
Psycho wrote:

BolvisOculus wrote:

thats not all that needs to be changed about wake.  the fact that the USMC has one f35 while china has 2 j-10 is utter bullshit
Both sides get 2 planes. Someone has to take off in the first one for the second one to spawn.
Well it kinda sucks when the J-10's can come together at the same time while the F-35's will come one by one, there should be a new setup, so that both can lift off at once.  And many people don't know that there are two planes.  I thought there was one.....
+488|6721|Portland, OR, USA
J-10s truly do suck.. until your in one...
+86|6693|Winterpeg, Canada

CommieChipmunk wrote:

J-10s truly do suck.. until your in one...
so true
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6868|Riva, MD
The F-35 sucks, that's why you get pwned, if you're lucky, the U.S. will capture the airfield and you can get the F-18 that now spawns there while there's still a J-10 flying.  It's mostly because the F-35 has the worst turning of all jets.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-06-09 18:08:52)

+2|6875|Perth, Western Australia
One trick to evade J-10s is to gain some height (300-600 feet) as they chase you and throw the damn thing into vertical thrust while in a 90 degree bank (remember it'll take a while to kick in), before you know it you're out of the J-10's sights. Of course, your new problem is that you've just stalled (or as close as BF2 planes get to stalling) and  you need altitude and plenty of after burner juice left to get out of the death dive you're now in.

The other problem is that it really doesn't help you kill the J-10 it just helps you get away from him. Sometimes. It is one way to stay alive long enough to bail over a flag and try and cap it though.

Another similar trick is to just fly at 75 to 85% power, you'll be more agile at the right power settings (though more vulnerable to SAMs and cannon fire), agile enough to dodge a new pilot at least, good pilots in J-10s will still eat you for breakfast though. Barrel rolls will also do the same thing if you pull back on the power, sometimes the J-10 will overshoot (a good J-10 pilot will just break and come back for you though) and give you a free shot.

Repeated barrell rolls with vertical thrust might be interesting...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2006-06-10 00:43:41)

+632|6767|do not disturb

Erwin_Rommel188 wrote:

genius_man16 wrote:

well, each army has it's strengths:

US: best tank
PLA: best jet
MEC: best chopper

so i guess you'll just have to deal, yes the J-10 is super maneuverable, but just keep dodging the missles, it shouldn't be too hard

just think, the longer he's focused on you, the more chance your boats have to reach the mainland
The Abrams isn't better than the other tanks though.

USMC used to have the best transport helo, but they nerfed that because people complained...
People wouldn't have complained if those flying buses the MEC and PLA call heli-transports had some firepower. You couldn't hit crap with those things before, and you can't do it now.

And the Havok isn't the best heli. For slaughtering infantry, yes, it is! But for heli combat, it isn't as mobile and the volley is too spread out. I call the Havok the meat grinder though.
+788|6807|Brisbane, Australia

Thats utter bullshit, the other day, a fairly competent pilot was in the J-10, while I was in the F-35, I unleased all the missles, and two hit, so I finished him off with some MG

The thing people need to learn is JETS HAVE MACHINE GUNS WHICH TEAR THROUGH JETS

If you want to try your luck at missles, hit the J-10 as its going over the runway this way it's flying straight, and your missles should hit better

Of course once I got gunned down to fire, I use the pattented Grand Theft J-10 move and grabbed theirs while everyone was waiting for the chopper!

Then bombed the shit out of them, rinse and repeat
+3,611|6772|London, England
I think i've finally sussed out how to get a J10, pretty much the guns/spam missles afterwards trick. Only problem is:

Whilst doing this, 90% of the time the other enemy J10 is on you and kills you.
-Freindly F35b isn't in the air to support you becuase well, a million things, mainly becuase he gets shot down before the 2nd can spawn to form a flying team.

Ground AA will make you break and lose the J10
-Ground troops/tanks cant do anything becuase the helicopter is raping them

I can't do anything to the helicopter in the plane, until i take down i J10, which is hard becuase there are always 2 in the sky. Whilst most of the time there is 1 F35.

Our chopper can't kill their chopper, becuase the ground AA/J10's will get them, the J10's can get them as they're always alive. And they do it in pairs.

Overall USMC are screwed unless the J10/Z-8 or whatever pilots are real idiots, and the tanks camping the peninsulas somehow let you through.

Also i think the spawn times for the F35 is longer than that of the J10.
The biggest problem is the lack of team work on Wake. Not the shitty F35's.   Most pubbies try to drive/fly/swim straight to the corners.  The best bet on wake is to dump the jet on the main or the other two northern flags about 2 mins into the round.

Also if people would learn how to fly the BH off the carrier life would be much better.  IE don't fly 5m off the ground right up the middle.  Above 300m no aa can hit you and also above that height most jets don't fly.  If you get up to 4-500m in the middle of map you can skywalk to about anywere you want.
nothing is ever going to be done about this and i personally don't think anything should be done.  if anything else is nerfed in this game then we will all be reduced to throwing wet sponges at each other from a few feet away.
the only time i have a problem with the J10 is when all our F35s are being whored by complete idiots. usually on wake i can sneak on the island eventually with a decent helo pilot/gunner clearing one side very quickly.

or just hop in the F35 and take a short trip to the airfield(AF). don't do it right at the beginning of the round as you'll have helo/jet whores waiting at the base. this can be good or bad, if they're idiots then this will happen (http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=27154). if you go at the right time you'll capture the airfield as long as you hide where the arty can't get you and your commander lets you know exactly where any enemies are at the base. i've used that tactic multiple times and it's not that hard to get the AF, it's just defending it when tanks start rolling in.

in one round i captured the AF 3 seperate times alone fending off tanks and FAVs full of troops to keep the AF. what does my team do? 95% of them spawn on the carrier to whore jet/helo. it was so frustrating.

Last edited by doxed (2006-06-13 22:46:20)


doxed wrote:

or just hop in the F35 and take a short trip to the airfield(AF). don't do it right at the beginning of the round as you'll have helo/jet whores waiting at the base. this can be good or bad, if they're idiots then this will happen (http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=27154). if you go at the right time you'll capture the airfield as long as you hide where the arty can't get you and your commander lets you know exactly where any enemies are at the base. i've used that tactic multiple times and it's not that hard to get the AF, it's just defending it when tanks start rolling in.
It's also not a problem at the start of the round. My taktik:

1) Spawn as SpecOps
2) To to airfield with plane
3) Jump out
4) Put the C4 on the tank (don't go into it, a J10 will kill you for sure)
5) Hide somewere
6) When the flag is neutral, the left-over pilots will notice it an will try to caoture it.
7) Don't forgett to press the trigger when they are in the tank.

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