freking awesome
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6744|Reisterstown, MD

New accts don't get rated.
@ NextGen.Spdyheadshot

A very good accuracy SPM, but quite a low K/d ratio
A very very new account
Quite a good K/d ratio with an assault riflr try and raise it to 2, as your real close
Looks like very short rounds of Bf2 to me, play a little more games on that account (as i know its not your first)
Like that we can see what your ratios are with the vehicles and weapons
Other than that, a good start to an account with alot of things that can be worked on
Same shit, Different Arsehole
killer, great spm an kdr is good too, weapons stats are good as are kit ratios great stats! 9/10

LostFate wrote:

killer, great spm an kdr is good too, weapons stats are good as are kit ratios great stats! 9/10
Nice KDR and SPM 9/10
Missing, Presumed Dead

Sgt.Gene / CrAcK|R0X

- Good KD and a great SPM.
- Bad kit balance, poor map balance. Standard 3 maps as most played by a long shot.
- Decent infantry stats, vehicle stats...armour spawnraping karkand and J10 carrier raping on Wake.
- Favourite victim of 44 kills?? 1880 pistol kills PKing = your BRS of 753.

Unimpressed *yawn*
First player I've ever seen with Iron gater as their favorite map- nice job!
Nice AA k/D ratio decent armor K/D ratio, besides that vehicle stats could be improved. Infantry stats seem average. SPM is good. good accuracy as well
Overall I'd say 7/10

elite.mafia wrote:

Holy shit, 38k driver kill assists.
A bit too uni-dimensional player, but you are very good with choppers.
Other vehicles' stats are average.
Craptacular infantry stats.
Nice amount of time on different maps, but you should try some SF. Flying the Hind on maps like Surge and Mass Destruction is a lot of fun.

Chopper stats: 10/10
Overall: 6,5/10
I used to love jets, but that was back in the day that people didn't TK for them.  Now I just command and snipe.

Shipforbrains wrote:

I used to love jets, but that was back in the day that people didn't TK for them.  Now I just command and snipe.
good gun accuracy, everything else is avg. 5/10
+136|6663|Minnesota eh
Poor SPM, Average kdr. Nice aviator kdr.

meh stats, alteast ur not a karkand whore. like me......

Taking smurfs to school since 2005™
Nice stats Casual both as new account and as old account. Good sniping skill and good vehicle stats. Cool spm on new account and k/d ratio are over two on both accounts so 9/10 overall.

Last edited by Th3PredatoR (2007-01-02 15:51:11)

+27|6802|United Kingdom
@ The predator

Nice SPM
Nice K/D ratio
Good accuracy
great Win loss ratio
weapons stats are good also
Vehicles- Great helo but other vehicles are average or below that i would say work on those

overall great stats man 9/10
Havok............awesome KDR, SPM......Kills per minute are impressive.  And your split between Infantry and Vehicle kills is very good.  49% to 51 %

Very little Criticism.  Top notch player.  See your a few weeks shy of 1 years enrollment on the Battlefield.
@ rd_The_Dog

Very good accuracy SPM and average K/d ratio (but your overall K/d ratio does not reflect your stats, i know how it feels lol )
A huge team score, and a lot of driver points (shows that you like to fly choppers, and give your gunner good opportunities well done
A very good victims list keep it up
Very good assault K/d ratio, you play all kits and hold positive K/d ratios with them, very well done, try and raise them to 2 if you can
A good  favorite map choice of sharqi which does not stand out too much, as karkand and mashtuur city are both close behind, try more maps if you can, a bit more variety in your map rotations
Good armor and helicopter K/d ratios, it seems that you don't like to fly planes, well if you have a joystick and a little bit of time dedicated to practicing in the plane you will find out how enjoyable they are to fly when your doing your job
A very very good selection of ribbons/badges with both SF and vanilla, but veteran tank and aviator are missing , you don't want to be a colonel the rest of your BF2 days
el capitan
Wow. I play infantry mostly, and thought I was decent. (my stat's are from when I started playing till now.) You are an awsome ground pounder. I would love to play a few rounds with you some day. You have awsome assault rifle stats.

You have a great air k/d. And that tells me that either you are a fantasticaly good bomber, or more likely you shoot planes down, and avoid missles.

To the person below me my pid is: 63406791

Be merciful, and look at my score history...
7th Falcon.........awesome stats, all round.  SPM, KPM, KDR, everything is top notch!

My only criticism is that you should diversify your kit choice.  But you do play lots of Anti-Tank, which is noble
+27|6802|United Kingdom
@ Rd_the_dog

aveage k/d ratio
great spm
great accuracy
vehicle stats average
downfall not ever going to make general unless you get into planes and armor
overall since your still is probably alot better then your account shows since you have over 1000 hours i give u 7/10
+27|6802|United Kingdom
@ Rd_the_dog

aveage k/d ratio
great spm
great accuracy
vehicle stats average
downfall not ever going to make general unless you get into planes and armor
overall since your still is probably alot better then your account shows since you have over 1000 hours i give u 7/10

Good spm
good k/d ratio
very good plane k/d
we should dogfight sometime
el capitan
I like your aviator stats... But I notice you don't do much else but fly. And you play moslty assault. Try and mix it up and play on the ground.

You have a great air k/d. And that tells me that either you are a fantasticaly good bomber, or more likely you shoot planes down, and avoid missles.

To the person below me my pid is: 63406791

Be merciful, and look at my score history...
+27|6802|United Kingdom
@ elcapitan

accuracy bad
win loss ratio average
spm average
k/d ratio average
vehicles are average

overall i give you 5/10   sorry man
good stats!

rate my new account
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
You have < 2 hours played, I really can't rate it. Keep the K/D on track and it'll be rated well in the future.
great kd ratio with spec ops, keep it up

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