Mr. Bigglesworth

lowing wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

The Presidents responsibility is to defend  the country. What? We are supposed to give Bush a medal for bieng president during and after 9/11? No way! Any president would have gone to Afghanistan and kicked ass but would they have gone into Iraq? We'll never know.
Not true, wewere attacked all through the 90's and Clinton didn't do anything about it. even when Syria was offering, Bin Laden to Clinton.

Lets see, Clinton kept a constant military presence in Iraq all thru the 90's. ie, no fly zones. Lets go back even further to find out how Bin Laden came to be. He was a creation of the CIA to battle the Russians in the 80's. We gave him money and weapons, then we forgot about him. Not very responsible if you ask me.

And for the record, not liking Bush doesnt automatically mean I liked Clinton. A common misconception from the right.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-06-19 15:23:47)


rawls2 wrote:

lowing wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

The Presidents responsibility is to defend  the country. What? We are supposed to give Bush a medal for bieng president during and after 9/11? No way! Any president would have gone to Afghanistan and kicked ass but would they have gone into Iraq? We'll never know.
Not true, we were attacked all through the 90's and Clinton didn't do anything about it. even when Syria was offering, Bin Laden to Clinton.

Lets see, Clinton kept a constant military presence in Iraq all thru the 90's. ie, no fly zones. Lets go back even further to find out how Bin Laden came to be. He was a creation of the CIA to battle the Russians in the 80's. We gave him money and weapons, then we forgot about him. Not very responsible if you ask me.

And for the record, not liking Bush doesnt automatically mean I liked Clinton. A common misconception from the right.
Never claimed you liked Clinton, 

the no fly zone was great, but what good did it do to keep Iraq in compliance with the UN resolutions? What good is a presence in a region if you are not willing to get your feet wet?

So what about Bin Laden in the 80's. In the 80's the Soviets were our enemy, and in the 40's the Soviets were our ally, and Japan and Germany were our enemy......Times change, so do allegiances. Get over it.
No fly and compliance with the UN sanctions prevented a large number of US troops from getting killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bin Laden if you'll remember was backed by yes, the US in Afghanistan's war with the Soviet Union.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-19 15:46:02)

Mr. Bigglesworth

lowing wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Not true, we were attacked all through the 90's and Clinton didn't do anything about it. even when Syria was offering, Bin Laden to Clinton.

Lets see, Clinton kept a constant military presence in Iraq all thru the 90's. ie, no fly zones. Lets go back even further to find out how Bin Laden came to be. He was a creation of the CIA to battle the Russians in the 80's. We gave him money and weapons, then we forgot about him. Not very responsible if you ask me.

And for the record, not liking Bush doesn't automatically mean I liked Clinton. A common misconception from the right.
Never claimed you liked Clinton, 

the no fly zone was great, but what good did it do to keep Iraq in compliance with the UN resolutions? What good is a presence in a region if you are not willing to get your feet wet?

So what about Bin Laden in the 80's. In the 80's the Soviets were our enemy, and in the 40's the Soviets were our ally, and Japan and Germany were our enemy......Times change, so do allegiances. Get over it.
Get over it? You disappoint me lowing, I expected a better response than that. We let a guy fall thru the cracks, the same guy responsible for 9/11 and all you got is "Get over it"
Mr. Bigglesworth
The same guy who nearly ran the Texas Rangers into the ground we elect as president, twice. "Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice um....how does the rest go?" Genius!

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-06-19 15:51:54)

Horseman 77

GATOR591957 wrote:

No fly and compliance with the UN sanctions prevented a large number of US troops from getting killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bin Laden if you'll remember was backed by yes, the US in Afghanistan's war with the Soviet Union.
yes, twenty years ago, And twenty years ago the USSR existed and was the biggest threat to world peace Priorities are a must.
Horseman 77

rawls2 wrote:

The same guy who nearly ran the Texas Rangers into the ground we elect as president, twice. "Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice um....how does the rest go?" Genius!
The rest goes... Fool you all the time.

GATOR591957 wrote:

No fly and compliance with the UN sanctions prevented a large number of US troops from getting killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bin Laden if you'll remember was backed by yes, the US in Afghanistan's war with the Soviet Union.
read up.

the reason no American troops got killed was because they were not placed into harms way to inforce the resolutions, not because of Clinton's leadership as the Commander in Chief.

rawls2 wrote:

lowing wrote:

rawls2 wrote:


Lets see, Clinton kept a constant military presence in Iraq all thru the 90's. ie, no fly zones. Lets go back even further to find out how Bin Laden came to be. He was a creation of the CIA to battle the Russians in the 80's. We gave him money and weapons, then we forgot about him. Not very responsible if you ask me.

