Pheasant Plucker
+440|6836|West Yorkshire, U.K

Hacial wrote:

MAN! I'm so angry just tried to get it, 32 server karkand and I started to get it the beginning of the round and when the round ended...

I HAD 9 ****** REPAIR POINTS! ARRRR that made me angry!

Just repaired tanks and APC but many times I couldn't repair because enemy tanks/APCs/snipers/infantry shot me.

Any strategy for getting this? And map? How much players?
Go on dragon valley as USMC engineer and spawn on the carrier, on the end of the carrier is the mounted USS ESSEX, get in that and fire at planes, when they damage you repair it and get back in, thats how i got it with no stress.
   P.S i also got my air defence ribbon and expert air defence that way, hint hint

Manxman wrote:

Hacial wrote:

MAN! I'm so angry just tried to get it, 32 server karkand and I started to get it the beginning of the round and when the round ended...

I HAD 9 ****** REPAIR POINTS! ARRRR that made me angry!

Just repaired tanks and APC but many times I couldn't repair because enemy tanks/APCs/snipers/infantry shot me.

Any strategy for getting this? And map? How much players?
do like they all do go on a quite server get a mummve  go as repair  drive in the water till you start loosing life the fix like crazy   hey presto you have your  repair points easy
this works
I find that getting ribbons/medals/awards in BF2 comes a lot from teamwork and teamwork is best done when you actually know somebody on the server instead of just playing with a bunch of random joe's. I have earned at least half my medals/awards b/c me and my buddy work together...

Repair... we both drive around in tanks or apc's both as engineer so we can cover each other and repair each other...
Chopper... having a gunner/rio on comms while flying a chopper (or a bomber w/ rio) is SOOO much easier then just assuming the guy in the seat next to you knows what your thinking
Medic/Supply.. well thats easy, if your buddy is hurt. heal him if he needs more ammo give it to him.. you don't even need somebody you know to figure this one out....

and on and on.. so if you don't have anybody you know who plays the game.. join a GOOD clan and work with them and you'll have LOTS of people you'll eventually know and have comms w/....
do like they all do go on a quite server get a mummve  go as repair  drive in the water till you start loosing life the fix like crazy   hey presto you have your  repair points easy
this works
but doesnt someone have to be in the vehicle for you to get the repair point?
+159|6731|behind you

Katash wrote:

You could try and convince someone else to go eng on Kark with you then you both take apc's / tanks and stick together - you'll repair each other like crazy then

I got mine last night on Wake repairing the China arty and comm assets - wasn't really that difficult, just takes practice
u dont need practicce to get u wrench out and hold down the left mouse buttom........
You need a jeep and mounted machinegun. Fire from mg untill it overheats, that makes jeep burn. Jump to the jeep and repair it while you are in the back seat.
404 - Not Found
Aren't all of these "damage something, repair it, damage, repair..." strategies statpadding?
"Don't post while intoxicated."

Hacial wrote:

Aren't all of these "damage something, repair it, damage, repair..." strategies statpadding?
I saw a guy shooting at an boat with an APC then getting out of the APC and into the boat and repaired it while sitting in it. HA! His sorry ass got kicked.
+12|6914|Gloucester - UK
the easiest way to get a stupid ammount of repair points without padding, is play either oman or cleansweep (easier) as USA on a 64 server with 20-30 players, and just hope your team is crap. I say this because on both maps the arty is in a nice straight line, both maps have bombers, and if your team is crap and uncapturable base rape isn't alowed (like on most servers these days) then any half decent bomber whore (like me) will just blow the crap out of the arty over and over again because there's nothing else to bomb. Yeah you will die a lot, but you can easily get a stupid ammount of repair points this way. I got my expert this way when it was 25 points, before the round was even half over, just by parking a jeep next to the arty until I got bombed to hell and back, rinse and repeat.
Lol play gull of oman with 64 players
+13|6722|Austin , TX
I'd have to agree with the GO tO Warlord guys, by far the easiest for spec ops to blow up assets and with a pickup truck/atv/allraider you shhould be able to just drive around literally collecting repair points, follow tanks/apcs around , haul ass to anyone who needs repairs, and pay close attention to commanders assets. Youll have it in no time took me two tries once i reached the time limit.
The easiest way is to play on maps where SpecOps will go blow up commander assets constantly.  I got mine on Warlord as SAS.  It was a 64 sized map and was 24/24 players.  The Insurgents will blow up the SAS assets like mad since the TV station is pretty close to the SAS uncap.  Just hang around and wait for something to explode, repair it and wait for the next one.  I switched to Engineer about midway through the game, got more than 10 repairs, the switched to another kit with plenty of tickets left.

A less-populated server on the right map is the key.  Ticket loss is much slower and you'll have plenty of people blowing stuff up for you to repair.  Provoking the enemy to blow the stuff up doesn't hurt, either

The suggesting of the Engineer armor pack is also pretty strong.  Honestly, though, the repair points just don't come as quickly for me going this route, even on Karkand.  It can work but I haven't had as much luck with it.

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