Anyone else have the problem that random friendlies name's are red? And random enemy names are blue? I can't tell you how many times I've been running around looking for enemies and I see a guy with a red name not paying attention, so I run up behind him and knife him and I get punished for a teamkill because he was a friendly.
Another thing, on Dalian plant as Chinese, if you use the stinger in your airfield to try to bring down enemy aircraft, sometimes if you hit the enemy once, you get punished for team damage, but if you hit them again and bring them down, it counts as a normal kill.
Somebody please explain or EA please fix!
Another thing, on Dalian plant as Chinese, if you use the stinger in your airfield to try to bring down enemy aircraft, sometimes if you hit the enemy once, you get punished for team damage, but if you hit them again and bring them down, it counts as a normal kill.
Somebody please explain or EA please fix!