this is the part you seem to be falling down on,you CANNOT tab out and change the mode
I know that. This has been a re occuring problem since I've had an Xfi, and it seems to be something fraps contributes to as well if you have it set to record audio.
What I initially said is in a server about 20 minutes into it my audio works fine and then all of a sudden the card will not pick up sound from my microphone anymore. In order for it to pick up the microphone again I have to refresh the HARDWARE (or exit bf2 and rejoin the server to have it die 20 minutes after that), the fastest way of doing this besides disabling and enabling the device in the control panel for windows is to click on the creative sound management icon on your task bar, select crative mode switcher while I am still in the game and try to switch it to another mode. Because the card is in use it will try to stop processing the audio for bf2, fail switching modes because it is doing exactly that (processing the audio for bf2) and it will reload its original sound mode profile.
Thus I alt tab back into bf2 and viola my microphone works again.
I really hope I cleared it up for you this time.
i don't give a shit how long you've been working with computers for, the post you put basically implied you fucked up, not creative..
No. Again you seem to be reading too fast for your brain to comprehend what was initially posted, but fighting over it at this point has no point.
RTFM is a JOKE often used when something FUCKS UP!
Well be it you're a genious I suggest you take some psychology on the side of whatever your courses currently are. Because you mis interpreted what I wrote, tried to tell me I fucked up in a condecending manner and trying to ease your way out of the responsibilities of your words by calling it a "joke"
I am not here in this thread to swing my dick about stats in bf2, but to simply say the creative Xfi is nothing more than a soundblaster Audigy 4 with ram on it and proper 24bit audio encryption/decryption.
So be careful next time you hop in a tech thread to downplay someones opinion on a product they own especially if you have not experienced this problem your self so it must be the users fault its fucked up.