum and I was getting flamed.  Anyway, one of them wrote that BF2 is "out of memory" or something, but what irks me is that they are so out of memory, and they are sticking us with a fresh map next month?  That dosent make any sense to me really, so im guessing this guy dosent know what he was talking about.  Another guy flamed me and completely was being disrespectful about it, kinda like that one guy earlier in this post.  Basically saying my weapon ideas were dumb and yadda yadda.  So I basically said these were just suggestions that I would like to see added and if I get enough interests I dont think it would kill to give BF2 one last hoorah before 2142 hits the market.  Keep it fresh for summer some.  But of course everyone has an opinion, and if yours isnt as good as theirs, especially on the internet, they are gonna treat you like a scalded dog.  No bones about it.

P.S.  Vida!!! FTW^^^
+163|6799|Odessa, Ukraine

herrr_smity wrote:

Longbow wrote:

d3v1ldr1v3r13 , UMP45 is basicaly MP5 with slovered rate of fire . Do you really need a submachine gun with 25 round mag , 600 RPM and 19 damage ? No .
it uses 45 bullets don't it.
No , it is :

Caliber: .45ACP, .40SW and 9x19mm Luger/Para
Weight: 2.1 - 2.2 kg empty
Lenght (stock closed/open): 450 / 600 mm
Barrel lenght: 200 mm
Rate of fire: 600 - 700 rounds per minute
Magazine capacity: 10, 25, 30 rounds
Effective range: 100 meters


And yes , my vote for PSG-1 as a stock rifle for USMC on city maps only ; or VSS as unlock ( remember how cool it was made in DC )

Last edited by Longbow (2006-06-19 06:22:11)

Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6838|Hell's prison
Looks like this forum wasnt getting the response i expected.  Well alls well that ends well.  Thanks for the input guys.  And apparently EA cant put anymore unlocks cause they are out of memory for the game, yet they can still push out patches and maps.  Go figure, thats a little thing in my family called laziness.  lol, take care all.
+163|6799|Odessa, Ukraine

EA may do like in Project Reality mod : semi-auto rifle for USMC on city maps , M24 - on all others . And everyone will enjoy this .
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6838|Hell's prison
Would be nice to have a few more weapons though, just for the people thats been playing for a while to get their paws on something new.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6997|Sacramento, Cal
XM8 or PSG
Combat medic

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

I dont even think the Air Force uses the M249 anymore come to think of it.
The USMC still uses the m249 as does the US army.  my cousin just got back from the sandbox (USMC M240 gunner, O331 if I recall).

As for new guns, I'd like to see a 1911A1, m240, m21 (or M14 DMR) or a SAM-R.  I think one of the last three would be best because the USMC need a semi-auto sniper rifle in BF2.

Oh the Assault M16 is an A2 not an A1

Last edited by The_Fighting_69th (2006-06-19 17:49:02)

BF2 engine is too slow for any of those guns  -  USE Source for proper pwnage
The H&K (X)M8 would be a great gun to include. They could do like the g36 family with that model.
I'd agree with an M14 DMR or M14 Tactical with an Aimpoint/ACOG reflex sight.  And since we're asking for something we clearly won't get, I'd like this exclusively available to a sub-class of the sniper kit--the spotter.  When someone chose to kit out as a sniper, he/she would have the option of going as a sniper or a spotter.  The spotter would have the same ghillie suit as the sniper, but would have the M14 as a primary weapon (though I'd settle for equipping the kit with an MP-5 SD6 instead), the typical knife, sidearm, and grenades, and a spotting scope/binoculars instead of claymores.

I also wouldn't object to an SR-25 Blackwidow, but a suppressed, semi-auto 7.62 mm Sniping rifle with a 20 rd. magazine might prove a bit of a balance issue in the game.

[PED] soul76 wrote:

not really true, it was developed as a fully qualified assault rifle, the size and outward appearance are due its unususal mode of operation. the fact that the rounds are smaller is more then made up for by their speed and rof. besides the fact that it was horribly expensive, it wasn´t  adopted because the hydrostatic shock by a hit anyxwhere on the body would´ve killed you - which is forbidden by the geneva treaties.
I don't know where you got this info, but I'd be a bit skeptical of it if I were you.  The G11 fired a 4.7 mm, 3.25 gram projectile at a muzzle velocity of about 950 meters/sec.  This is actually a smaller projectile than the 5.56x45 mm round fired by most contemporary NATO weapons; for example, the 5.56 mm, 4.46 gram projectile used in the M16A2 has a muzzle velocity of 960 meters/sec.  The projectile in both cartidges has the typical tapered shape favored for high velocity rounds, so the G11 round wouldn't push more air in front of it (one of the factors that contributes to hydrostatic shock).  The heavier projectile and higher muzzle velocity of the 5.56 round would produce more kinetic energy and result in greater hydrostatic shock.  And given that the 5.56 NATO round is widely accepted and does not violate the Geneva Convention rules for small arm usage against soft targets, it's doubtful that the G11 round would been in violation of international treaties in this regard.

Back on topic, however, ultimately, I'd be happy with something TPM-J45P3R- stated earlier: "All of the weapons that you cant use in normal BF2, i.e the EF, and SF weapons [famas and such like]".  That "should" be implementable in the game, and shouldn't introduce any memory/system requirement problems.

Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-06-20 11:01:37)

+86|6687|Edmonton Alberta
H&K (X)M8 looks like a real cool gun
either that or one of the automatic sniper rifles
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

usmarine2005 wrote:

Capt. Foley wrote:

I love the XM8, played with it in the PoE mod for BF2 and it is a realy great weapon. Cant remeber why the army canceled its productino because it could of become a very usefull multipurpose weapon.
Good Point.  I would take that in a heartbeat.  H&K makes it correct?
H & K design, but the mass manufacturing would either be them or Colt.

If I remember, they canceled the XM8 because it was too bulky (didn't fit the size requirements). Probably because of the sights mounted on top of the handle, and the stock shape.
Cursed You
Psh... if anything, I'd like to see some pistol unlocks.  Five-seveN and SIG's 226.  Spectre M4 for slutting.

a 1911 cause anything old school is good (unless its british :p)

Possibly FN FAL or FNC would be good.  Kind of sticking to the G3 lines there.  If anything I'd like the HK53A3 taken from EU and brought out.  Ive never used it but Ive held one in real life and god it was so nice.  Perfect.

XM8... its just a confused 36E.  It looks nice, but I'd rather have a 550.  The last thing we really need on this game is a PSG-1... Semi auto sniper rifle for the USMC?  No thanks.  I'd like to see the 101's done away with.  Why do you think the russians flooded the market with AK-47s and 74s?  We dont need 101s, we need AK's.  Insurgents probably can get their hands on anything, but its more realistic to see them carrying around 47s and 74 varients.

Id really like to see just a flat change to the standard line ups.  Insurgents need uzi's, the brits need 85s.  Ive never been to England, nor do I study their army, but I know Belgium doesnt supply SAS with that clunker.  SEALS need everything.  and I mean EVERYTHING.  Ever seen a SEAL with a Stoner Sr-25?  During Vietnam they were offered this gun and would hardly let it go.  Its pretty much a 7.62 M16.  SEALs can use whatever they want, they should be stuck with some shit SCAR.  (SCAR is FN's black sheep btw. thats why they sold the contract to the US :p)

But seriously.

H&K 416 all the way.  You know how I know its better?  Cause its H&K, its being considered to take over the position of the M4.  Tested and all that shit.

Last edited by Cursed You (2006-06-19 23:01:31)

Resident Emo Hater
+139|6828|Moscow, Russia
I think Steyr AUG would go good in this game.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Cursed You wrote:

Five-seveN and SIG's 226.
Possibly FN FAL or FNC would be good.  Kind of sticking to the G3 lines there.

XM8... its just a confused 36E.  It looks nice, but I'd rather have a 550.

H&K 416 all the way.  You know how I know its better?  Cause its H&K, its being considered to take over the position of the M4.  Tested and all that shit.
Five-seveN... I really don't like it, because it's so small and it feels like a toy because of the polymers and the studs.

The FAL and/or FNC would be great, but the FAL is awfully old, it's been replaced in service. The XM8 is really just an americanized '36, confused, i don't know, if thats a synonym for american then sure. 550? Doubt they'd ever use that in full service and not just a tactical LE choice.

Until the HK417 is perfected, the SCAR series is favored by the US.

Wasder wrote:

I think Steyr AUG would go good in this game.
Probably an ACR, this is the future.
mr-c, used it in ghost recon advanced war fighter, and its awsome. xm8 looks good as well
+163|6799|Odessa, Ukraine

Cursed You wrote:

The last thing we really need on this game is a PSG-1... Semi auto sniper rifle for the USMC?  No thanks.
Your sniper rifle KDR is 1.1447 . The game needs semi-auto as an unlock or USMC stock , you just don't understand it because of you didn't played sniper much & effectively .

Cursed You wrote:

I'd like to see the 101's done away with.  Why do you think the russians flooded the market with AK-47s and 74s?  We dont need 101s, we need AK's.  Insurgents probably can get their hands on anything, but its more realistic to see them carrying around 47s and 74 varients.
101st = 74th , the only change is caliber , 5.56x45NATO \ 5.45x39R

Yes , I agree that insurgents had to have 47's , not 101st .
mostly afk
+480|6703|CH/BR - in UK

Longbow wrote:

Cursed You wrote:

The last thing we really need on this game is a PSG-1... Semi auto sniper rifle for the USMC?  No thanks.
Your sniper rifle KDR is 1.1447 . The game needs semi-auto as an unlock or USMC stock , you just don't understand it because of you didn't played sniper much & effectively .

Cursed You wrote:

I'd like to see the 101's done away with.  Why do you think the russians flooded the market with AK-47s and 74s?  We dont need 101s, we need AK's.  Insurgents probably can get their hands on anything, but its more realistic to see them carrying around 47s and 74 varients.
101st = 74th , the only change is caliber , 5.56x45NATO \ 5.45x39R

Yes , I agree that insurgents had to have 47's , not 101st .
True, 47 would be more realistic, but I really prefer the 101... Love the gun
Moving Target
The G11 never made it into wide production run and was never adopted by any military.  A cool idea and if any one could have pulled it off it would have been HK.  The rifle had serious quality control issues with the ammo and the ammo was insanely expensive to manufacture too.

In all reality none of the weapons listed would I want added to BF2, which is not trying to start a flame fest by any means.  The last thing the game needs is yet another short ranged 'sniper' rifle, a nerfed sub machine gun, or assault rifles that were never adopted anywhere.  I like the weapon load outs that the game has so far.

If EA/Dice wants to add something to the game to buy new expansions, how about adding bug fixes.  That would get me to buy it.  Some new city maps would be nice.

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