And for the record, not liking Bush doesn't automatically mean I liked Clinton. A common misconception from the right.
Never claimed you liked Clinton, 

the no fly zone was great, but what good did it do to keep Iraq in compliance with the UN resolutions? What good is a presence in a region if you are not willing to get your feet wet?

So what about Bin Laden in the 80's. In the 80's the Soviets were our enemy, and in the 40's the Soviets were our ally, and Japan and Germany were our enemy......Times change, so do allegiances. Get over it.
Get over it? You disappoint me lowing, I expected a better response than that. We let a guy fall thru the cracks, the same guy responsible for 9/11 and all you got is "Get over it"
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, no, I said more than "get over it". maybe you want to responde to the whole post.
An Enlarged Liver
+35|6809|Backward Ass Kansas
Supposedly, he tried to extradite Bobby Fisher from Japan because in one of his south of the equator broadcasts Fisher called him mildly retarded.  I just can't figure where Fisher came up with 'Mildly'.

An Enlarged Liver wrote:

Supposedly, he tried to extradite Bobby Fisher from Japan because in one of his south of the equator broadcasts Fisher called him mildly retarded.  I just can't figure where Fisher came up with 'Mildly'.
If that is true it should be easy to produce the facts here. So how about it??
An Enlarged Liver
+35|6809|Backward Ass Kansas

lowing wrote:

An Enlarged Liver wrote:

Supposedly, he tried to extradite Bobby Fisher from Japan because in one of his south of the equator broadcasts Fisher called him mildly retarded.  I just can't figure where Fisher came up with 'Mildly'.
If that is true it should be easy to produce the facts here. So how about it??
Don't get me wrong.  Fisher is a absolute whack job, however, far as I can see it takes one to know one.

The following text is from the article "Bobby Fisher's Pathetic Endgame", a very long informative article.

"This covert homesickness may explain why for a time Fischer continued to pay property taxes on a piece of Florida real estate he was unable to set foot on. But returning to America is no more real a possibility than the rook-shaped house he once dreamed of building. The federal arrest warrant issued in 1992 will not expire, and it is unlikely that Fischer will be shown much leniency--especially since he referred to George W. Bush during one of his radio interviews as " borderline retarded." "

Entire article available here

http://www.chessmaniac.com/Bobby_Fische … les40.shtm

Yeah I know i said mildly, so what.
Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
You with the face!
What crime?  The only thing I can think of is murder of the English language...(voted no, with "missteps" explanation that I agree with)
(87% Yes?!?! Well, I guess people are not only opinionated, but ready to jump on the bandwagon as well!)
given all that we can agree that it doesn't matter who the president is, Clinton, Bush, or the next (Bush)
that the presidency is a hostage of the oil and weapon companies that drive the economy.
The difference is the Bush family has money in all those companies.
You can be sure that Jeb will win the election, somehow.

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
heil mein fuhrer

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
Yes, and that mentality led Germany into WWII.  If you were a Marine you follow "legal" orders.  Not blindly.
Dutch Delight

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
Yes, and that mentality led Germany into WWII.  If you were a Marine you follow "legal" orders.  Not blindly.
well said...

In my opinion only weak people need strong leaders............

Horseman 77 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

No fly and compliance with the UN sanctions prevented a large number of US troops from getting killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bin Laden if you'll remember was backed by yes, the US in Afghanistan's war with the Soviet Union.
yes, twenty years ago, And twenty years ago the USSR existed and was the biggest threat to world peace Priorities are a must.
If you are going to use the premise of nuclear weapons as the USSR's biggest threat to the US 20 yrs. ago, then they are also the biggest threat to the US today.  20 yrs ago the USSR was in the midst of breaking up and was heavily involved and bogged down in the war in Afghanistan.  Let alone the unrest with countries breaking away from the USSR.  Therefor presented no credible threat to the US, again other than nuclear weapons.

RAIMIUS wrote:

What crime?  The only thing I can think of is murder of the English language...(voted no, with "missteps" explanation that I agree with)
(87% Yes?!?! Well, I guess people are not only opinionated, but ready to jump on the bandwagon as well!)
Why does there need to be a crime for impeachment.  I would love to know what you have to do to get a President out of power for being completely incompetant?  What was Clinton's crime? Staining a dress?

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-20 10:43:13)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6775|Wilmington, DE, US

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
How'd I miss this glaring stupidity?
Obviously someone doesn't know humor when they see it.  I know what Clinton was charged for.  However he was not incompetent!
Give Bush an award for not running from our enemies and continuing the fight!
Banned - for ever.
+231|6775|Wilmington, DE, US
Give Bush an award for running the entire country into the ground!
Put a liberal in office and in the ground we will go

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