AWWHHH, you just gave away my secret.T1mbrW0lf wrote:
Shotgun pwns teh Bunny-Hoppers - so they call it a "n00b weapon" . . .
It's also great for putting the smack on Spec-Ops trying to C4 vehicles - the last thing they're expecting is an "up close and personal" introduction to Mr. Jackhammer - so I'm inclined to disagree that shotguns are "only usefull" on the urban maps.
Personally I have both of them and they are great, the Anti-tank/DAO-12 upgrade is a better "upgrade" than ENG/jackhammer.
Besides use your AT missle or pistol at range they work great when playing that class.
With the DAO-12 aim low and click fast, find some place to hide before you reload.
As engineer its just too funny to jump out and hold the button on special ops, then jump back in. Personally I didn't find the jackhammer as much of an upgrade until I learded "release the mouse button quick"!!
You bascially only get 2 or 3 shots at most per reload, rounds come out fast. You basically learn press and release = kill or bad shot.
If you miss you might get one more chance to fire another burst or your dead.