Good for your Christian!! I also love the patch and cannot wait for the next...bear with me whilst I deal with this hill billy named Cougar...
You said in your original post that "No one asked you to buy this game". I proved you wrong. If the best retort you have is calling me an idiot for buying something that was advertised to me, well.....sounds like an un-intelligent lamer response to me.
You're very confused, how did you prove me wrong? Did someone threaten you and force you to buy the game? Otherwise I can only call you an idiot, its too apt and appropriate. Let me remind you of your previous statement...
Hillbilly (Cougar) wrote...Actually I received quite a few e-mails from EA asking, no wait...telling me to go to their site and buy BF2, buy SF, buy EF, BUY AF!! So yes...I was asked. I was also told.
Now you seem to be confused with the difference between a marketing campaign and a dictatorship - marketing campaigns are designed to persuade you to buy, however I understand that over in the US things may vary a little, particularly in the small naive states where you're led by cult and preaching, so I have sympathy for you, not hate.
My initial point however, that you seem to have misunderstood, is that Battlefields was developed by EA as a product, it wasn't pushed onto any of us, it was optional as to whether we purchased it or not. Skoda is a shit car manufacturer, hence I wouldn't buy one, now if you share similar views of EA, I suggest you stay clear from their future titles. The game when released was thoroughly playable with no major issues, even now its fully playable, infact I've just finished my evenings gaming. Why the HELL should EA spend even further resources and time fixing minor little bugs to keep dweebs such as yourself happy, particularly when you DISRESPECT them publically on a regular basis, you ignorant arrogant f*ck.
...and then...
If you bought a brand new house and nothing seemed to be wrong with it and then one year later you do a full inspection on your house. You find that termites are eating away at the frame, the pipes are bursting, the basements flooded and the electricity shorts out, the roof leaks and the A/C blows out hot air, then I suppose you would go back to the guy who sold you the house and thank him for giving you a place to live for twice the cost of most houses?
No...I'd face reality at the fact that upon purchasing the house, IT WAS FINE - and due to general wear, tear, upgrades, extensions, blah blah blah it had perhaps surcumb to a few minor defects. Eitherway, the house when first purchased was perfect.
Free speech? Isn't that exactly what I'm doing RIGHT now? The majority of posts that have been constructive or halfway reasonable you have blown off while going through and picking off the quick one-liner insult posts and deemed them un-intelligent and non-constructive. Also, nice Texas jab there you cunt, real constructive.
I have greatly appreciated the constructive responses, and those posting such intelligent replies (cover you ears for a second Cougar, this doesn't apply to you), many thanks - any negative insults I've hurled have not been directed to you, I am simply defending the personal insults (Ohhhh and negative Karma... poor me...) that I have received from the lesser cotton picking morsals.
...and to conclude...
Once again, you're a waste of human flesh and frankly you need to stop breathing my air.
Dude, get back to your cows as we are most certainly not sharing the same air, I'd suggest your supply is perhaps congested with the sh*t encroaching from your mouth on a daily basis. Have a negative Karma to cheer you up.
You know what, it really amazes me just how childish many can be starting from a simple free speech post such as that I initially made - I didn't once incite any form of argument, I merely asked for views based on my post. Some disagreed but did so with an ounce of intelligence and tact, others weren't capable of such skills, sadly.